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Weird experience


Active member
Jul 20, 2006
I have had a few weeks to think about whether or not to post this. I had a very strange experience with a rather well known MP who I am not going to name. It was my first time seeing the MP and the session itself was very good, it was after the main event and I was giving the MP a massage. She had admitted to smoking something prior to the session. As I was massaging her was acting kind of strange and fell asleep, well actually kind of passed out. I had another appointment after my massage so I had to leave. I showered and dressed and she was still passed out. It was really freaking me out that she was not waking up. She was so deeply asleep I was getting nervous that she really needed some help. After some effort I managed to wake her up enough to pay her and I left.

I was kind of shaken up when I left. Anyone have anything like this happen to them?

After this and the crappy session I had with Victoria Banks and the new Laws in place I think I am due for a break.


Active member
May 28, 2011
Had something like that happen with a well known SP, but can't say that it freaked me out that much. If you get a good post-coital massage, its not that hard to drift off to sleep, so I wasn't surprised when the girl drifted off. I had my shower, and I was just sorry to have to wake her up when I left. (Her door didn't lock automatically, and I didn't want to leave her sleeping in the apartment with door unlocked...)

Back massages can put me to sleep even in the best of circumstances, I can't imagine staying awake through one if I'd been "smoking something"....


New member
Sep 25, 2007
Well mine is not SP related but more of a dancer from TO at one of the clubs near the Airport. We all know that dancers either consume or drink and sometimes mix both. This one, claiming to be an East-European girl, decided to spark her evening and mixed both substances. As we were already drinking she wanted to go to one the private booths and after changing location and taking a "break" she came back being in the mood for EVERYTHING GOES. After a few songs she called one of her friends. Both were enjoying themselves until the friend had to go on stage but just seconds before the friend leaves, she passed out. Her friend and I freaked out but she went on stage anyway. After many attempts to wake her up she just remained on the couch and I left after putting the money on her purse.

Though I remained in TO for another 3 months I never returned there.


I have had this happen before and just took it as a compliment to my massage skills. I would not hold it against her as it was after your fun and she may have been tired for many reasons. Smoking some bud before would not bother me but might offend some guys.


New member
May 31, 2013
Once with a MA, she got in the shower after me and she passed out (felt unconscious). Obviously she slid and I barely had time to "catch her head" with my foot before she collapsed on the ground. The cold water of 30-60 seconds was even not enough to wake her up!

I was freaking out a bit ... I carried her out of the shower, installed her safely on the ground and validated her vitals (at least she was still breathing and had a pulse). So as I was putting on my pant to run for to find someone, she woke up, totally confused, not remembering the last 60 minutes ...

She did not look intoxicated at all, but I quicky paid her and sent the receptionist to make sure there was someone with her as she was insisting on going back in the shower. I never booked her, but as far as I know, she is still working a MA.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Once with a MA, she got in the shower after me and she passed out (felt unconscious). Obviously she slid and I barely had time to "catch her head" with my foot before she collapsed on the ground. The cold water of 30-60 seconds was even not enough to wake her up!

I was freaking out a bit ... I carried her out of the shower, installed her safely on the ground and validated her vitals (at least she was still breathing and had a pulse). So as I was putting on my pant to run for to find someone, she woke up, totally confused, not remembering the last 60 minutes ...

She did not look intoxicated at all, but I quicky paid her and sent the receptionist to make sure there was someone with her as she was insisting on going back in the shower. I never booked her, but as far as I know, she is still working a MA.
Yikes. Sounds like the lady suffered some kind of thermal shock episode. You did the right things about checking vitals & getting assistance.
Combined with a blood sugar issue, loss of consciousness is likely ....just speculation. Significant loss of memory is another matter. Dunno what's happening there. I'm not a doctor either.


New member
May 31, 2013
Not a doctor myself and to be honest, I cared only about the lady being alright a lot more than whatever caused it. Just freaked out a bit and lost any potential benefit from the relaxing moment by the time I was out of there.


A looooong time ago I was seeing my fave MA (long retired and dearly missed) who gave me the most amazing massage. Lots of firm pressure, worked out all the week's frustrations. I flipped and she worked on my hands and feet. I started dozing off and she encouraged me to sleep if I wanted. I woke up 15 mins later to an awesome BBBJ. Oh man, those were the days...
Sounds like someone I knew and now miss like crazy ....LOL


Active member
Oct 27, 2002
I saw the "Fun" SP-who-must-not-be-named/reviewed and I thought she fell asleep while giving me a CBJ. Very hard to be hard without any stimulation at all, let alone being wrapped in rubber in the first place.
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