Let's put this into perspective.
Limp Bizkit had their fifteen minutes, Wes Borland wrote most of their music. In a power-play that killed the band, Fred Durst fired Wes Borland. Both these guys have major issues in their treatment of women - one shouldn't throw stones when you live in a glass house.
As for the allegations against Manson, let's look closer. Yes Manson is into some freaky SM shit, always has been, it's part of his psyche. Like Rose McGowen, Evan Rachel Wood needs to take responsibility for her party girl past. Manson didn't stalk her, she perused him. Same with Jenna Jameson, who spent most of Private Parts in her underwear, to put it mildly. This will not go to court, a bulldog defense lawyer will have a field day with it.
I wonder if Thora Birch (American Beauty) will speak out against Boreland and Durst?