Toronto Girlfriends

Web Site Help

Certainly Not

Female Model For Hire
Jun 8, 2005
I am an attractive girl who is looking for help in designing a web site in exchange for pictures of me......can someone help?
PM me.....


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
I would assume that people that design websites have pictures of attractive girls coming out of their ying-yang. You're better off going to a web designer (they are some excellent ones that advertise on TERB).

Another option is to check with some of the ladies that are on the board.

Once you have the start of a website, you can ask members for their opinions on how to improve it or what features to add. I have seen one or two ladies do this and the feedback has always been very positive.

Good Luck with everything!!
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Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Certainly Not said:
I am an attractive girl who is looking for help in designing a web site in exchange for pictures of me......can someone help?
PM me.....
You can find tons of pictures of attractive girls for free. Why should we work to get pictures of you?

Now, if you offered something "else"... ;)


Male Escort
Jun 18, 2005
Free pictures?

Hun, this is the internet...access to nudie pictures accounts for about 80% of real world bandwith! It's the hottest and most popular thing out there on the Internet. We have access to billions and billions of pictures. Now that put, I don't suggest you go with someone who is not a professional web artist. I know a few personally, but to do it, you have to pay. Now if you're low on money, new to the profession, you don't need a website to start with, just host a couple of pictures in a Yahoo profile/Group or something and then message a few of us personally to have a look, we'd check you out and donate some money to your cause...and then write fantastic reviews about you...soon enough, you'd be a rich legend and then you can get a professional website done for you by some of the best web artists out there. Now that I've told you how to go about your career choice now...what's your number so I can give you a call?
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