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Vacationing with an SP

Cpt crunch

New member
Nov 7, 2005
Okay, now I'm probably thinking way too much, but I was wondering if any of you have ever taken an SP on a vacation. I'm thinking of a week in Jamaica to an all inclusive resort. please hold the jokes about the trip being "all-incluseive". Of course, the cost of the trip would be on me. How would you suggest a price be negotiated for the SP's time and so on. It would be a week away in a beautiful setting, but would also be a week away from her regular earnings, whatever they may be.


May 17, 2005
Depending on the SP, you are probably looking at $20k for a week. I have only done this in Europe and Korea when I travel alone. Korea was very very very cheap relatively if you don't mind flying that long and they even do the laundry for you by hand. And they cry like the world is ending and won't let you get onto your plane. Really emotional shit.

Cpt crunch said:
Okay, now I'm probably thinking way too much, but I was wondering if any of you have ever taken an SP on a vacation. I'm thinking of a week in Jamaica to an all inclusive resort. please hold the jokes about the trip being "all-incluseive". Of course, the cost of the trip would be on me. How would you suggest a price be negotiated for the SP's time and so on. It would be a week away in a beautiful setting, but would also be a week away from her regular earnings, whatever they may be.


New member
Aug 17, 2005
Other Choices

Why don't you try one of those all-inclusive vacations where the SPs are provided (on TERB advertising and all over the web)? Then you don't need to pay her to come with (airfare/hotel/food). Or you could just pick up some cheap SP down there (apparently pretty easy in Mexico/Jamaica/etc.). I also once considered a trip to San Diego and hitting Tijuana (see world sex guide).

Last year I went to Beijing on business and scored with many hot young chinese girls (see Combining seeing China (which was very cool and cheap once you get there) with cheap/free pussy, very nice time!


May 17, 2005
That's actually a very good idea. I was researching not long ago the inclusive options offered in Jamaica and in the Dominican Republic. I think it averages about US $1200 a day plus flight ticket where they fly some hot looking girls from Eastern Europe in. Jamaica is slightly cheaper. The only issue is that there will be 2-3 more guys there so I kind of don't not like that. With a little more money a day, you can have two girls too. Sounds fun to me but I just prefer a bit more privacy.

mav256 said:
Why don't you try one of those all-inclusive vacations where the SPs are provided (on TERB advertising and all over the web)? Then you don't need to pay her to come with (airfare/hotel/food). Or you could just pick up some cheap SP down there (apparently pretty easy in Mexico/Jamaica/etc.). I also once considered a trip to San Diego and hitting Tijuana (see world sex guide).

Last year I went to Beijing on business and scored with many hot young chinese girls (see Combining seeing China (which was very cool and cheap once you get there) with cheap/free pussy, very nice time!


New member
Dec 4, 2005
gmuoo said:
Depending on the SP, you are probably looking at $20k for a week.
Sorry for laughing but LOL - but paying $20,000 to take a chick with you on a trip???

That's ridiculous.

I know some guys do it, and kudos for you, but to me that's insane. I'd rather travel alone, and stop by a brothel during my travels. If it's companionship or company you want, ask a friend!!!

Gordw has it right, if you really want to take an SP, and she warms up to you $3-$4k sounds reasonable - considering she's getting a free vacation!



May 17, 2005
It is really only 15k Euro when you think about it. If you have taken out some of the finest SPs in Europe out, you would know how much their hourly rate is with minimum 2 hours of booking. When you divide that 15k by the number of hours in a week, then you will see it is not that bad of a deal at all. But you just don't take anyone out for a week. You have to know and see that SP serveral times and make sure the chemistry is there b4 you do that. When they are in Europe making the money they are making, it is vacation to them everyday already :) .

CaptainCharisma said:
Sorry for laughing but LOL - but paying $20,000 to take a chick with you on a trip???

That's ridiculous.

I know some guys do it, and kudos for you, but to me that's insane. I'd rather travel alone, and stop by a brothel during my travels. If it's companionship or company you want, ask a friend!!!

Gordw has it right, if you really want to take an SP, and she warms up to you $3-$4k sounds reasonable - considering she's getting a free vacation!



gmuoo said:
It is really only 15k Euro when you think about it.

Damn, you guys sure play in a different league than the rest of us!

That's only 12 or 13K than most of us spend on an entire vacation and we HAVE to think about even that real hard. Then again we're not working 24/7 like some of you seem to do ...... :p


New member
Aug 17, 2005
gmuoo said:
It is really only 15k Euro when you think about it. ..
Man, who do you see? Most of us pay around $250 a visit, even if you did that every day for a week that's only $1750, a hell of a lot less than $15k.

Cpt crunch

New member
Nov 7, 2005
The topic came up originally because a co-worker just returned from the caribbean where he spent about $12G to take the family to a resort. SO, I'm thinking that for that, I can get a top class resort, and bring along a companion to hang out with (as well as the expected extras) for a week. Not looking at anything close to 20G, but maybe four or five for the week.


May 17, 2005
Not sure how you did your math. Even at $250/hr, a week is $250 x 24 x 7 = $42,000.00 and not $1750. Of course, you get a much better discounted hourly rate for a week. That's why I was saying it's not a bad deal when you see the actual discount in %ages.

