Walmart puts donated toys back on shelves to be resold


New member
Apr 24, 2002
That's really low...
I hope someone makes them pay, or donate alot more. I mean as if they don't make enough at Christmas time, ripping off a charity is pathetic!


New member
Apr 19, 2002
Sheik said:
I would not blame Walmart, I blame the store manager
Store manager works for Walmart, so does he not indirectly represent Walmart ?

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Sheik: The thing that pisses me off the most is that they put *all* of the toys back on the shelf. I am sure, and any idiot can probably figure out, that even if some people put "stolen" goods in the box, a great many more probably actually paid for them first.

Putting all the toys back on the shelf is akin to stealing, IMO.

And Walmart did something like $1.6 billion worth of sales last weekend. Even if all the toys were "stolen", it would not have hurt Walmart in the least to leave the toys in there and take the hit, in the interest of customer relations.

Learn from your mistakes for next year, though.
Taber said:
Store manager works for Walmart, so does he not indirectly represent Walmart ?
Yes, he does. Which is why
From news story
Before the day was out, $425 worth of toys were delivered to the Sterling office of First America Cash Advance, where Kraich works.
Employee goofs, firm compensates. What else are they supposed to do? Magically make it not have happened?

My conclusions are:
  • Store manager is going to have a very uncomfortable chat with his boss.
  • Charity organizer has good media connections.
  • Potential for embarrassing screw-ups to get national attention will discourage Wal Mart from similar promotions
  • It was a very, very slow news day in Colorado.
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