Oh, leave poor BB alone; He is totally mesmerized by Condoleeza Rice and her gap tooth smirk.Ranger68 said:Wow. Somehow I'm advocating "the return of Sadaam and his ways".
As for your pitiful WMD, these *chemical* weapons have practically NO value to a terrorist.
Try again.
Oh, but now we have a question! How could the US solve "the Iraq issue" without going to war?
First, you tell me what issue? 'Cause I have NO idea what the big deal with Iraq was. I know what the US *said* it was, but none of it makes any sense.
You tell me what the issue was, then I'll tell you how they could have solved it.
If you don't respond, I'll just assume that, like the US, you have nothing and, like escohort, just buy into the "might makes right" argument. I hope that works for ya.
Anybody with a bare minimum of intelligence can now see that IRAQ posed no threat whatsoever to the US.
Few people at the time expected the US government to lie about such serious matters. With hindsight we now know they did.
Bill Moyers had an expose of Condoleeza Rice last night on PBS. He documented that she lied about the warnings for 9/11, and that she, as late as in the election campaign, lied about WMD and Iraq/Al Quada links.