You can't say that Bush is the only POTUS to " propping up all kinds of only vaguely legitimate governments all over the world over the past fifty years" that would be the work of many POTUSs.Ranger68 said:Not interested, thanks.
Who said I hate US foreign policy? Just Bush.
That doesn't take away from the irony of that statement.
Drunken Master said:
... the best way to survive was to receed into the shadows and wait for a gullible US President and a suitable international cause to re-emerge and begin recreating the old corrupt - but stable - Russian empire?
It was a real shame that neither Churchill or Roosevelt was at the peace table at the end of WWII - Churchill was dead on in predicting WWII and the subsequent cold war (Iron Curtin was his term I believe). Stalin pursued a land grab at the end of WWII (which Churchill and Ike perceived) but the US didn't want to fight the USSR over it. Had Roosevelt been at the top of his game as WWII ended he may have saved us all a lot of trouble.bbking said:OK lets re-write history Americanson - the allies didn't sign up with Stalin - they only became involved with Russia at Roosevelt's insistance after Russia was invaded by it's German buddie. It was the US that insisted on suppling Russia so that it didn't fall to Germany. While I agree 100% with Roosevelt and the US position - because it was the only sensible policy at the time once again you show how stuck in such extreme right wing view that you can't possibly acknowledge that the US may have supported those pinko commies in the former Soviet Union. Geez your getting real old Americanson. One last piece of history you dimwit, it was Roosevelt and Truman that ignorned Churchill's warnings about the USSR and allowed the Soviet's to maintain their conquest of Eastern Europe. You can't resist in blaming Canada, once again when the reality is that our then PM Mackenzie King was on Churchills side in our foriegn policy regarding that sicko Stalin. One last point, DeGaulle took great pleasure in being on the opposite point of view of Churchill so your point about him being an original cold warrior is not believable. Do you make this shit up on the fly? It's jerks like you that give free speech a bad name.
Yes, but the US had to at the time.Ranger68 said:Or perhaps it was ironic due to the US' propping up all kinds of only vaguely legitimate governments all over the world over the past fifty years.
LOL, yes Kerry would have helped solve Russia problems before he didn't help solve their problems...Cinema Face said:When was the Russian government ever not corrupt?
Anyway, it's too bad Kerry didn't win, then he would've solved all of Russia's problems.
I would call it a draw between him and you.bbking said:It's jerks like you that give free speech a bad name.
In the same way and to the same extent that I'm sure Russia thinks they had to try to affect the Ukrainian election.ocean976124 said:Yes, but the US had to at the time.
There were those who argued that the Western allies should have continued to plow ahead instead of waiting for the USSR to meet them in some areas, the Iron curtain was well foretold by Churchill. I don't think anyone of consequence suggested fighting the USSR, just rushing to meet it, thus saving millions from the Communist European experience they endured.Ranger68 said:I'm not sure I agree with the revisionism that would have had some of the Allies turn against the USSR at the end of WWII.
BOTH sides pursued land grabs at the end of WWII, because they *all* foresaw the coming confrontation, and in any case that's what nations did (do) at the conclusion of wars ended in such a manner. Of course, Roosevelt also would have *caused* a lot of trouble by smashing his armies into the Soviets, too - not sure I'd define that as "the top of his game".
Millions more would have died.
What's been "rewritten" by this, though? That the Soviets raced to Berlin? No. About the nuclear bomb race? I've heard it before, but I doubt it was a huge incentive. The Soviets were going to beat the Western allies there anyway.Necromancer said:Just saw a documentary on Discovery channel that says that the Soviets raced to Berlin in order to gain exclusive access to the nuclear bomb program in Germany. After seeing what the Soviet went through to get the Germans out of Russia, its a wonder they could muster an army at all.
But this is why history is so much keeps getting rewritten.
It was *economic* power that won WW2.assoholic said:..both sides were after the German Technology. All kinds of it. Which was far ahead of the Allies. With enough oil, right up to almost the end of the war, those German Jets may have turned the tide. It was Air Power that won WW2. Its why the Germans had their early success, that combination of air and ground attack. With the Stukas providing ground support, devasting.
The Germans had even built and tested on one voyage a bomber that flew to New York City and back.
Most of the major decisions of WW2 revolved around Oil. Things like that are not forgotten.