Can any terbies on here shed some light if you have given SPs/MPAs references (internal/external) or vouched for them to work in your current or previous company(s)?
Can any terbies on here shed some light if you have given SPs/MPAs references (internal/external) or vouched for them to work in your current or previous company(s)?
I have a rule that unless I have worked with someone in a professional capacity they don't get a reference from me. And I'm loath to see friends hired at my workplace because if it goes sideways, it reflects on me as well.
That being said for those I have worked with I've been a good reference on numerous occasions.
And as Shack above said unless I owned the joint no way do I see an SP hired at my employment. Too many ways that goes bad.
Not in correlation to me being an SP but I have a SD willing to offer me the internship I need from my program in order to graduate . Hmm but in terms of SP situation I think it could potentially work if one maybe stops seeing that individual or maybe treats it like a naughty work affair.
End of the day I think its varies on the hobbyists relation to the provider and how it could stand/transfer over
Seems totally insane. For one thing any attempt at your discretion using MPs/SPs would be completely out the window, and as importantly her skills as an SP/MPA couldn't possibly be relevant to the job.
Keep it separate, dude. Give her polite career advice then leave the money on the table and walk out the door.
thanks for the input I myself am not considering this as a friend brought up this situation to me as times have changed with covid. from what I have been told the skills seem to be somewhat transferrable.