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Update on Jen in Cambridge (Toronto Exotics)


Elusive Member
Well yeah ...

Sure, if the hottie's gonna be giving out freebies, then I deserve one too. Only problem is, how could you depend on her to keep her word on that? Nope, it comes down to customer service ... as Gassman said, I don't think I'll waste my time or money even trying to meet this dud again.



Nina is a Goddess
Mar 20, 2002
Another Bad "Jen" Experience....

Well Boys,

I never thought it would happen....but it did. I got scammed by Jen!! Thank goodness I live only on the other side of Kitchener, but still, the drive is about 30 minutes by the time you get right into the Cambridge Hwy 24 area.

I phoned Jen from home, and got her on the first try. We immediately set up an appt time of the time, it was only 9:00pm. So I agreed, because by the time I got ready, and then drove there, it would be perfect. She asked where I had found out about her. I was honest. I told her about the TERB website, which she was familiar with. She said that she would be ready for 10:15pm, and asked if I could drive to the Country Style Donuts on Hwy 24, and then call her. Knowing full well about the other comments left on this website, I knew that her style was to set things up, and then ditch people when they drove there. So, I put it all out on the line and told her straight up. I said "Jen, there have been many negative reviews of you on the website, mostly saying that you always get someone to drive near your house, and then when they phone you to get directions, they can't get a hold of you". She knew what I was talking about. She hurried for an excuse. "Oh, well I heard that it was like, one guy who started that rumour, and now it has spread." I said "Well, quite a few guys have said that they have driven in from out of town, and then when they phoned you again, they couldn't get a hold of you". She said that sometimes her phone gets messed up, and blah blah blah. Then she commented that the people leaving the comments were maybe 5 guys out of hundreds that she has seen. I said that there were also very good reviews about her, and that I wanted to see her, providing that she didn't abandon me when I got there. She agreed.

I asked her for the directions to her house on the same call anyway, just in case I did get there, and couldn't get a hold of her. She almost gave them to me, and then at the last second, said "Well, just go to the Country Style and phone me from there. I"m really close. So I said "OK". BIG MISTAKE!!!!

I drove to Cambridge, got to the Country Style and phoned her. Her Roger's message came on saying she was unavailable. I tried for 20 minutes, but still, got the same message. So I said Screw It, and took off down the road to Xotica massage. Met up with a smokin' hot girl named Vanessa who worked there...... 5'4, 107lbs......34D cups....a killer body.....anyway, she was booked, so I couldn't get a massage, either!! Bad night!! So I went to Burger King, and had a few whoppers. I tried Jen's number again, and this time, it started to ring. I was excited with anticipation that she would answer, but she did not. So, after a total of 2 hrs, I drove home. But to tell you the truth, I wasn't that disappointed......I knew that it probably would of been a waste of money in the first place, especially after hearing what you guys said about this girl. My recommendation........DON't SEE HER! She is a waste of time.

But I'm glad I went. I booked Vanessa for tomorrow at xotics... and god damn, she is smokin'!!!!!

I'll report back about Vanessa after tomorrow's session! Thanks, and sorry to be so long winded on this post!!!!!


New member
Aug 27, 2001
Great post....

Deedles, thanks for the good info and sorry about taking one for the team.

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Wickd Hotties Connoisseur
Oct 27, 2001
That just ain't right, just ain't right.....


Sorry to hear you got burned too bro. Especially after you tried hard to prevent it from happening.
It's pretty obvious she doesn't care about getting new clients. Either that or she been smoking some bad crack. In any case, if she wants to stick with her regulars I have no problem with that, as long as she removes her ad from TorontoExotics and the like so that more guys don't get burned.



Elusive Member
Good point Exciter!

Deedles ... sorry about your experience. It sounds eerily familiar - just add 30 minutes to the drive and subtract the meeting of a smokin' hot MPA. The word definitely needs to get out about this girl and now it appears she knows that it is. I'm just stunned that she would pull this crap after you had already called her on it. Unbelievable!

Exciter is 100% right ... if the girl is gonna jerk around first-timers, why the hell is she actively advertising? She's not stealing anyone's money, but she also isn't trying to hard to earn it either. None of this makes sense.

I understand she works out of a hotel room or something. There is one across the street from the infamous Country Style if I remember correctly (I should ... I sat there for an hour!) Guess her "regulars" fray the costs of both the room and the ads with a little left over for her "bad crack" (lol). Still, all of this makes me ask the obvious question: If she has so much trouble keeping appointments with first-time customers, how in the name of Mary mother of Joseph did she manage to amass any regulars? Just wondering.


quiet one

New member
Mar 11, 2002
I saw here about 1 year ago.
I had some problems getting ahold of here to set up the appointment, but she only kept me waiting for 15 minutes at the donut shop before she picked up and gave me the final destination. I figured that she was just kept late by a client. Heck, even the great Tori and Winter kept me waiting 20 minutes because they didn't want a "nervous" client" go to away unsatisfied.

In I go and got the double in an hour for $160. At that time she insited that the rack was real. I asked her twice over the phone and explained that I liked natural. No way were they natural. Service was OK; no great enthusiasm. She didn't seem too interested. Never will repeat.

I don't care how gorgeous and lady is, if she isn't having a nice time, then I'm not having a nice time.


New member
Aug 17, 2001
Has anyone seen Jenn recently, and can confirm whether she is a bit more reliable now? I was thinking of going to see her in the next couple of days, but she doesn't sound too convincing over the phone, about being there on time, etc...


New member
May 27, 2002
More on Jen

I had an indifferent experience with Jen last fall. She came to my place - you are right, her breasts are most definitely fake, regardless of what she says. She did provide more than a massage service for me though. A full nude oral release was most enjoyable. I was expecting more but she got dressed and left shortly after. By the way, I did not pay her full $160 price. I told her I only had $130 and asked if she would come for 45 minutes and she agreed.

Here's a pic I took of her.


New member
Aug 17, 2001
I had the opportunity to see Jenn tonight. Well...........I had to wait for 1 1/4 hours while she did "last minute stuff." When I called she said that she had forgotten that we made an appointment, even though it was only 3 hours earlier. Well. I waited, and it was worth it. She was a true GFE with me and I ended up staying for about an hour and a half........If you can suck up the bs trying to actually hook up with her, it is worth it.
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