Were Harpers attacks over the line


Rebmem Roines
Jan 20, 2004
Harrad College
When Herpes attacks ...

everytime I read the title of this thread, my eyes see "When Herpes attacks" ... please go on with your thread ... didn't mean to cause any deliberate confusion :)


New member
Oct 22, 2004
loveasian said:
I agree. But the Liberal government props this up as a Charter right, by extension a Human Right. It's a smokescreen. Paul Martin would be much more geniune if he said "I beleive that gays and lesbians should marry because it's the proper thing to do." But he's never said that. Harper also pointed out this distinction, the Liberals cannot (he believes) hang their hat on the "right issue" but refuses to candidly say "We Liberals believe in gay marriage." Rights vs. Policy. Listen to when Martin speaks. He rarely says the words "gays", "lesbians" or "homosexuals". I don't think he's convinced himself yet!
Gay marriage is a charter right. I don't know if a charter right is automatically a human right but that's not the point here anyway. Martin declared that he was instinctively reluctant to accept this broader definition of marriage. He clearly pointed out that he had a traditional Christian background and he had a difficult time reaching a decision about what he should do. But he concluded that this wasn't really about his own personal feelings. As Prime Minister of Canada, he felt he had a duty to uphold the laws of the land and act in accordance with the charter, especially since this section of the charter has been tested numerous times all the way up to the highest court in the land.

When you say "It's a smokescreen. Paul Martin would be much more geniune if he said "I beleive that gays and lesbians should marry because it's the proper thing to do.", you're ignoring what he already said about his personal feelings towards gay marriage. Apart from that, you also seem to think that a PM must personally embrace every bit of legislation he puts forward. What about compromise, negotiation, accomodation, minority government etc? Remember the flag debate? What about Martin's duty to his constituents and his country? A real leader doesn't always get everything his own way. His job is to get what he can.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
With the current weak and uninspired leadership at the top of the Liberal party - us Liberals must thank our lucky stars each day for Mr. Harper - he's truly a god send.


zydeco said:
With the current weak and uninspired leadership at the top of the Liberal party - us Liberals must thank our lucky stars each day for Mr. Harper - he's truly a god send.
Very good point - a little stronger leadership for the Tories and you guys would be in deep doo doo.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Goober Mcfly said:
…edit… For example, someone could quote me as saying that "the Jewish people control most of the money in Canada", where I really said that "through their business savvy and hard working ethic, the Jewish people control most of the money in Canada". Which isn't racist/anti-semetic, it's my opinion of the truth.

Now before you jump down my throat on this, the above example is just that, an example. I have no idea who controls the money in Canada, but I know for a fact it isn't me.
[Not jumping down your throat, but jumping up and down] Wrapping a comment in a compliment doesn't redeem its racist root. Ascribing characteristics to all of a so-called race, describing those people as if they held membership in a monolithic group (the Jewish people) and attributing behavour to that group (I do hope you weren't implying a conspiratorial sort of "control") are all racist in my book. Only documented scentific evidence and statistics that can be examined and whose proofs can be tested can excuse such statements. But, as I accept Harper's copping to the "no slur intended" plea, so I accept yours. I expect no better from him, but from you Goober,…

Not a good example at all.

But you're sure right about the media's selective reporting.


Jul 9, 2002
Up Here,ON
Why is Harper criticized for opposing gay marriage? He is taking a stand, for which many Canadians applaud him. At least he has the courage to take a stand, unlike the others in Parliament. It is the politically correct crowd that condemns those who oppose gay marriage, not the majority of Canadians.


Harper's criticized because he's just yet another stuffed shirt rich white guy telling people who are different from him what to do. He's also a Westerner and he's also an easy target for those who support gay marriage and it's also fashionable these days for people to slap labels on those who oppose what they believe in - it happens on both the left and the right.

And no, it's not only the politically correct who believe in same sex marriages. I'm not particularly politically correct. I just think it's the right thing to do.


Jul 9, 2002
Up Here,ON
"Harper's criticized because he's just yet another stuffed shirt rich white guy telling people who are different from him what to do."

This makes him different from other politicians how?

