War of 1812 Documentary - PBS Documentary


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Mentioned this a few months ago, but frankly it had slipped my mind since then. Thank you for reminding all of us about it.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
It's interesting that the Americans thought that they would be welcomed by Canadians as liberators. Instead, they found a Canadian population who ripped them to pieces.

Kilgore Trout

Active member
Oct 18, 2008
Is Canada the only country on the planet that did'nt boot out their British colonizers?

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
And burned down the White House!
Actually, the British did that. ;)

I just finished a very good book about the first Great War from the late 1770's through to 1815 and it was an excellent read. It's called Line Upon The Wind and in the section on the War of 1812 I found it interesting that had the British not been stopping American ships and impressing their sailors (looking for British ex-pats) then the US probably wouldn't have become as enraged as they did and who knows whether the War would have ever taken place.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
It's interesting that the Americans thought that they would be welcomed by Canadians as liberators. Instead, they found a Canadian population who ripped them to pieces.
1 of my sister's American boyfriends - who considered himself an expert in history - had the same conversation with me and was amazed we fought back when invaded instead of worshiping the Americans who were saving us from the tyrant King George.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
I found it interesting that had the British not been stopping American ships and impressing their sailors (looking for British ex-pats) then the US probably wouldn't have become as enraged as they did and who knows whether the War would have ever taken place.
However, the U.K. had officially stopped the practice before the War was declared. Also interestingly, the most heavily maritime area of the U.S. - New England was very much opposed to the war. Neither were the three maritime colonies (N.B., N.S. & P.E.I.) particularly interested although particularly in Nova Scotia there was a fair amount of Privateering at least early in the war.


Active member
May 25, 2002
Actually, the British did that. ;)

that had the British not been stopping American ships and impressing their sailors (looking for British ex-pats) then the US probably wouldn't have become as enraged as they did and who knows whether the War would have ever taken place.
Also the British were very occupied with the Napoleonic wars -- I suspect the Americans would not have been as enraged if the British weren't tied up in the European wars


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Basically the Americans thought that the British were so tied up with napoleon in Europe that they could grab Canada simply as an exercise in route marching. They hadn't realized that the small British garrison of regular troops was far more efficient and far tougher than the amateurish US militia units who tried to invade. That, the Amerindians (who fought with the British) and the vast distances involved allowed Canada to hold out until the British could send reinforcements in 1814 when the war with napoleon was over.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
Is Canada the only country on the planet that did'nt boot out their British colonizers?
Technically, the United States and Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) were the only countries that did this and technically Rhodesia briefly went back to being a colony a few years latter before being formally granted independence.

Scotland and Ireland haven't too... :(
Ireland might not be the best example, if you think back to 1916. However, technically you're right. They did negotiate thier separation form the UK.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Actually, the British did that. ;)

I just finished a very good book about the first Great War from the late 1770's through to 1815 and it was an excellent read. It's called Line Upon The Wind and in the section on the War of 1812 I found it interesting that had the British not been stopping American ships and impressing their sailors (looking for British ex-pats) then the US probably wouldn't have become as enraged as they did and who knows whether the War would have ever taken place.
By the time 1812 broke out, Impression was ceased by the British.

Besides, the British were fighting the Hitler of their time in Napoleon and the Americans were trading with him. Imagine if America was at war with a dictator along the lines of Hitler and there was a country (say Canada) doing business with the guy. I think America would get pretty pissed off about it too.

The War of 1812 was simply a land grab by the Americans figuring that the British were too busy dealing with Napoleon. Ironic though because their attempt to Annex Canada actually forged the nation and brought us together as a country.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
However, the U.K. had officially stopped the practice before the War was declared. Also interestingly, the most heavily maritime area of the U.S. - New England was very much opposed to the war. Neither were the three maritime colonies (N.B., N.S. & P.E.I.) particularly interested although particularly in Nova Scotia there was a fair amount of Privateering at least early in the war.
Quite correct.

The maritime provinces and the New England states never bought into the war and in fact continued to trade and cross the boarder throughout the war.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
If only the Leafs could whip the Washinton Capitals!!
Jim dandy, a noted US playwright, tried to write a book about the war of 1812, but when he met with his Canadian publisher all he had were some handwritten notes with drawings in the margins.

The Canadian publisher who had been expecting a manuscript was reported to have said "why this is nothing but a yankee doodle, dandy!"

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
Jim dandy, a noted US playwright, tried to write a book about the war of 1812, but when he met with his Canadian publisher all he had were some handwritten notes with drawings in the margins.

The Canadian publisher who had been expecting a manuscript was reported to have said "why this is nothing but a yankee doodle, dandy!"
I have no reply.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I have no reply.
the moderator who banned lanclads works full time as an astonomer. When he met with lancslad to discuss his case, he came straight from his telescope and was still wearing his favourite star chart t-shirt. When he was told he was being banned for his racist comments, lancslad retorted " oh yeah, well you are nothing but a star spangled banner"
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