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VP Lieberman??


New member
Mar 10, 2004
persis said:
IMO, with anyone's standard...That is clearly considered treason, am I wrong guys?:confused:
Are you saying that turning your back on your political party is treason or that the neo-con agenda is treason?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
persis said:
My country is Iran... I never said otherwise, but Lieberman is an American Senator didn't he even turned against his own political party?
For what? To join neocon's how is it that you don’t see that…?
IMO, with anyone's standard...That is clearly considered treason, am I wrong guys?:confused:
I guess Belinda Stronach should be put on trial as well since she turned against her own political party. Also, they should round up everyone who has voted for different parties in their life, or at least eliminate candidates for elections so that the people have no option but to vote for the ruling party.

It must really kill you that people in Canada in the US are free to choose their political allegiance and religious beliefs and can choose to change them at any time without being killed for it. Those freedoms are the same thing that you are taking advantage of while hiding out here because you don't like "your country's" government. One would hope that you at least appreciate what you have.

Lieberman is an American and has never said otherwise. The only complaint that can be made against his is that he believed (believes?) that the Republican agenda of the Bush administration was in America's best interest.


New member
Jan 26, 2007
I am saying he went extreme and turned his back on his political party and the best interest of his country for reasons other than national security and for what?
To protect a foreign interest!
What can one call that other than treason...?
Could any patriotic American honestly trust this guy after this?!
What would he sell out next?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
persis said:
I am saying he went extreme and turned his back on his political party and the best interest of his country for reasons other than national security and for what?
To protect a foreign interest!
What can one call that other than treason...?
Could any patriotic American honestly trust this guy after this?!
What would he sell out next?
Just because you and others are so anti-Semitic makes me want to vote for him.


New member
Mar 10, 2004
persis said:
I am saying he went extreme and turned his back on his political party and the best interest of his country for reasons other than national security and for what?
To protect a foreign interest!
What can one call that other than treason...?
Could any patriotic American honestly trust this guy after this?!
What would he sell out next?
Well incidently, he'd be running on the ticket of another party, and yeah, they'd trust him. Go crawl back into the hole from which you came.


New member
Jan 26, 2007
By all means...please do trust him and please do vote for him :D is your country


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
persis said:
By all means...please is your country:D

Nice smile........But I suspect it is hiding fear


New member
Jan 26, 2007
Actually, maybe I spoke too harshly of Senator Lieberman... Yes I did :eek:
Lieberman is not the real problem... at least he came out of his closet!
Patriotic Americans need worry abut those senators who have been hiding there true identities as a foreign compatriots while selling out there country, piece by piece, for the last 30+ years!


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
basketcase said:
The only complaint that can be made against his is that he believed (believes?) that the Republican agenda of the Bush administration was in America's best interest.
Only a fool would belive that! Just look at what their agenda has cost America since 2000.
Dubya's agenda caters to special interests and are in no way in America's best interest.
These neocons controlling Dubya are a party of selfish whores who will do anything for a buck, with Dubya being their useful tool to that end.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
persis said:
Actually, maybe I spoke too harshly of Senator Lieberman... Yes I did :eek:
Lieberman is not the real problem... at least he came out of his closet!
Patriotic Americans need worry abut those senators who have been hiding there true identities as a foreign compatriots while selling out there country, piece by piece, for the last 30+ years!

Seems to me you are wetting your jockeys over this.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Just be clear persis. Do you think every Jew is disloyal to their country? This is the exact same thing that got the ball rolling in Germany.

Living in a country that has had many generations of immigrants, it is pretty easy to identify the racist types that somehow feel more entitled to something than others because their family came 5 generations ago and others came only 4. To question someone's loyalty or beliefs because of their ethnic origin brings the term xenophobia comes to mind along with racism (either that or paranoia).

It is also laughable that someone describing themself as Iranian (not even Persian-Canadian or Canadian of Persian descent) is quite content to live with the benefits of another country. If you are suspect of the motives of people of different ethnic groups in Canada or the US, maybe you should examine your own life in Canada, a country that has taken you in (or your parents or grandparents) and provided you all kinds of services and opportunities despite the fact that you claim to be loyal only to Iran. Your open disloyalty would be even worse if you were born here. If you really followed your own beliefs, you would see yourself as a hypocrite or move back to the country where you claim your loyalty lies.


