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Very interesting article on bad driving


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
If the guy took a gun, and fired blindly, he would be convicted. That is a very small object traveling at very high speed.

He chose to drive blind. That is a large object at high speed. Just because people are stupid and do not understand the gravity of driving a vehicle does not excuse it. Instead of "shit happens" it is time to admit we have too many shitty drivers. Every day I see people running reds and stop signs in Toronto. Zero enforcement. It is pathetic.

Once again, if you want to kill someone, do it with a car.
Firstly there is no reasonable reason to be firing a gun vs driving. Secondly the act itself is illegal.


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
Sure its something that should be punished, but what do you mean by fully punished? Since he had no intent to do any harm, yet somehow someone is dead..what do you do? He did not even knowingly engage in a dangerous activity like your daughters boyfriend..
When I said fully punished, crown was asking for 14 yrs (he’d be out in 7)
And yes, I think since he lost control of a dangersous motor vehicle he’s was supposed to keep on he road, that is intent.

They didn’t charge my daughters boyfriend, all the witnesses are dead. :Sad:
He had face, arm, chest, hip and leg injuries, but with rehabilitation, he will fully recover.
They didn’t even measure blood alcohol, were busy saving his life.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
When I said fully punished, crown was asking for 14 yrs (he’d be out in 7)
And yes, I think since he lost control of a dangersous motor vehicle he’s was supposed to keep on he road, that is intent.

They didn’t charge my daughters boyfriend, all the witnesses are dead. :Sad:
He had face, arm, chest, hip and leg injuries, but with rehabilitation, he will fully recover.
They didn’t even measure blood alcohol, were busy saving his life.
As I said your daughter BF engaged in something illegal and widely known to be dangerous. If you think someone losing control of their vehicle in normal driving is "intent to commit a criminal act" then you simply do not understand the law.


Supporting Member
Aug 17, 2001
west end
And yes, I think since he lost control of a dangersous motor vehicle he’s was supposed to keep on he road, that is intent.
At some time everyone makes a mistake while driving. Mostly there are no people or other cars around, and no injuries. What would you do with this young driver if he had gone off the road and hit a tree, or slid into a ditch?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Mostly, you decide, "I am driving a deadly machine among people stupider and more reckless than me, on roads whose maintenance has been under-budgeted for decades and contracted always to the cheapest bidder. the only way any of us is getting home safely is if I devote my full attention to driving. Whatever the distraction I will not let my attention — never mind 50% of my control and my entire vision — waver. Until I'm stopped safely off the road, nothing is more important." To me that's quite analogous to how you psych yourself for a needle.
That's not how the human brain operates though. While we can direct 100% of our concentration over very short period of times (say, the time it takes to get a needle), we can't do so for extended periods. The prick from a needle is expected; ONE thing you are concentrating on. Driving is full of unexpected instances. If you were 100% concentrating on not reacting to anything, not only would that be somewhat dangerous in itself, I think you'd probably have a mental breakdown within the week.

Of course we should make all proper preparations to drive safe and of course we shouldn't make bad conscious decisions like this guy did (which is why I don't think he should have got off). But we have reflexes for a reason. I say this as someone who has never been in a collision in over 600,000km, but whose reflexes has saved him plenty of costly repairs, if not his life.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
That's not how the human brain operates though. While we can direct 100% of our concentration over very short period of times (say, the time it takes to get a needle), we can't do so for extended periods. The prick from a needle is expected; ONE thing you are concentrating on. Driving is full of unexpected instances. If you were 100% concentrating on not reacting to anything, not only would that be somewhat dangerous in itself, I think you'd probably have a mental breakdown within the week.

Of course we should make all proper preparations to drive safe and of course we shouldn't make bad conscious decisions like this guy did (which is why I don't think he should have got off). But we have reflexes for a reason. I say this as someone who has never been in a collision in over 600,000km, but whose reflexes has saved him plenty of costly repairs, if not his life.
Of course you need reflexes when driving, but they need to be devoted to the task at hand, making you a better more alert driver. That task is too important and dangerous to allow yourself to be merely distracted as this guy was, by inconsequential stuff.

If he'd been drinking from a bottle that he dropped I'd consider a reflex grab for it a normal, excusable reaction. But once it was on the floor, the reflex time was over, and there was no justification for his criminally stupid and reckless decision to grope for it instead of driving.


New member
Mar 7, 2004
Interesting article. I think he should be fully punished. Distracted driving is not a mistake, it’s obviously more important to stay on the road than pick up your water bottle, so bad judgement on the part of the driver. And people need to know this.
Our society doesn’t value life as much as we should. Driving is a responsibility, not a right.
It should be A Lot harder to get a license, I think people should have reaction and stress tests, before we let them on the road.
My 22 yr old daughter was killed in a “accident”. It was no accident that her asshole boyfriend was racing, high speed hwy crash, 2 dead in the other car. Boyfriend lived, major injuries, but he’s out of rehab. No charges.
My condolences.

A lot of people use the word "car crash" instead of "car accident". I have noticed this on the news. It is a positive sign. No one says "stock market accident".


Mar 12, 2004
Assign the blame

My condolences.

A lot of people use the word "car crash" instead of "car accident". I have noticed this on the news. It is a positive sign. No one says "stock market accident".
I think both terms are unsuitable.

In most cases,... the driver simply screwed up.

Using those terms tends to remove responsibility from the driver.

,..."I had an accident",... oh,... sorry to hear that",... or,..."I was involved in a car crash".

Cars, or even conditions very rarely cause "car crashes" or "accidents".

If deer ran in front of you,... that would be an accident.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
My 22 yr old daughter was killed in a “accident”. It was no accident that her asshole boyfriend was racing, high speed hwy crash, 2 dead in the other car. Boyfriend lived, major injuries, but he’s out of rehab. No charges.
No charges? How long ago was this? I find that hard to believe, especially since there were fatalities. They would have know how fast he was traveling at the time of the collision. If first responders suspected alcohol was involved, they would've done a blood test.
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