Yeah, one would think most providers are open minded about this, at least open to educating themselves about this. That said, I am surprised how uncommon Italian finish is in the industry (most providers know what Russian is), Vast majority of time, like you said, I have needed to explain what it is as most providers haven't the foggiest idea. In most of the cases, after explaining, occasionally with a video clip from pornhub I get a gamut of responses ranging from she will do it with a cover on (which I respect), asked for a range of small to outrageous upcharge, to radio silence (these ones I now steer clear of as I have been flatly told No when we were in the room in the middle of massage), to not being upfront saying this will be discussed only in-person. In the worst cases, in 2 separate occations (one very recent involving a popular MA in the GFE list) I have received what I would consider very childish and irrational reaction - insulted by the first one and the other other did not insult me but both prompty blocked me on Twitter. So, its been an eye-opening , and sometimes emotional, experience navigating this.