Garden of Eden Escorts

Use of the Barrie/Northern Ontario section of


69's a win/win situation
Dec 11, 2006
Use of the Barrie/Northern Ontario section of

In my opinion, the coolest colour is red. Does anyone wish to dispute that red is the colour I think is the best?? NO!! So remember my opinion is my own and cannot be wrong. It may differ from your opinion and everyone is welcome to post their opinion, but my opinion is my own and cannot therefor be wrong.

In my opinion, I think the board is good for information and reviews, and negative information (if, and when true) is still good to have, but just senseless bashing back and forth does seem to me to have taken over the Barrie/Northern section.

In my opinion shilling is wrong. It offends me when people try to fool me. I rarely fall for for it. It loses the "shiller" business. Before I believe a really positive review, I look at the history of the suspected shiller, and the shillee. I look at the dates and times of posts and when the two are very close together, it triggers my pessimistic nerve. You also get a feel for similar styles of writing, and the vocabulary used in the shill as by the snillee, or other suspected shillers, if there are such.

In my opinion, good-natured teasing is recognizable by the fact that it is good natured. In my opinion people who like it will dish it out and take it, with dignity and good nature. But mean, and malicious bashing is catty and brings into suspicion the nature of the relationship between the participants. And I know that I will not be seeing any SPs or MPAs who participate in such because that is not the type of personality I like to associate with. Others may, and I am very much a proponent for consenting adults doing what they will, but commenters who are mean and nasty and overdo it may want to realize they may be losing business.

I think, if you got something different to say, start a new thread, damn it. boards and threads are great reading, but we make it easaier for everyone if we keep threads consistent, and identify other subjects with a new thread.

Damn it all, again!!! we need more information in this area. Encourage newbies. Invite reviews, and valid information. The more the merrier. But yes, newbies will be suspect, and abusers of the system will often pose as new users and new users will therefor always be suspect. But that is part of life. People suspect what other people say until their credence is substantiated through increased awareness of their knowledge, their experience, or their opinions.

In my opinion, chasing every entry in every thread with rebuttals and outings, muddies the purpose of this board. Got something to say try a new thread, with an expose of the consipiracy. Say, this person is related to this and I offer such ands uch as evidence, and this user and this are related this way and I know this because, etc. etc. If someone's, or some user's spewing crap, I wouldn't recommend harrasing them, just tell the truth as you know or suspect it in your own thread. Then you are supporting the common good, as opposed to interfering with it.

In my opinion, should not be done. It is usually recognizable. People have consistent vocabularies regardless of how borderline schizo they are. Then everything they have to say, even the good stuff, is suspect. If you think you need to voice your opinion multiple times using multiple personas, to get attention, then maybe you are just not good enough at expressing your opinion, or maybe your opinion is biased and full of crap. Be true to your audience, and your audience will be true to you.

Remember these are just my opinions. If your's are different, you are welcome to let yours be known, too.

Let's be more information oriented, less confrontational, and more encouraging of new authors.

Let's get the Barrie/Northern section to be more useful.

My 14 cents worth.



Why pass time. Enjoy it!
Jan 18, 2005
Well said Leroy, but I don't think it should be limited to just the Barrie/Northern Ontario section of the board. This should become a sticky for all sections.


Oct 19, 2005
I think when threads like this are made for only one section of the entire board its insulting to Barrie

Thanks for dumping on Barrie what would we do without you

People that put no contribution to this section now feel obligated to post that they want Barrie singled out as a shilling ,bashing ,,its called mutiple handles .. section and demand what needs to happen for barrie ,,,,its about time you take off your blinders ....the color blue in barrie doesnt mean your invinsible either .that should be a sticky too ! since Barrie is your main propiety ....thanks for reminding us in Barrie .....We feel so special that youve invested in so much time in showing how concerned you really are for Barrie ...:rolleyes:..Who are you again Leroy ?


