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Weekends ?


Aug 4, 2004
Under Your Skin*
I love weekends really they are nothing different then week days but
its always been like playdays ...

what are some fun , relaxing or whatever you do to enjoy your weekend ?

i guess im in the mellow mood latley
just siiting on my boat dock fishing or a fire in the pit with some friends
music ,good wine , never forget the case of Coor's , i think country life is getting to me. I still like partying at clubs and stuff just not all the time ,
i guess you enjoy it more that way


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
Hey B, being self employed I too find that weekends and long weekend days are just other days of the week. More often than not I don't even realize that a weekend is a "long" weekend until the friday rolls around.

I find that I have to take a day off whenever oppurtunity presents itself. This could be any day of the week basically.

What I do:
1) Try to sleep in, at least a little (but here it is 5:30 am I'm up because I went to bed early and am used to only 5 - 6 hours a night, grrrr can't sleep)
2) Buy groceries....
3) straighten up
4) Laundry

What I'd like to be doing
1) Sitting on a dock drowning worms
2) find a quiet bay on Lake Ontario to anchor my boat and soak up some rays with a cute lady
3) Go rollerblading (haven't had time for that for 2 years now, plus with being a contractor I exercise my legs enough during work)
4) Spend the day in bed with a hottie, eating, sexing, reading the paper, watching movies. This is really good when it's pouring rain outside
5) I remember a couple of times when my friends were single (or just met a g/f) where we spent the whole day on a patio people watching. I remember one time we had 2 meals at one place (lunch and dinner).
6) I also remember a regular thing we'd do on sunday evenings is all meet at one of the gang's place and then all pile out to a movie theatre. Then go for drinks afterwards. I remember one time (at band camp) where the line was long to buy tickets so I volunteered. I got to the window and said "22 adults for theatre 2" you should have seen her mouth drop lol. A LONG time ago a bunch of us went to see Rambo first blood Part 902 and as soon as we walked through the ticket taker, a buddy handed us a box of goodies and a straw. We all said "wtf"??? He said watch: as he loaded up and blew a goodie 50' across the lobby. He said everytime rambo comes on screen, fire was too funny. All you'd hear was pop pop pop as the candies hit the was like a bloody firing squad I tell you. The front must have been ankle deep in coloured candies by the time we left....anyhow, I'm rambling.....


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Bella6969 said:
what are some fun , relaxing or whatever you do to enjoy your weekend ?
Shooting up.


Sep 16, 2002
tboy said:
Hey B, being self employed I too find that weekends and long weekend days are just other days of the week. More often than not I don't even realize that a weekend is a "long" weekend until the friday rolls around.

I find that I have to take a day off whenever oppurtunity presents itself. This could be any day of the week basically.

What I do:
1) Try to sleep in, at least a little (but here it is 5:30 am I'm up because I went to bed early and am used to only 5 - 6 hours a night, grrrr can't sleep)
2) Buy groceries....
3) straighten up
4) Laundry

What I'd like to be doing
1) Sitting on a dock drowning worms
2) find a quiet bay on Lake Ontario to anchor my boat and soak up some rays with a cute lady
3) Go rollerblading (haven't had time for that for 2 years now, plus with being a contractor I exercise my legs enough during work)
4) Spend the day in bed with a hottie, eating, sexing, reading the paper, watching movies. This is really good when it's pouring rain outside
5) I remember a couple of times when my friends were single (or just met a g/f) where we spent the whole day on a patio people watching. I remember one time we had 2 meals at one place (lunch and dinner).
6) I also remember a regular thing we'd do on sunday evenings is all meet at one of the gang's place and then all pile out to a movie theatre. Then go for drinks afterwards. I remember one time (at band camp) where the line was long to buy tickets so I volunteered. I got to the window and said "22 adults for theatre 2" you should have seen her mouth drop lol. A LONG time ago a bunch of us went to see Rambo first blood Part 902 and as soon as we walked through the ticket taker, a buddy handed us a box of goodies and a straw. We all said "wtf"??? He said watch: as he loaded up and blew a goodie 50' across the lobby. He said everytime rambo comes on screen, fire was too funny. All you'd hear was pop pop pop as the candies hit the was like a bloody firing squad I tell you. The front must have been ankle deep in coloured candies by the time we left....anyhow, I'm rambling.....

Geeze, my friend, sounds like you need some time off. I hope that you do not mind my saying this but your description of your life sounds, well like not much of a life. Are you working towards something with the crazy hours or is this a sort of steady state? I hope the former. And I really hope that you get to sit on a warm patio one of these days soon with a knock out hottie, maybe two, eat lunch, diner & midnight snacks, retire to a hotel for the night (all three of you if you are into that) and then repeat that for a few days running.

Myself, I have sort of the opposite happening. Well, I work my own hours completely and sometimes I forget what day it is, only realizing it is Sunday when I wonder why it is so quiet on the streets-Germany still has Sunday closing laws. Very civilized I think. The money is not so steady though and I have to wait to make purchases until something comes in sometimes. I manage my rent and my expenses and some "fun" here and there but I do have to budget the money, not the time. I did chose this and I love what I do as before I hated my job and worked constantly. I finally realized that that was slowly killing both my spirit and my body so I quit and started something new.


Winner of TIE's FIFA Cup
Jun 1, 2006
wow weekends i like to sleep in . . . and probably some laundry and ofcourse when the sun goes down i hit up the clubs ;)

also i luv to cruise


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
yoniluvrca said:
Geeze, my friend, sounds like you need some time off. I hope that you do not mind my saying this but your description of your life sounds, well like not much of a life. Are you working towards something with the crazy hours or is this a sort of steady state? I hope the former. And I really hope that you get to sit on a warm patio one of these days soon with a knock out hottie, maybe two, eat lunch, diner & midnight snacks, retire to a hotel for the night (all three of you if you are into that) and then repeat that for a few days running.

Myself, I have sort of the opposite happening. Well, I work my own hours completely and sometimes I forget what day it is, only realizing it is Sunday when I wonder why it is so quiet on the streets-Germany still has Sunday closing laws. Very civilized I think. The money is not so steady though and I have to wait to make purchases until something comes in sometimes. I manage my rent and my expenses and some "fun" here and there but I do have to budget the money, not the time. I did chose this and I love what I do as before I hated my job and worked constantly. I finally realized that that was slowly killing both my spirit and my body so I quit and started something new.
Well, sounds like we are in the same boat my friend. Why I work so much is that you have to take the biz when it's there. For whatever reason it seems my industry dies in January/February. I mean NOTHING happens. I think it is the post christmas shock or something. Then all of a sudden in March, things pick up, then spring and summer and boom.....all hell breaks loose.

Anyhow, yeah I have to get more of a life other than work. FUnny thing is, what I do for work now, I used to do for relaxation/hobby. Only now it is work so I have to find new hobbies lol

One big thing I have to learn to do is "just say no". For the life of me I can't turn away business, one time I did when the customer starting calling me at all hours of the day and night with his little ideas. Last time he called was 11:30 pm on a Sunday night so I told him to NEVER call me again, I don't want his business....
yoniluvrca said:
only realizing it is Sunday when I wonder why it is so quiet on the streets-Germany still has Sunday closing laws. Very civilized I think.
That what we thought with Trier but when we got to Frankfurt, I thought we were in a different country.


Aug 4, 2004
Under Your Skin*
Tboy wow , you are one busy guy lol
friday was just relaxing with the fire pit and cards with the neighbours
Tonight , im in one of those moods i really didnt want to do anything
just feeling Blah... so its just me & the net
Maybe its cause i know i have a bust week ahead of me ;)
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