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Update on Jen in Cambridge (Toronto Exotics)


Wickd Hotties Connoisseur
Oct 27, 2001
Just skimming through Toronto Exotics and noticed Jen has new pics up. Looking better than ever.

There haven't been too many reviews on Jen, but of the ones posted, it seems that her massage is not much to brag about and that it's a bit pricey too. Does anybody have any idea if her service has improved or her rates have been adjusted?

I'd be driving from TO, so any info would be appreciated. PM's r welcome too.


New member
Aug 20, 2001
I've been seeing Jen for over a year and have always found her company and technique delightful. She has had some poor reviews, but from talking to her (she talks a lot!) they have been a direct reflection of the client. The only complaint I have is that she often seems distracted. However, with each visit the level of trust and her comfort level builds. She is very concerned with her appearance and as a result, underwent some more enhancements last summer. She is making a career of this and wants to look her best for her clients and herself. Some people don't appreciate the effort and have referred to her with descriptors like "Frankenstein"...In MHO, frankenstein never looked so good. She is worth the drive to Cambridge...but phone ahead, she is pretty popular out this way.


I would agree I have see her only once and she was great.. A bit pricey for this neck of the woods. She is very very easy on the eyes.:cool:


Exciter beware!

Hey guys ... don't often get to post on this board as Hamilton and the surrounding area are my forte. However, I did have a Jen experience back in November that I thought would help out Exciter considering he'd be coming into Cambridge from out of town. (Why you'd want to come in from Toronto when there's so much talent out that way I'll likely never understand!)

At any rate, I called Jen and set up an appointment and was told to call her when I got into town. A 45-minute drive later and I called. She asked me if I could call her back in a half-hour ... she wasn't ready yet. I killed some time at a coffee shop (I think it was a CoffeeTime that was close to where she said we'd be meeting). When I called her back -- NO ANSWER. This was at 9pm!!! She never answered her phone and I tried until well past 11pm. I had driven all that way and really wanted to see what I thought looked like a great gal. Her Web pix are really top notch!

The last time I attempted to call her, it was obvious her phone was off. POOF! I wouldn't be seeing on this night and I would never recommend to anyone to spend even a dime on someone who offers up this kind of bad customer service. She knew that I was coming in from Hamilton ... this is simply a bad PR move.

At any rate, I've seen mixed reviews on her. She may be great if you actually see her. However, as I've said to many in this neck of the woods, the potential to get burned isn't worth the trip to Cambridge. Just my $0.02!




Superlative Member
Aug 29, 2001
South of Heaven, Burlington
I don't know her JB, but I have had problems with a couple girls who's "minutes" on their pay per use cell phone had run out unexpectedly. So if you're interested, you may not want to rub her off your list yet.
IMHO of course.


Cell phones and wallets ... they come in handy!

Hey Doc ...

The cellphone excuse reminds me of the kinds of things I come up with when I need to get out of an MP quickly. "Uhh ... I forgot my wallet in the car" or "You don't take interac? Hmm ... can you tell me where the closest bank machine is?"

I guess I shouldn't be so cynical. However, she had my cell number; she easily could have called me from a land line. I'd love to give her a try (and write a glowing review). She does look tremendous ... just my type! But you know how it is: Once bitten, twice shy! If anyone out here talks to her, let her know she has a disappointed customer in the Hamilton area who would love an apology. I'm sure she could think of something! ;o)


Reliable? NOT!

I have seen Jen on two occasions. Both times were great. That's the good news. The bad is that I have tried to see her four times. The other two were "no shows", and like JB, she knew I was coming from Hamilton.

I was able to connect with her each time and she was apologetic, but it's a pain in the butt, when you make the time committment. I doubt I'll repeat, just for this reason.


jen website

Is it this Jen that has a web site on geocities? if not, do you guys know who i'm refering too? I think her domain has to do with sugar and spice.



New member
Feb 26, 2002
Southern Ontario

Jen charges $160 for the hr.