Why pass time. Enjoy it!
Jan 18, 2005
Wow ... serious mood swing or what? The content is perfectly valid, I was just recommending that this would apply to all sections or the board as it is indicative of what is being experienced in all regions, not just Barrie. I'm in K-W, not Barrie, but browse all sections of the board. Leroy wasn't bashing Barrie specifically IMHO ... just stating an opinion which is relavant to Barrie and other regions, which he has every right to do! His main area of focus is Barrie, as that is probably where he lives and thus is most concerned with what is being said in this area of the board. Some members don't wander out of their respective geographic regions to discover what other regions are doing and what is being said.


Prosopagnosia Sufferer
Jun 19, 2003
Doing laps at the Y
LeroyBrown said:
In my opinion, the coolest colour is red. Does anyone wish to dispute that red is the colour I think is the best?? NO!! So remember my opinion is my own and cannot be wrong. It may differ from your opinion and everyone is welcome to post their opinion, but my opinion is my own and cannot therefor be wrong.

My 14 cents worth.

Is that before or after taxes, and did you factor in inflation?:D

Let's see. Scratch head. Did Leroy start out with 2 bits, or inflated his 2 cents?


Oct 19, 2005
I may not be your favourite person cruzin ,since yours is on my ignore list ......yes he has the right to post it ! So do i have the right to comment !

So pass it around .....spread the wealth of this post lets see if it makes to any other sections k then ill agree with you both 100%.......Otherwise your post is very discriminating

You can complain to mods even if the members(advertiser) name is in Blue ,,,if there behaviour is inappropiate .....everyone can get together and wipe out the unprofessionalism in fear of being outted if they have outed out owners of there competition publicly all for see ,you could be next .


Registered User
Nov 17, 2006
I think it's well said Leroy, I wish I could temper myself more and not respond the way I have in the past, some things just tend to make my blood boil a bit and I admit sometimes I just can't help myself. I do however, agree with everything you said and I say lets start putting it into effect, all of us here and now. Morso though, if such is the case, from the paying advertiser point of view, what you have to understand is that when a regular member gets something thrown at them, or bashed, get annoyed, you even may lose your temper at the insult. We lose business. Anything can be said , and whether true or not, in this business especially once somethings out there ,it's out there, and all we can do is the same as you: complain to the moderators and in most cases it becomes a he said she said, whether the quotes are there or not. So if you'd like to agree to begin this, lets also say that when someone does begin acting in a way no one can stand, lets all make the complaint to the mods together.

P.S. Hey Cruz;) welcome to barrie bud


69's a win/win situation
Dec 11, 2006
Before I moved here to the Barrie/Northern region, I lived in Mississauga, and frequented areas in the Greater Toronto Area. Terb has been a great source of information to me regarding providers of all sorts for years. If you look at those boards now, you will still find tons of good information, far more valuable than what we manage to generate here in good ol' Barrie. Most of the posts here in this section of the board are advertisements, bashes, retorts, slams, with a few shillings tossed in for good measure.

To be fair to the advertisers, if there are fewer Terbites per household here in Barrie, or Terbites who commute for their job and their hobby (who hasn't), then to generate legitimate reviews of their girls may be difficult. This would not vindicate the use of self help measures like shilling, but would somewhat justify the advertising here that does not go on in the GTA sections.

All that said, I wasn't even trying to bring anyone or anything down. My interest is more of a let's all work together to improve the board. Restore it to it's intended purpose, the dissemmination of information for the purpose of more satisfying, more productive hobbying.

If anyone wishes to rally against the use of this board for that purpose, then maybe they should speak to the really senior members and have their thinking on the boards original intent re-alligned.

I believe Terb is a board for hobbyists. To commune, to share, to teach and to learn. I just suggest let's keep that in mind when we make our posts.

If your just here to cause crap and will argue with everything said by everybody, then what's your point in being here? Some people try to make themselves feel better by tearing others down. Some people revel in others success and try and learn from it. Figure out which one you are and if you are the former, I would invite you to find another board, blog, wikkie, whatever to spew your crap. Maybe something related to naziism, or anti-everything would be more in line.

