UPDATED: Are they posting for clients or other providers?


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2005
It’s a total turn off to me, if it’s constant it’s enough for me to decide against seeing her.
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Hannah Bright

Bright, Beautiful, and Bootylicious
Jan 1, 2022
Sometimes I post a gift it's because I'm genuinely excited about it and have the urge to tell someone. Like telling your girlfriends when your boyfriend does something super sweet, or when you land a bonus at work. I often can't share my excitement over the sweet things clients do with my civilian friends because my work is mostly a secret. I imagine other SP's can relate (I just edited this to add I noticed Vera and I said something similar! Hahaha see were not alone!) . From a marketing perspective I find it can be helpful to share gifts that give an insight into your personality or hobbies. That can help other clients know what I'm like and get a better sense of who I am and if I'd be the right provider for them.
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New member
Oct 1, 2023
I don't care why a SP posts gifts, dinner, travel or any other pics to their social media. I'll never know if they're using the pics to show off, encourage more gifts or if it's a genuine token of thanks. They're free to post what they like and I'm free to see them oor not.

I'm not sure why anyone would feel pressured to give gifts if they see a SP post them on social media. If a SP raises a stink that I didn't tip or bring a gift then I simply won't see her again. Luckily, I've never had anyone raise a stink about this. The best gift you can give a SP that you like is repeat business.
This is the way I see it as well. It's their social media page, so they're free to have it look whichever way they so choose.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
in all the years i was really active i never contacted sp that were displaying add with gift or cash donations offers.

i figured these girl will take my $ and time for granted because even tho i had enough money do do this quite regularly im still not a big shot who can spend without thinking.


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
Why do poor people with shifty incomes lease luxury cars and wear high end designer clothes? Then post selfies all over social media showing off a “perfect life” beside boats showing off shiny bling….?

IMHO…. It serves a few purposes.

The first and obvious is “status”. Everybody thinks they’re fucking special… and apparently you need to drive a Lexus to show us just how special you are. (It’s physical proof to delude yourself with.)

The second is again status. “Look how good I am…. People reward me just for being little ‘ol me…. You should too because, quite obviously, I am worth it”. Pure marketing. Putting lipstick on a pig if you will.

However… advertisers have been programming us for years subliminally that we are not good enough without their products… and life is expensive. It’s a rare few who simply just satisfied with being themselves. And no, I don’t mean the ones who can’t afford a $120,000 luxury car and say they don’t need one. (Because if they hit the lottery, it would be the first thing in their new home’s driveway). I mean the people who can afford those cars, and live like you would not know they could. Actual humble people. Warren Buffet does not live in a mansion.
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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Think of it this way: how often do you see a tip jar with a bill in it? Most often that bill is planted there as a subtle manipulation to convince you to tip more generously because you assume others are doing so. It's human psychology.
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New member
Oct 1, 2023
Think of it this way: how often do you see a tip jar with a bill in it? Most often that bill is planted there as a subtle manipulation to convince you to tip more generously because you assume others are doing so. It's human psychology.
Good point.


Ultimate Ebony Spinner
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2020
This tread was released a day after my tour in Montreal in December by a Montréal black companion.
If I had wanted to talk about you, I would have done so.

This is a general thread and I am not targeting anyone. November/December are naturally months in which people receive more gifts because it’s the holiday seasons. I saw an influx of escorts posting gifts and dinner dates and I wanted to know the opinion of clients whether they are clients of mine or not.


Ultimate Ebony Spinner
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2020
So why not be happy to share that I received tour gifts and we are grateful that some nice gentlemen thought of us without even asking
Thank you for answering. I understand that you are posting photos of your gifts and dinner dates to show gratitude.

There’s no good reason to post but this one kind of holds a special place on my heart.


New member
Sep 27, 2022
Huge turn off for me when they post straight money or high value gifts. Just like anyone else, I like to feel special. It feels like I will never be able to top that experience they got, so I just end up not seeing them. Maybe my fragile ego, but that's how I feel.
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Ultimate Ebony Spinner
Supporting Member
Jul 19, 2020
I’ve taken the initiative to reduce the amount gifts I post on Twitter. I just post a few here and there.

I always thank people in private both in person and digitally ;)
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