Same sex marriage is not a right, sorry. Some things are just wrong, that is one of them. Gays can live together is they choose, what goes on behind closed doors is their own business. Just don't call it marriage.


Active member
Aug 16, 2003
Hey Coach, thanks for that definitive pronouncement on this topic. Can we check back with you with respect to any other moral issues that might trouble us?


Coach said:
"Harper's criticized because he's just yet another stuffed shirt rich white guy telling people who are different from him what to do."

This makes him different from other politicians how?

Same sex marriage is not a right, sorry. Some things are just wrong, that is one of them. Gays can live together is they choose, what goes on behind closed doors is their own business. Just don't call it marriage.
You're right. It's not a right. And that's wrong.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Coach said:
"Harper's criticized because he's just yet another stuffed shirt rich white guy telling people who are different from him what to do."

This makes him different from other politicians how?

Same sex marriage is not a right, sorry. Some things are just wrong, that is one of them. Gays can live together is they choose, what goes on behind closed doors is their own business. Just don't call it marriage.
The impending nuptials [just don't call it marriage] of the Prince of Wales and his intended cast a sickly light from the self-styled 'moral' side of the debate. Both are divorced. There was a time when the Church of England—of which Charles will one day be the head—would not countenance the marital union [just don't call it marriage] of divorced people. Agin God's law doncha' know. In fact the present Head of the Church refused her sister permission to wed [don't call it marriage] the divorced Group Captain Peter Townsend, and broke poor Margaret's heart, so they say.

But today it's OK to call the union of divorced people marriage. Will wonders never cease; times change. Who knew?

And bozos like Harper who fear-monger that giving equal rights to marital bliss will open the floodgates of polygamy—never condemned in the Christian and Jewish Bible, which describes it as the law of the land, and practised by a considerable part of the world's population today—are as cruelly callous of the harm they do to others as the Queen was back in the fifties. 'Cause they won't call it marriage Coach.

What I want to know is: why not? What's it to you? Some guy pestering you to tie the knot?


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
I find it rather interesting that you guys rip on Harper for stating his opnion on gay marriage.
While at the same time nobody mentions Paul Martin's dumb and stupid remarks on Syria and Lebanon. Some things are the same here as they are in the USA. A conservative says something that might have been out of line, everybody get's their knickers in a twist. A liberal says something really stupid " Oh well he just made a mistake". Liberals are so predictable...as papa waould say...YAWWWWWWNNNNNN.... :D


Jul 9, 2002
Up Here,ON
I am a firm believer that marriage is between a man and a woman. You may not agree with that, fine. That is your right. I find it rather humourous that people who are in favour of same sex marriage feel it is ok to take shots at those who do not want it legalized. There are things in life and in society that are right or wrong. We all have opinions based on our own beliefs and morals. My beliefs are that gays should definitely not be allowed to marry. If any two people want to live together, have sex with each other and "share a life" together, go ahead. However, a marriage, it isn't. The polygamy argument is not as far fetched as it may seem, although right now it seems to be off the radar. Should marriage be defined as any two adults wishing to share their life/exchange vows? Ok, is that limited to a person having only 1 spouse? If so why? What is someone wants to marry their sibling? Again, it seems 'out there', but these days anything is possible.
As for oldjones, sir you were expressing your thoughts well and made valid points - even if I do not agree. Then you resort to smart ass comments, which detract from the validity of your argument.
zydeco, you can ask for my opinion on any topic you choose. I am entitled to it, even if you do not agree. I respect your right to express your thoughts and opinions any time, even if I do not agree.
Is it wrong to have strong opinions on a topic?


Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region

This is driven purely by political motives. It has nothing to do with morality, nothing to do with religion, nothing to do with social norms.

Martin is using it to expert effect to put Harper in a box, and Harper, being none too swift on the uptake, swallowed it whole. Problem is, there are factions within Martin's own party who are uncomfortable with the concept of same-sex marriage (for religious or other reasons), which in effect is making Martin tar some of his own party with the same brush.

Harper continues to oppose - which is, of course, his obligation as leader of the official opposition - even though there are those in his party that disagree with him and support the same-sex issue.

Neither party wants to risk another election, because the war chests are nearly empty and, frankly, Canadians don't want another election so soon.

