Oh wow. I’m sorry to hear.My neighbour was killed by a drunk driver. His family is on the other side of Canada.
They asked me to deal with his belongings as we have known each other for almost 20 years.
The neighbour had quite the collectog of things, let's just say he could have been on the hoardings shows.
Does anyone here know of any clean crews that are good, reliable and reasonably priced?
That’s such a difficult task! I wonder if you should get something in writing legally giving you permission.
What you may seem invaluable may be valuable to someone else. Or what if your neighbour had someone else’s belongings that are not technically deemed abandoned?
Also, is the family willing to pay you? You are a friend but you still should get some compensation because this is something that would have cost the family thousands of dolales
They have 1-800 Junk and stuff but usually they just take what you say is junk. They don’t go through everything.
Maybe you could go through the house with sticky notes and whatever you tag can be removed and then you can go through what’s left after. Such as boxes and things.
i remember using 1-800 junk but those can be a little expensive because they charge by the container size and start at over $200.
You can check junk removal on Kijiji. There are smaller companies that will pick up and throw away.
You could also use Facebook Marketplaxe and post in the giveaway/free section for things that can be used and people can come and pick it up.
You could even do a zoom call with the family and have them help you sticky-note and tag things they know they don’t want.
Hope that helps. Sorry again for your loss.