New member
Jan 26, 2007
I am first generation Persian-Canadian, my daughter however is Irish Canadian... she is of course welcome to make her own decision, when and if the time comes to go back home!
In the mean time, while I am in Canada, my loyalty remains with both Iran and Canada...
Although I am guess in Canada... I will not betray Canada, by not paying my taxes or not standing up for her ... or by selling her out for a handful of gold coins or believe in a false Foreign nationalistic ideology!
Something, that I can not say about many American politicians these days!
What about you?
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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
You are a dual national are you not? Your own standards would consider that as being disloyal. Lieberman is not a dual national yet you still consider him disloyal because 1) he is a Jew and b) you don't agree with his politics. That seems sad to me. Our rights and freedoms mean that he is free to have his beliefs as you are to have yours without being subjected to racial slurs.

As for me, I'm like your Persian, (Jewish?) Irish daughter; a Canadian mutt. Hopefully your daughter will grow up without having learned your racial preconceptions.


New member
Aug 30, 2004
..I think we all knew your response before you posted it.
His loyalty to the US is very questionable in certain matters.


New member
Apr 1, 2005
S.C. Joe said:
But IF the bitch-Hillary- does get to run against McCain, then maybe Lieberman would help McCain to get the D's to vote for him. Same if Obama gets it, because-can I say this-some rednecks may not want to vote for a "darker skin" person than them self-lets leave it at that

A true R voter would never vote for either of the D's running
If Obama is the nominee, as appears likely, then Mccain will probably look for a repub ftom a big state as VP. Crist from Florida has the right sounding name and he seems a reasonable guy. But it will probably be Romney.

If Hilary is nominated Liberman(R- Israel) is a possibility but I think they will hunt for some pro lifer.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
chiller_boy said:
If Obama is the nominee, as appears likely, then Mccain will probably look for a repub ftom a big state as VP. Crist from Florida has the right sounding name and he seems a reasonable guy. But it will probably be Romney.

If Hilary is nominated Liberman(R- Israel) is a possibility but I think they will hunt for some pro lifer.
Put Lieberman out of your mind, since no candidate in their right mind would trust him anymore. Hillary, who values personal loyalty to her as essential, would laugh off the idea of Joe as VP. Richardson had a chance until he very publically bailed on the Clintons and endorsed Obama. Evan Bayh of Indiana stands an excellent chance as a possible VP, which she has hinted at before. Wesley Clark is possible, and if not would likely serve in her Cabinet. If she wants to go Southern, former Governor Mark Warner would be a good choice. Obama is not an impossible choice, though I very much doubt it. Neither Hillary or he are interested in the idea, and she would never pick anyone who might overshadow her. Completely forget Joe, who had his shot. None of this is likely to matter, because Hillary's chances of winning the nomination decrease daily.

Oddly enough, the forgotten man in all this could seal the deal for Obama if he so chose. He has so far remained silent, but if John Edwards endorses Obama before primaries in Pennsylvania and his home State of North Carolina, that would truly be it. I have no doubt the DNC is pushing him hard to make up his mind.
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New member
Apr 1, 2005
Asterix said:
Put Lieberman out of your mind, since no candidate in their right mind would trust him anymore. Hillary, who values personal loyalty to her as essential, would laugh off the idea of Joe as VP. Richardson had a chance until he very publically bailed on the Clintons and endorsed Obama. Evan Bayh of Indiana stands an excellent chance as a possible VP, which she has hinted at before. Wesley Clark is possible, and if not would likely serve in her Cabinet. If she wants to go Southern, former Governor Mark Warner would be a good choice. Obama is not an impossible choice, though I very much doubt it. Neither Hillary or he are interested in the idea, and she would never pick anyone who might overshadow her. Completely forget Joe, who had his shot. None of this is likely to matter, because Hillary's chances of winning the nomination decrease daily.

Oddly enough, the forgotten man in all this could seal the deal for Obama if he so chose. He has so far remained silent, but if John Edwards endorses Obama before primaries in Pennsylvania and his home State of North Carolina, that would truly be it. I have no doubt the DNC is pushing him hard to make up his mind.
Actually,I was commenting on scenarios for Liberman to be the Repub. VP nominee.


Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
chiller_boy said:
Actually,I was commenting on scenarios for Liberman to be the Repub. VP nominee.
Not gonna happen.
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