So, what's gonna happen?

When the vote is called, there will be a large number of Conservatives that will stay away from the House on that day due to "legislative flu", and the bill will pass. Martin will call it a victory for tolerance and justice and whatnot, and Harper will be able to maintain the support of his social conservative base by ensuring that all Conservatives that were in attendance at the time of the vote stood against the bill.

Then the sun will come up the next day and they'll be arguing about something else.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
langeweile said:
I find it rather interesting that you guys rip on Harper for stating his opnion on gay marriage.
While at the same time nobody mentions Paul Martin's dumb and stupid remarks on Syria and Lebanon. Some things are the same here as they are in the USA. A conservative says something that might have been out of line, everybody get's their knickers in a twist. A liberal says something really stupid " Oh well he just made a mistake". Liberals are so predictable...as papa waould say...YAWWWWWWNNNNNN.... :D
If Harper simply stated his opposition to gay marriage, he wouldn't get much criticism from anybody. It's his political ineptitude that is so noteworthy. Many Canadians still know very little about him. The more he pretends he can prevent gays from getting married without having to use the notwithstanding clause, the more people realize what a wally he really is.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Coach said:
"Harper's criticized because he's just yet another stuffed shirt rich white guy telling people who are different from him what to do."

This makes him different from other politicians how?

Same sex marriage is not a right, sorry. Some things are just wrong, that is one of them. Gays can live together is they choose, what goes on behind closed doors is their own business. Just don't call it marriage.

what if they call it marriage behind closed doors? would that be ok?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Coach said:
…edit… There are things in life and in society that are right or wrong. We all have opinions based on our own beliefs and morals.…edit…
Very true Coach. The trouble arises when people confuse their personal opinions—which are not grounds for dictating to others—with what is right or wrong. It's a lot harder to know what is right for all, and harder still to prove it's right to those others you want to abide by those dictates. When you're expressing an easy opinion, best to always attach a disclaimer to that effect. And to keep in mind that today's eternal moral truth is tomorrow's anachronistic relic. Remember when an Act of Parliament was required to get a divorce in this country? I do.

Sorry if I came across smart ass; I truly would like to know why a guy who'll allow gay 'common-law' won't countenance 'legalizing' a loving union. And why someone else's marriage should be any business of yours or mine: polygamous, incestuous, gay or otherwise.


Jul 9, 2002
Up Here,ON
"Sorry if I came across smart ass; I truly would like to know why a guy who'll allow gay 'common-law' won't countenance 'legalizing' a loving union. And why someone else's marriage should be any business of yours or mine: polygamous, incestuous, gay or otherwise"

So, you would be ok with polygamy or incest? The law and society actually do dictate a morality for all of us. Would I 'allow' gay common law ? No I would not. However if 2 people want to live together and have sex, that's ok. Not allowing gay common law would require the state to literally watch over people's lives to the extent they would be monitoring our sex lives. I do not believe any common law union should have the same legal rights as married couples, if couples want the same rights and privileges as married couples, then they should get married. But I digress, it is simply that my beliefs simply do not allow for same sex marriage. I believe it is wrong. The law differentiates between marriage, common law relationships and same sex unions, I simply feel it should stay as is.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Coach said:
…edit…I do not believe any common law union should have the same legal rights as married couples, if couples want the same rights and privileges as married couples, then they should get married.…edit…
But straight couples have acquired through common-law just about all those rights and privileges, and I remember bitterly what it was like before. Common law is the law made by court decisions; all Parliament is about to do is codify it.

In fact what the courts have said is that the law does NOT differentiate between same and opposite sex marriages. Neither is prohibited. What I cannot understand is why anyone should think it their business to force their beliefs of right and wrong on others in a case like this. What difference can it make to you to let Bob and Bill marry? Which more or less makes it obvious why would I not prohibit polygamy, polyandry or incest. It's none of my damn business what kind of relationship other people want. I'm just glad they care enough about each other and wanting to be a family to want it recognized by us. Our society is built on families.

Anyway this isn't a debate about multi-spouse marriages, but about just two folks in love. As you said, "if couples want the same rights and privileges as married couples, then they should get married". Agreed. That's it in a nutshell. So why stop them?
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