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Wall Street Journal Poll: Bush honesty rating drops to lowest point


New member
Jul 14, 2003
Only 41 percent give Bush good marks for being “honest and straightforward” — his lowest ranking on this question since he became president. That’s a drop of nine percentage points since January, when a majority (50 percent to 36 percent) indicated that he was honest and straightforward. This finding comes at a time when the Bush administration is battling the perception that its rhetoric doesn’t match the realities in Iraq, and also allegations that chief political adviser Karl Rove leaked sensitive information about a CIA agent to a reporter. (The survey, however, was taken just before these allegations about Rove exploded into the current controversy.)

* * * * * * *

In this poll, Bush's approval is at 46% and disapproval at 49%, the highest disapproval of his Presidency.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
As bad as these numbers are for Dubya, they are even worse for the GOP controlled Congress.
While W got a rating of 41% in that poll, Congress got a 31% rating.

What happened????
Thought you cons were gonna make things better after the Clinton years.
Looks like the people ain't swallowing your GOP BS anymore.


Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region
langeweile said:
Wait a sec, just wait a sec. When Clinton was being lambasted in the press for lying about a blowjob, the economy was going gangbusters. But all the Rs could see was the bj.

Why is it different now?


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
happygrump said:
Wait a sec, just wait a sec. When Clinton was being lambasted in the press for lying about a blowjob, the economy was going gangbusters. But all the Rs could see was the bj.

Why is it different now?
That wasn't the point.
Poll numbers don't mean anything.See the 2004 election


New member
Oct 22, 2004
langeweile said:
Since this thread is about a poll that measured how "honest and straightforward" Dubya is perceived by the general public, I find it mind boggling that you'd so blatantly drag the economy into it. The economy could be absolutely booming but that still wouldn't alter the fact that Joe Public is beginning to have doubts about the president's integrity.

Whenever someone tries to change the subject in such a clumsy and transparent manner as you have, I immediately wonder what they're hiding. Why is it so important that we stop discussing Dubya's honesty and straightforwardness?


New member
Jul 14, 2003
slowpoke said:
Since this thread is about a poll that measured how "honest and straightforward" Dubya is perceived by the general public, I find it mind boggling that you'd so blatantly drag the economy into it. The economy could be absolutely booming but that still wouldn't alter the fact that Joe Public is beginning to have doubts about the president's integrity.

Whenever someone tries to change the subject in such a clumsy and transparent manner as you have, I immediately wonder what they're hiding. Why is it so important that we stop discussing Dubya's honesty and straightforwardness?
See what Schicklgruber was doing is trying to find a positive note to counter what has been going on for some time. The positive hiccups he cites mask the fact that the US economy is NOT doing well; public opinion polls make this abundantly clear. The Bureau of Labor Statistics makes this fact quite plain:

The average earnings increase from 2000-2004 was 3.86%, 3.22%, 3.12%, 1.71% and 2.39% respectively. Comparing wages to annual inflation shows a different story. For the same years, inflation was 3.4%, 2.8%, 1.6%, 2.3% and 2.7%. When inflation is subtracted from wages to get real wage growth, those figures become 0.46%, 0.42%, 1.52%, -0.59% and -0.31% respectively for 2000-2004.

For the economically retarded among us (that's you, Schicklgruber), wages have been FLAT -- that's NO growth in the period from 2000-2004. What is in people's pockets is what really counts.

BTW, slowpoke, Schicklgruber was the one who criticized my posting of the rise in Halliburton's stock price over the past five (5) years -- and especially since the start of the Iraq invasion, saying that if I went back even further in time, I would see that Halliburton had been even higher before this period -- and thus I was being "unfair" and "biased."

How do you spell asshat? L-A-N-G-E-W-E-I-L-E.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
slowpoke said:
Whenever someone tries to change the subject in such a clumsy and transparent manner as you, langeweile, have, I immediately wonder what they're hiding. Why is it so important that we stop discussing Dubya's honesty and straightforwardness?
It's called the old 'smoke & mirrors' trick.
lange, who appears more and more everyday to be a GOP 'talking points front guy/operative' employs it extensively in his evasive disjointed ramblings.
Probably picked up the 'smoke & mirrors' trick from Rush Limbaugh.
Rush Limbaugh finds this tactic very effective in herding his devout lemmings towards that river...... :p


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
slowpoke said:
Since this thread is about a poll that measured how "honest and straightforward" Dubya is perceived by the general public, I find it mind boggling that you'd so blatantly drag the economy into it. The economy could be absolutely booming but that still wouldn't alter the fact that Joe Public is beginning to have doubts about the president's integrity.

