Most western nations are richer than Russia.
The hate for Russia is its authoritarian, corrupt and oppressive governments.
Even their social values aren't that great. They are quite backward.
But tell yourself otherwise. It is a nice way of sticking your head in the sand.
I see more fear of Russia than hatred towards it on the part of
the democratic west.
Back in the early phase of the war western media took pleasure
mocking Russia's failure to conquer Ukraine in one or two
weeks. Russia's armies were depicted as disorganized and
cowardly preparing to be devoured by Ukrainian defenders.
Now this corrupt and poor country wherein its societies
backward and people living in poverty is becoming a global threat
to civilization as well as master of the leader of the most powerful
nation in the world. Israel the leash holder of its poodle in the
White House has to feel belittled by Putin's influence on Trump.
With Russia either hatred or fear will cost the west dearly.
Surely the west can inflict more damage on Russia like they
did in this proxy war which so far costs no loss of lives to
NATO members. But what good is to come out of this
farce of a proxy war in the end?