I know in O-town is $250-$350/hr. Even in Toronto, you start looking at $300 and up. In Europe, it is about 400-600 Euro an hour on minimum 2 hours of outcall with the ladies I have been seeing. But they are really in a different league. They are more beautiful and more sophisicated than the ones in California that are charging US $450-600/hr, minimum 1.5 hour.

Korea is the best if you don't mind the emotional shit at the end in the airport (that is, until you empty out all of your US$ changes in your pocket.) They give you that great first GF feel too that they won't even let you look at another woman, they pretend to be mad, they can get really soft and gentle ... really fun and you never know your socks and underwears can be this clean ...(they hand wash your laundry) and iron them up nicely, ... langage is abit of problem .. but hey, only body languages count most of the time anyway when you are in bed :)


mav256 said:
Man, who do you see? Most of us pay around $250 a visit, even if you did that every day for a week that's only $1750, a hell of a lot less than $15k.


Locita Chicita
Sep 12, 2005
Near you
My bags are packed!!!

gmuoo said:
Not sure how you did your math. Even at $250/hr, a week is $250 x 24 x 7 = $42,000.00 and not $1750. Of course, you get a much better discounted hourly rate for a week. That's why I was saying it's not a bad deal when you see the actual discount in %ages.

I know in O-town is $250-$350/hr. Even in Toronto, you start looking at $300 and up. In Europe, it is about 400-600 Euro an hour on minimum 2 hours of outcall with the ladies I have been seeing. But they are really in a different league. They are more beautiful and more sophisicated than the ones in California that are charging US $450-600/hr, minimum 1.5 hour.

Korea is the best if you don't mind the emotional shit at the end in the airport (that is, until you empty out all of your US$ changes in your pocket.) They give you that great first GF feel too that they won't even let you look at another woman, they pretend to be mad, they can get really soft and gentle ... really fun and you never know your socks and underwears can be this clean ...(they hand wash your laundry) and iron them up nicely, ... langage is abit of problem .. but hey, only body languages count most of the time anyway when you are in bed :)

Sooooo my Baby, When to we go?????????? Ya know I luv ya!!!!!!


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
I've seen different arrangements for this kind of thing;

Usually there is an baseline cost that covers airfare and accommodations.

There used to be a place in Ottawa years ago that offered this, for that base price you typically get one intimate experience per day.

If you wanted more than that you arranged that with her for an additional cost. Otherwise you both went off and did your own things. My impression was that these girls were working while down there. I don't know if the agency had an office in the places that were on the list of destinations or if the ladies were working the streets. Chances are it was the streets.

That idea didn't appeal to me much.

Some offer 24/7 companionship with unlimited intimate experiences.

I don't think this would work for me either. What if you don't get along or find something about each other that's annoying ? That would ruin the vacation for both people.

I'd rather see some sort of hybrid. A limited number of intimate experiences -both parties can decide before hand what that will be. Maybe the equivalent a few hours of social time a day spent together. That way you could get together for dinner or a show or maybe go scuba diving, or whatever but you could both do your own thing as well. You could spend your social time together in bigger time blocks, like a day hiking, and then you both do you own thing for a couple of days.

That way, both people get a vacation and you can pick and choose activities that you both enjoy to do together. I like the idea of paying the SP a fair week's wages since hopefully that means that she will not feel like she has to work the streets in foreign land. I also think it makes sense that she has room of her own.

I haven't seen that kind of vacation advertised but I think I would only consider it with someone that I'd seen a number of times and obviously had a good experience. I'm sure SP's would have similar requirements.


New member
Sep 23, 2004
Your best bet is to take an SP you know well and see regularly -- and get along with really well -- on vacation. Otherwise, take no one and pick up local talent. Don't try this with someone you don't know from Adam and have never seen before. It's a recipe for disaster.

If you are on good-enough terms with an SP, she might very well agree to go away for a week with you for the equivalent of whatever she might make otherwise at home. It's a much better deal than paying for an unknown's time.

I never was huge on the resort thing, but I've been camping and hiking with a few guys -- and it was great. But too, we'd known each other a long time before we made the deal and we were both hoping to know each other a long time afterward -- and that probably dictated our attitudes and behaviour more than anything else.

Bon voyage!



May 17, 2005
Going Nowhere!!!

I am still stuck at work :(

Do you do dirty laundry by hand too??? LOL ....

Stacey_luvxxx said:
Sooooo my Baby, When to we go?????????? Ya know I luv ya!!!!!!


Locita Chicita
Sep 12, 2005
Near you
Used undies for sale??????

gmuoo said:
I am still stuck at work :(

Do you do dirty laundry by hand too??? LOL ....

Hun... Yours, I would keep and auction it off on e-bay as I figure there would be many ladies around the world that would want a piece of you!!!!!!!

Hey bidder bidder bidder!!!!!


Cpt crunch

New member
Nov 7, 2005
Thanks to all who have responded. There are many things to consider, type of person, how long I would expect that person's "company", whether I trust that person so explicitly that I would have no problems travelling through immigration and so on. After taking it all into consideration, I'm going to try to get my favorite SP to come along for a four or five day trip to try it out, I'll report back when it's all wrapped up, sometime in the next couple of months.

the capt.
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