Whenever someone tries to change the subject in such a clumsy and transparent manner as you have, I immediately wonder what they're hiding. Why is it so important that we stop discussing Dubya's honesty and straightforwardness?
My point was about polls in general. Depending on how you ask the question the results will vary, pending on the pollsters agenda.

In the case of GWB question of honesty. I believe history will give us the true answer. In the twentyfour hour news cycle facts are being distorted or managed and influenced pending on the agency reporting.
The information overloads downside is, that there is a lot of miss information and agendas to deal with.
You can pull up several news reports on one subject and come to different conclusions. A Fox News will report a story different than an NPR. Who is right or what it is you chose to believe usually depends on your affiliation.

This is true for this issue as well. You can find story after story painting him a liar and you can find the same saying the opposite.
I would consider the majority of the people on this side above average, when it comes to taking in information. Our long time experience on the net has taught us to look at the source for the particular news that we are reading.
We have learned that just because it is written somewhere doesn't make it true.

Do you believe the majority of the people does the same? I think not.

I am not sure if GWB is dishonest or not, never talked to him personally. All I have is what is being reported on him.
I also believe that in war times ,we don't get the news as it happens. I call it the "three to six month delay". Mostly for safety reasons information is being withheld or delayed.
In this age of satelite tv and internet the enemy is listening and can react instantly.
Imagine if there would be a sentiment of defeat within the public, don't you think that the enemy would try to take advantage of it? OBL is a terrorist, but he is not an idiot.
Wouldn't it make sense to be careful in what is being released and when?

I might suffer from after effects of smoking too much pot as a kid. Who knows? In any case those are my two cents.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
DonQuixote said:
What disturbes me most about my friend, langeweile, is that he accuses
anyone who objects to his argument and line of thinking as being a liberal
democrat. There's an awful lot of independents out here. We don't favor
either party and are more inclined to be even-handed since we're not committed
to either.

We are birds of feather with small degrees of differences.


New member
Oct 22, 2004
langeweile said:
My point was about polls in general. Depending on how you ask the question the results will vary, pending on the pollsters agenda.

In the case of GWB question of honesty. I believe history will give us the true answer. In the twentyfour hour news cycle facts are being distorted or managed and influenced pending on the agency reporting.
The information overloads downside is, that there is a lot of miss information and agendas to deal with.
Look Lang: The thread was about the poll which claimed to measure Dubya's perceived integrity. Full stop. It was clearly stated that it was a poll conducted by The Wall Steet Journal. You parachuted in blathering about the economy [stupid]. I could accept you questioning the methodology of the poll or the possibility that they are notoriously left wing at The Wall Street Journal or just about any old crap if it even remotely pertained to the initial thread which was (repeated for the weak-minded) about Dubya's perceived integrity.

But please don't insult our intelligence by muddying up the waters with "the pollsters agenda" or "journalistic integrity" or my personal favourite: "history will give us the answer". I know you like Dubya. Your loyalty is admirable. But, when you get caught with your tongue firmly implanted up Dubya's ass, would you at least have the "journalistic integrity" to admit it.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
lange ASSuming the postion...

slowpoke said:
Look Lang: .......when you get caught with your tongue firmly implanted up Dubya's ass, would you at least have the "journalistic integrity" to admit it.
What's even funnier is I can just picture that being lange's favorite position/fantasy, while singing, in German of course, Dubya Uber Mich!!!........ :eek:

lange don't ever think of leaving are getting better than that long lost Terbite, Alien (<>..<>)


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
slowpoke said:
Look Lang: The thread was about the poll which claimed to measure Dubya's perceived integrity. Full stop. It was clearly stated that it was a poll conducted by The Wall Steet Journal. You parachuted in blathering about the economy [stupid]. I could accept you questioning the methodology of the poll or the possibility that they are notoriously left wing at The Wall Street Journal or just about any old crap if it even remotely pertained to the initial thread which was (repeated for the weak-minded) about Dubya's perceived integrity.

But please don't insult our intelligence by muddying up the waters with "the pollsters agenda" or "journalistic integrity" or my personal favourite: "history will give us the answer". I know you like Dubya. Your loyalty is admirable. But, when you get caught with your tongue firmly implanted up Dubya's ass, would you at least have the "journalistic integrity" to admit it.
glad you have joined the lang bashing symposium...

I am sorry you are the one not getting it. Polls are a part of the political propaganda and are skewed to meet the need of the one who is trying to make a point or create a certain climate...or perception.

I am sorry if I am talking over your head...

BTW ..just for the 2000 I voted for Nader(don't ask me why) and in 2004 I voted for Michael Badnarik..just for the record...

IMO you are the lemming that blindly follows and digests the shit, that is being presented to him...


