US/Can $


New member
Jun 10, 2004
I'm coming to Toronto from the States and I think I'm going to hook up with an escort for the first time. My question is : If I get a fee for her services from an email or from her web site, should I assume it's Canadian $'s unless told it's US? I would make sure before I scheduled an appointment, but I just wanted to know what you guys think. Thanks


New member
Mar 9, 2003
I would assume that anyone in Canada would quote you in Canadian dollars......that would only make sense to me. However, comon sense also tells me that if you are unsure, why not ask the SP or agency as they are the ones quoting you??? (don't mean to sound rude, just kinda a silly question IMO).


New member
Jun 10, 2004
Every time I've been in a Canadian strip club the girls always want US$. I just want to avoid any embarrassment if I give the girl $250 Canadian when she's thinking she'll be getting$250 US. I know it sounds like a stupid question, I just wanted to be sure.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
It's canadian, and 250 CD is probably the right amount. Have fun, you're not going to want to go back.

Just don't let them know you are an American. Always end your conversation with eh should help :)

Unless you have distinctive southern accents, otherwise there's nothing you can do.

Any reputable agencies, incalls and outcalls will quote the donations in CAD. Many outcall agencies will show both the USD and CAD donations. You can always do the math and see whether it's favorable to pay in the Uncle Sam's money.

Or you can always use your plastic.

However, if you want to donate the Green bag, you are always welcomed to do so.


Another Dumb American
Sep 17, 2003
I've made two trips to Toronto now, and money wasn't an issue either time. Look around before exchanging though. When I was there in April, I saw exchange rates vary by as much as 10 cents. Makes a big difference when you're exchanging $500 USD for CAD.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
doctorp said:
Every time I've been in a Canadian strip club the girls always want US$. I just want to avoid any embarrassment if I give the girl $250 Canadian when she's thinking she'll be getting$250 US. I know it sounds like a stupid question, I just wanted to be sure.
Of course, after quoting $20 a dance, the girl wants to be paid in paper that fetches a 25-30% premium. Wouldn't you?
But when you're in a foreign country, the laws of the land and etiquette require you to use that country's currency, unless otherwise posted. And if she didn't do that 'posting', she'll take $20 Canuck bucks like always.
But you can't expect her to take $US 15 as the equivalent. The only businesses that 'must' give you the exchange are the ones that advertise they will. For everyone else, those papers with presidents' pix on them are worth, not what you think but, whatever both parties agree on—like baseball cards. The only legal tender here says "Canada". So if she says, "American at par", you better cough up, or hope management'll do better. And with an unpaid dancer waiting impatiently, you're not in the best bargaining position.
With your SP, since the whole deal gets discussed at some point, you certainly have the opportunity to try for a good rate, if you want to use foreign currency. But—just like you—she won't get the best rate you saw in the Wall Street Journal when she converts, and she's unlikely to offer it. Changing your money's a hassle she can do without, unless she profits from the deal.
Best to exchange/use an ATM at a bank, get the best rate and stop worrying.
Enjoy your visit. Not all Canadians are as pompous as me.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
I've been to Toronto a few times and visited both SCs and SPs. I have a distinctive Boston accent (or should I say Baustan). The phone guy/girl at several agencies would say, "Where are you from?"
But anyways, everything was in terms of candian $. No one ever made mention of American $.


Time Zone Traveller
Jul 27, 2002
La la land
oh please

Never tell girls you are from the US to any girl. And I don't care where she works. Just because you are from Neptune doesn't mean you will get a 50% discount. It's always and will be the other way around.

For you US visitors if they ask where you from SImply say east coast P.E.I and being living here for a year. Prices are in CDN and don't carry any US or flash it around. That's a give away.

Heck if your government can lie I am sure you can too.


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
Re: oh please

xix said:
Never tell girls you are from the US to any girl. And I don't care where she works. Just because you are from Neptune doesn't mean you will get a 50% discount. It's always and will be the other way around.

