Was Jesus Christ a Queer (homosexual)?


New member
May 25, 2005
JHC, and I thought Maryland and wrong_hole were bored and had nothin to do but post garbage.

P.S. The Davinci Code explains it all.

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
benn said:
Don't mock the bible or disrespect catholic church and you wander why certain people here are hating on muslims you aren't any different from those people by your ignorant statment
I brought a quote from the Bible, I let the bible speak. And asked a question for debate. Now,I wounder which one of us are ignorant.

So people hate me just for bringing a quote from the bible? Why dont you hate the bible then if you are ashamed of what it says?:eek:

So you did not answer the question though. Why does the church prohibit same-sex marriage then?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Let him exercise his freedom of speech. I didn't think too much of those cartoons when they came out and I didn't think to much of his post either.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
benn said:
Don't mock the bible or disrespect catholic church and you wander why certain people here are hating on muslims you aren't any different from those people by your ignorant statment
Benn, let Arabian guy hate whomever he wants to hate, OK??!!!

Anywho, I'm not quite done with him just yet!!!!! :cool:

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Esco! said:
Benn, let Arabian guy hate whomever he wants to hate, OK??!!!

Anywho, I'm not quite done with him just yet!!!!!
1) I do not hate any one. When was asking a question hating someone?

2) What does that supposed to mean?:rolleyes:


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Arabian Guy said:
So you did not answer the question though. Why does the church prohibit same-sex marriage then?
Cause the dude in the funky white hat in the Vatican says it is bad. And since he is the guy that is closest to god and is good drinking buddies and shoots the shit with him all the time, he must know something that the rest of the church doesn't.

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Don said:
Cause the dude in the funky white hat in the Vatican says it is bad. And since he is the guy that is closest to god and is good drinking buddies and shoots the shit with him all the time, he must know something that the rest of the church doesn't.
reminds me when i was drunk one time lool, thought I was The Greek God of love loool:D


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Arabian Guy said:
reminds me when i was drunk one time lool, thought I was The Greek God of love loool
Fact you were the "Greek God" comes as no suprise:cool:

Fact you admited it does

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
papasmerf said:
Fact you were the "Greek God" comes as no suprise

Fact you admited it does
Yeah, when i was drunk one time "I thought" I was the Greek God of love.

So same thing, with the Vatican head, they get drunk on red wine, and think that God is whispering to them. Maybe some even get high and hallucinate, would not surprise me.

But getting back to topic, why would these people in the vatican prohibit same-sex marriage, when most of their priests are homosexuals anyways? and do it under the bench and under the eyes of the people, and in the Churches (turning them into houses of sin)!!? :confused:


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Arabian Guy said:
1) I do not hate any one. When was asking a question hating someone?

2) What does that supposed to mean?:rolleyes:
Cool, so would it bother you if we, on TERB, started printing cartoons of Mohammed with a BOMB in his Turban?????????


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Arabian Guy said:
Yeah, when i was drunk one time "I thought" I was the Greek God of love.

So same thing, with the Vatican head, they get drunk on red wine, and think that God is whispering to them. Maybe some even get high and hallucinate, would not surprise me.

But getting back to topic, why would these people in the vatican prohibit same-sex marriage, when most of their priests are homosexuals anyways? and do it under the bench and under the eyes of the people, and in the Churches (turning them into houses of sin)!!? :confused:
I guess I detect a bit of Catholic bashing there
seems to me you are almost looking for a flipped response and other religion bashing. Pass

But feel free to carry on, I have wide shoulders


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Arabian Guy said:
why would these people in the vatican prohibit same-sex marriage, when most of their priests are homosexuals anyways?
Well then why would it bother you that, most Imam's, marry underage girs just
like Mohammed married a 12 year old?????????

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Esco! said:
Cool, so would it bother you if we, on TERB, started printing cartoons of Mohammed with a BOMB in his Turban?????????
Why do you keep thinking i am a muslim? Cant you read, or are you slow?


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Arabian Guy said:
I brought a quote from the Bible, I let the bible speak. And asked a question for debate. Now,I wounder which one of us are ignorant.
So people hate me just for bringing a quote from the bible? e question though. Why does the church prohibit same-sex marriage then?
Noper, I never said that, in fact I think more highly of you!!

Maybe you should relax just a little


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Esco! said:
Noper, I never said that, in fact I think more highly of you!!

Maybe you should relax just a little
just "trolling"?

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
Esco! said:
Well then why would it bother you that, most Imam's, marry underage girs just
like Mohammed married a 12 year old?????????

On the same thought though, Jesue is worshiped by christians, as the God or son of GOD, But when his mother gave birth to him, she was a maid of 9-12 years old according to the Prof. Morton Smith's Secret Gospel-, and members of the high councel of the Vatican religous leaders.

So If the God materialized in the womb of a 9 year old girl, and be born of her causing her termendus pain, would it not be the case that this "GOD" is a pedophile GOD , molesting young girls like that? I mean she was only at most 12 year old. Poor marry.

So , you brought an interesting point, that is common in both. However, Jesus is seen as a GOD, and Mohamed for moslems was another human.