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
WoodPeckr said:
What's even funnier is I can just picture that being lange's favorite position/fantasy, while singing, in German of course, Dubya Uber Mich!!!........ :eek:

lange don't ever think of leaving are getting better than that long lost Terbite, Alien (<>..<>)

AH more useless comments from the peanut gallery...lonely tonight?

BTW Is is "Dubya ueber alles".....


New member
Jul 14, 2003
AP Poll has Bush disapproval at 56%

(June results are in parentheses)

1. Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the right direction, or are they off on the wrong track?

-Right direction, 36 percent (35)
-Wrong track, 59 percent (59)
-Not sure, 5 percent (6)

2. Overall, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president?

-Approve, 42 percent (43)
-Disapprove, 56 percent (55)
-Mixed feelings, 1 percent (1)
-Not sure, 2 percent (1)

3. And when it comes to handling the economy, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?

-Approve, 42 percent (43)
-Disapprove, 56 percent (54)
-Mixed feelings, 2 percent (2)
-Not sure, percent (2)

4. And when it comes to domestic issues like health care, education and the environment, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?

-Approve, 42 percent (40)
-Disapprove, 56 percent (57)
-Mixed feelings, 1 percent (2)
-Not sure, 1 percent (1)

5. When it comes to handling foreign policy issues and the war on terrorism, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?

-Approve, 51 percent (45)
-Disapprove, 48 percent (52)
-Mixed feelings, 2 percent (1)
-Not sure, percent (2)

6. When it comes to handling the situation in Iraq, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?

-Approve, 40 percent (41)
-Disapprove, 59 percent (56)
-Mixed feelings, 1 percent (2)
-Not sure, percent (1)

7. When it comes to Social Security, do you approve, disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?

-Approve, 35 percent (37)
-Disapprove, 61 percent (59)
-Mixed feelings, 2 percent (2)
-Not sure, 1 percent (2)

How low can he go? I figure 35%-40% is about the lowest possible, unless he is caught with a live male or a dead female in his bed, in which case his low will be about 25%.


New member
Mar 21, 2005
Mass publics don't know their asses from their elbows. Public opinion polls of any kind reveal only how stupid people actually can be when they don't have an incentive to do otherwise.


Once more into the breach
May 21, 2004
Waterloo Region
Truncador said:
Mass publics don't know their asses from their elbows. Public opinion polls of any kind reveal only how stupid people actually can be when they don't have an incentive to do otherwise.
So if they're that dimwitted, maybe we should deny them the vote?


New member
Oct 22, 2004
langeweile said:
glad you have joined the lang bashing symposium...

I am sorry you are the one not getting it. Polls are a part of the political propaganda and are skewed to meet the need of the one who is trying to make a point or create a certain climate...or perception.

I am sorry if I am talking over your head...

BTW ..just for the 2000 I voted for Nader(don't ask me why) and in 2004 I voted for Michael Badnarik..just for the record...

IMO you are the lemming that blindly follows and digests the shit, that is being presented to him...
I never once said whether I agreed with the poll results or not so your concern for my visual and digestive well being is touching but unnecessary. For the record, I suspect that Dubya really is losing credibility with the public but a single poll is just a small note - not the whole symphony.

My post was totally about your post: changing the subject etc.

Nice to see you're now at least addressing the the poll results and not the economy. Have a nice day.


Sep 21, 2004
In a van down by the river
slowpoke said:
I never once said whether I agreed with the poll results or not so your concern for my visual and digestive well being is touching but unnecessary. For the record, I suspect that Dubya really is losing credibility with the public but a single poll is just a small note - not the whole symphony.

My post was totally about your post: changing the subject etc.

Nice to see you're now at least addressing the the poll results and not the economy. Have a nice day.
In case you haven't noticed the campaigns for 2006 and 2008 have already begun...
i would like to apologize for some of my personal remarks. they were uncalled for and not necessary.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
langeweile said:
In case you haven't noticed the campaigns for 2006 and 2008 have already begun...
i would like to apologize for some of my personal remarks. they were uncalled for and not necessary.

and that is part of the problem here. it would be nice if this discussion board could be about discussion instead of campaigning and politicking. I like debating with people who have actual opinions on the political events under discussion instead of having to listen continually to campaign rhetoric about elections many of the people on this board are not going to be voting in. why not rise about petty partisanship every once in a while?

believe it or not, even if you are a campaign operative, you are not going to be changing the hearts and minds of many readers here and even if you were it would hardly matter -- we can't vote.

so why not debate the issues, be as nasty as you want, but remember continually espousing the "party line" is a waste of time. I kind of agree with don q here in that it would be nice if we could attack both parties equally instead of having to listen to cheap partisan sniping.
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