(this was the tax on the two cents.)


Oct 19, 2005
Well said Leroy .....the hobbyists that want information ..should put back into the community what they get given .......Such as reviews

That one thing barrie hobbyists lack is reviews that arent shills

For the ladies out there ...that are couples that book for 3 somes as a couple ..... or book for other clients like myself ....feel free to review .........dont feel descriminated your considered hobbyists too !

Everywant wants and wants info ....but not enough hobbyist here are giving reviews back in the BARRIE section


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
I like to check out the Barrie section as it is my old, way back stomping ground, plus I sometimes need relief from the tedium of the drive up to the cottage so gotta stay informed. BUT, and this is a big BUT you denizens of the Barrie section really do like to take the piss out of each other ( not the Golden kind, the verbal type).

Maybe it's because of the small market or some other deep dark reason but you all really do need to learn to play nice.

Why doesn't everyone using this area try it for a week, put away the agendas and the long knives and post useful info and suggestions rather than inuendo and accusations.

Flame away, I play in the politics section and have done bareback handholding with PHNINE so there is nothing you can do or say that will hurt in any way.

Thats my $37.49 ( net of taxes and service fees)


Oct 19, 2005
LancsLad said:
Flame away, I play in the politics section and have done bareback handholding with PHNINE so there is nothing you can do or say that will hurt in any way.

I concur ,once you get past the political sextion ,its smooth sailing

Not to mention the pun nuni threads you bring :p


New member
Feb 10, 2005
LeroyBrown said:
Terb has been a great source of information to me regarding providers of all sorts for years.
LeroyBrown said:
In my opinion, should not be done. It is usually recognizable. People have consistent vocabularies regardless of how borderline schizo they are. Then everything they have to say, even the good stuff, is suspect. If you think you need to voice your opinion multiple times using multiple personas, to get attention, then maybe you are just not good enough at expressing your opinion, or maybe your opinion is biased and full of crap. Be true to your audience, and your audience will be true to you.
You make good points in your post, yet you signed up with this handle last month. :confused:


69's a win/win situation
Dec 11, 2006
I`m surprised it took this long for someone to ask "who is this guy"

I have been an hobbyist for 20+ years

When living in GTA, I lurked on for years.

I miss Babies in Welland.

I Wished I lived in Markham cause of that strip club I can never remember the name of.

I miss Tara from Hands from Heaven. A mind blowing experience with or without her implants. Visited Jackie at same location before it became Hands From Heaven.

Still love Joy at CB, with honorable mention to Tina, and the short italian lady with a few extra pounds who loves to kiss and nibble necks and moan in ears.

Coincidentally been at CB on a Terb PArty night few years ago. Didn`t introduce myself or mix. Would if it happened again today.

Nona is an experience to remember.

I miss

I have personally met Jolie, Melissa and December/Kat.

I have dated a couple of strippers and an SP in the Barrie area.

Today I went to Victoria St., Dunlop Holistic, and Essa Rd. before deciding to visit Camella at Back Fitness. Other three places just didn`t have it going on today.

My willingness to post is much higher recently due to lack of constructive, useful information in the Barrie/Northern section. But you can`t complain if you are part of the problem.

Other sections have polls about which MP of dancer are best and so on. We have so little information in comparison.

My handle is new due to non-terb-related circumstances requiring such. Old one will remain buried for privacy sake.

Current thread deemed necessary to promote the real purpose of the board (or at least what I believe to be the real purpose). Seems information in this section is becoming scarcer. And a high percentage of it is dedicated to a small percentage of the providers. And so much of it is disputed or brought into suspicion. So I wrote in the hopes of starting an insurgence of "real" Terbites who will take back this section and get the real information flowing once again.



69's a win/win situation
Dec 11, 2006
Was gone!! Thought it dissappeared a coupla years ago. Haven't checked for a while.

There is a replacement page now that seems to have a lot of information but it looks to be an offshoot of a larger organization. Probably bought the domain, or something. Gone is that personal touch.
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