I will expand on that point , of the age of Mary when she conceived with the queer GOD of the Bible.
Anyways , back to topic
If Jesus did what he did in that biblical scene , would people have followed him blindely like that? Would he be labeled a queer?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
it is generally acceped in Christian religion that Mark was 14. At this time in history that was an acceptable age.

Arabian Guy

Aug 5, 2004
I will tell you my take on this.
This is from my research into this. for a debate.

If Jesus behaved to today as he did then, he would most certainly be labeled gay.

Modern day Christians attempt to deter homosexuality by denying civil rights to gay citizens. This flagrantly violates the golden rule: Matthew 7:12, Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets, but that does not seem to put the slightest damper on any Christian's righteous indignation.

Ironically, there is some evidence that Jesus himself was gay. His natural sexual orientation was toward males rather than females. What I am saying is that if Jesus were alive today, people would label him gay. His behaviour might have been considered well within male behaviour norms in his day. This is more about how society's standards of acceptable behaviour have changed since biblical times than about Jesus himself.

In other words, if Jesus came back today, the religious right would crucify him anew as a homosexual.

The Evidence

* Jesus was one of the gentlest people who ever lived. He was no John Wayne. Usually we label such gentle souls pansies no matter what their sexual preference.
* Jesus totally rejected the masculine code of valour and violence universally espoused in his time. Today such people are called commies, draft dodgers and queers.
* Jesus had plenty of opportunity to have sex with women, but he always avoided it. If a modern man did the same, we would assume he was gay.
* Jesus hung out with disreputable people, including hookers, and all manner of sinners, including sodomites. If a modern man kept such bad company, we would not assume he was 100% heterosexual.
* Jesus associated almost exclusively with men. He and his friends were physically intimate with each other, putting their heads in each other's laps to dine. If a modern North American male behaved this way, it might raise some eyebrows.
* Jesus and his male friends like to kiss each other, for example Matthew 26:49. We North Americans are rather inhibited about kissing each other, though Greeks and Russians do it with gusto. If a North American male did this, of course, we would assume he was gay.
* Jesus's "groupies" competed, each claiming to love Jesus the most.
* John 13:25 tells of John lying with his head on Jesus's breast. Straight men don't do that, at least not in our culture.
* A group of men met at the Council of Nicea and decided what to include in the Bible and what to censor. We like to assume their decisions were perfect and 100% divinely inspired. However,… There's a suppressed part of the Gospel of Mark quoted in a letter from Clement, Bishop of Alexandria, to Theodore, the priest of an early Christian community, c.95 AD, that goes like this:

“And thus they come into Bethany, and a certain, woman whose brother had died, was there. And coming she prostrated herself before Jesus and sayeth unto him, ‘Son of David have mercy on me’. But the disciples rebuked her.

And Jesus, being angered, went off with her into the garden where the tomb was, and straightway a great cry was heard from the tomb.

And going near, Jesus rolled away the stone from the door of the tomb. And straightway, going in where the youth was, he stretched forth his hand and raised him, seizing his hand.

But the youth, looking upon him, loved him and began to beseech him that he might be with him. And going out of the tomb they came into the house of the youth, for he was rich.

And after six days, Jesus told him what to do and in the evening the youth comes to him, wearing a linen cloth over nakedness. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus taught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God. And thence arising, he returned to the other side of the Jordan.’

# They took the text from Prof. Morton Smith's Secret Gospel-- not a speculation book, but a scholarly treatise on existing documents. Now, after great part of the Nag Hammadi scrolls has been deciphered, the placement of the excised text within the Gospel of Mark is rather known: it's between Mark 14:11-12. Compare to John 11-12. It's likely there's a part missing in the story. The youth Jesus has raised is Lazarus, who's mentioned by name in the Gospel of John.
# The extant text in the standard version of Mark narrating the arrest of Jesus, contains the curious verses (14:51-52):

“And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body ; and the young men laid hold on him:

And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.”

which bears no relationship to the rest of the story unless something else is missing. If a modern man were caught in a park with a naked youth, he would have quite some explaining to do to the vice squad.
# On the Kinsey scale, about one in ten people is considered homosexual. This means approximately 10% of the people mentioned in the Bible were homosexual too, using the modern standard. Some were open, like David and Jonathan. Some were closeted like Paul. There must be a great many more of them. The most likely candidates are Jesus, Lazarus, Ruth and James, and perhaps all the apostles. Since standards of behaviour were different in those days, and since the very concept homosexual was not even invented, of course these people would not have identified themselves as gay. They would have just felt they had extremely deep love or friendship for people of the same sex.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I am sorry did anyone ask for your take?


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Arabian Guy said:
On the same thought though, Jesue is worshiped by christians, as the God or son of GOD, But when his mother gave birth to him, she was a maid of 9-12 years old according to the Prof. Morton Smith's Secret Gospel-, and members of the high councel of the Vatican religous leaders.
Arabian Guy said:
So If the God materialized in the womb of a 9 year old girl, and be born of her causing her termendus pain, would it not be the case that this "GOD" is a pedophile GOD , molesting young girls like that? I mean she was only at most 12 year old. Poor marry.
Well.........Brilliant point, AG

I never looked at it like that before...........hhhmmmmm???!!!!!

Too be fair, I dont think you're being entirely reasonable!!
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