For you US visitors if they ask where you from SImply say east coast P.E.I and being living here for a year. Prices are in CDN and don't carry any US or flash it around. That's a give away.

Heck if your government can lie I am sure you can too.
Just curious why exactly I should not say I'm from the US. The $ for an SP is already determined and a dance at a SC is already set. Should be no problems unless you're trying to negotiate something beyond the set rules....


New member
Oct 16, 2003
Re: oh please

xix said:
Never tell girls you are from the US to any girl. And I don't care where she works. Just because you are from Neptune doesn't mean you will get a 50% discount. It's always and will be the other way around.

For you US visitors if they ask where you from SImply say east coast P.E.I and being living here for a year. Prices are in CDN and don't carry any US or flash it around. That's a give away.

Heck if your government can lie I am sure you can too.
Hmmm........ I'll make sure I try it............ The overalls and the Southern drawl might give me away......... Hell, the Canadians can't even understand me unless I take the chewing tobacco out............. So from now on............ I am from Quebec.. albeit Southern Quebec!


Well-known member
May 4, 2002
Greater Toronto Area
Agree with the above comments. Everything in Canada is -- like, duh -- priced in Canadian dollars. For everyone. If an American wants to pay for Toronto sexual companionship in US$ at par, he's either a rube or a lavish tipper.

There *are* some escort websites that do a US$/CDN$ conversion for you. But the easiest is simply to exchange some CDN$ cash in advance, or at the border. Or withdraw CDN$ from an Ontario ATM on the Plus or Cirrus system of interbranch banking, depending on your home US bank.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
doctorp said:
Every time I've been in a Canadian strip club the girls always want US$. I just want to avoid any embarrassment if I give the girl $250 Canadian when she's thinking she'll be getting$250 US. I know it sounds like a stupid question, I just wanted to be sure.
They are ripping you off!!!!

I have been to the sun downer more than a few times and the price is always Canadian Dollars.

That western ny accent is pretty easy to spot, so the chicks know you are american right off the bat. Probably part of it is your fellow americans have been paying in green backs for years so the chicks just expect it.

Little hussies.

The western Nyers I know can not hide that nasal sound on all of their A's, so I don't know what you could do other than just hand them the money in Canadian dollars period.

Drive to Toronto, give them the cash in CD and don't worry about it.


New member
Jun 10, 2004
Sorry Captain Kirk, I think I was a little misleading. I've never paid $250 at a strip club. I just meant if I was going to give an escort $250.
I have been all over Canada many times. Maybe 3-4 times a year.

Why would I even think of $US when I am in Canada. In Canada the currency is Canadian!

The first thing I do when I arrive in Canada is head for an ATM and get cash (Canadian of course since I am in Canada). I ditch my U.S. money till I am returning to the U.S. I also bring home extra $CDN so I always have some.

I've been to zillions of strip clubs, MP's, escorts and introduce myself as being from the U.S. I have never had anyone suggest I pay in $US. Why would I even carry $US when I am in CANADA!

In airports it does drive me crazy since when I am going to or from Canada I usually have U.S. coins in one pocket and Canadian coins in another. But then they all get mixed up when I have to dump them in the container going thru security check and I don't remember to put them in separate containers!


New member
Feb 14, 2004
what i've done is pay the fee in canadian $ and tip in US $, making the tip therefore slightly more generous


And very good at it
Oct 3, 2001
The only possible explanation for using US$ in a strip club is that it is considered impolite to slip a toonie in the girl's g-string when you tip her at the stage. :D

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
MuffinMuncher said:
The only possible explanation for using US$ in a strip club is that it is considered impolite to slip a toonie in the girl's g-string when you tip her at the stage. :D
LOL, yeah, but she'd probably not be that much more thrilled with a single US buck either.

Now a fin on the other hand is probably going to get you a little over the face action.
Toronto Escorts