She is not a FS provider just massage.. She is more eye candy then anything else. Don't get me wrong her service is good but not as good as her looks. If her rates were $120 hr then I would be there very day but $160 is a little high for just a massage.
Jen is more of a "I haven't done that yet" type of deal. Once you have done that you might want to move on but the look makes you want to come back.

Just my 2 cents do what you want with the information.


Wickd Hotties Connoisseur
Oct 27, 2001

Is this $160/hr rate for a NR session? Since it's a minimum hour session, does she allow multiple release or is that extra?

I would imagine that the cost of the motel room is at your expense or does she supply the location?

quiet one

New member
Mar 11, 2002
$160/hr includes: NR, CBJ (pretty good), digits, no DATY (if it did, it was not memborable; I only like if the girl really enjoys it) and 2 SOG. I did not repeat because even thoughher looks are great, she did not seem to be into it and she insisted that her tits were real (I happen to like natural and I had asked before I booked).


Dec 5, 2001
Any new reviews of this girl. I am thinking of making the short trip from T.O. and want to she if she has become more reliable.


Wickd Hotties Connoisseur
Oct 27, 2001
Be prepared for a letdown

I finally made the drive out to Cambridge a few weeks ago to see Jen. I kinda took a chance because I didn't make any appt. But I was able to talk with her directly on my first call. I told her that I was coming in from T.O. to see her and she said her next available appt wasn't until a few hours later. I told her no problem that I would take it. She wouldn't give me the directions to her place right away but told me to call her back a half hour before my appt to get the directions. OK. So I call her at the time agreed and got her AT&T answering service stating she's not available. I called her again and again for the next hour but without any success. I figure she must have called it a night but I was pretty pissed that she would pull that kinda crap, even though I was warned by other reviewers. Call me crazy, but if you are going to advertise on TORONTO EXOTICS, you ought to provide a professional level of service to people coming in from T.O. or elsewhere. Will be a very long time before I dial her number again.
Evening wasn't a total waste though, got some LD's at the Mirage. :p


Elusive Member
Sorry, but ...

I told you so! That hurts me just as much as it hurts you. Probably because I had the same experience as the previous posts allude to. I don't get it either ... these girls take the time to advertise and market themselves both in newspapers and on the internet; they have photos taken; they set up in hotel rooms or wherever and then they just completely forget the first rule of business ... TAKE CARE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS!!!!

As a Hamiltonian, watching local SPs and MPs rise and fall like the tide these days, I just don't understand why so many have a difficult time coming to terms with the importance of keeping your clients happy. That includes not allowing them to drive an hour to see you only to leave 'em driving around downtown Cambridge looking for a quick way to make Mr. Happy -- well, happy.

Jesus Christ! Make one customer happy and he'll maybe tell one person. Piss off one customer and he'll most certainly tell a hundred! Hey Jen -- wake up and smell the coffee ... you're running out of potential clients with that shitty attitude of yours. I don't care how good you look in your kilt!



New member
Mar 31, 2002

Ive had no prolems with Jen. Ive seen her 4-5 times.. Ive always left a happy guy.. i find it hard to get a hold of her but daytime seems to be the best...


Elusive Member
There's a huge difference between simply having difficulty getting in touch with an SP and having difficulty meeting with her once the appointment has been made because she chooses to ignore your phone call.



Jan 20, 2002
Jen.....why waste your time

don't waste your time or your money..she may be attractive but she is over priced for the service and too unreliable...look at the boards and either go to a MP for the at minimum the same for less and if you do your homework more for less and with a girl every bit as attractive AND witha good attitude..or spend a few bucks more and see an escort........


New member
Mar 31, 2002

The first time I met her, it was $160 just a massage kinda deal... I was really disappointed but once she feels comfortable with you its quite good..

I would be pissed too if that happened to me but it hasnt yet... knock on wood..


Wickd Hotties Connoisseur
Oct 27, 2001

Next time you see her, can you ask her why she pulls that kinda crap? And if she is willing to give me a free massage for the last lost appt? LOL

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