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up to 61,000 iraqis killed by Saddam's goverment


Active member
Aug 17, 2001
Re: Looney left whining..part 2

E_B_Samaritano said:
Bush Sr. rebuffed advances of the neocons during his administration. He was presented with the PNAC manifesto and passed on it. He listened to the UN, an act which caused neocons to vilify him. If you remember, which you probably don’t, he also threatened to reduce aid to Israel—a move which ultimately may have cost him the White House and certainly did not endear him to the predominantly Jewish neocons . The neocons after getting out of bed with Reagan, found a more willing if not gullible audience with Bush Jr. Clinton would have none of it.
I'll give you that, since I have nothing that says Bush Sr was presented the PNAC and passed on it.

Recall we found plenty of WMDs and even unearthed a nuclear bomb in progress during the inspection efforts of UNSCOM. And of course as is true to form, your ilk would express nothing but disdain for the suffering imposed on the Iraqi people by the US and GB insistence on vigorous enforcement of these sanctions whilst Saddam went unscathed by criticism while he stole billions and continue to starve and murder his people.
Untrue. Of all the WMD found, 90% were cleared out by 1998. And NO, I'll repeat, NO nuclear bombs were found. In fact no fissile materials at all were found. There was no need for invasion. Also, didn't you say, in your original post on this thread, that you believed Iraq was not a threat to the US or to it neighbors? What happened to that?
Now after spending billions just to keep that situation together that the UN was supposed to be enforcing we take action to remove Saddam and restore the country to normalicy. Yet you spend more time railing against our motives than rejoicing over the fact that the sufferring can now end. That is what is truly disgusting about your kind.

And finally d, given all of your shrill bleating on this subject, just what do you think should have been done with Iraq? Let’s hear a Canadian solution that passes the laugh test?

Normalicy? Suffering is not even close to ending. 60% of the Iraqi population are now dependent on aid. Good luck on bring back normalcy. I think I'll go back to your original post with the real reason the US invaded Iraq - geo-political control of the region.
As for what they should have done. At the beginning of this year the UN weapons inspectors should have finished their job. Sanctions should then have been lifted with weapons monitoring continued. Rebuilding Iraq could then follow as now planned, but maybe with the rest of the world included.


New member
Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
Re: Re: Re: No one answered my question

red said:
so you support saddam in supressing the revolt?
LOL. I don't think i said that, but of course, that won't stop you from telling the world i said that just so you could say i was wrong.

Apparently my point is a bit above your head, so nevermind.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: No one answered my question

Ickabod said:
Thanks for proving my point about conservatives.

Now perhaps, since i answered your question, you can answer mine. Did Lincoln lead a war that killed other Americans? Yes or no?
And thank you for proving my point about Liberals - they have no sense of proportion. Only think in headlines.

Yes he did put down a revolt, but not to keep people down but to free people. But you're a liberal so you wouldn't understand the difference as you can't see the difference between righ and wrong.



Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Lincoln and the Civil War

onthebottom said:
And thank you for proving my point about Liberals - they have no sense of proportion. Only think in headlines.

Yes he did put down a revolt, but not to keep people down but to free people. But you're a liberal so you wouldn't understand the difference as you can't see the difference between righ and wrong.

Hmm, I wonder about that statement that Lincoln fought the civil war to free people. See the article here by Thomas Friedman of the N.Y. Times.,4386,224340,00.html Maybe you need to set him straight too? Must be a tough job being a conservative! :)



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Re: Lincoln and the Civil War

jwmorrice said:
Hmm, I wonder about that statement that Lincoln fought the civil war to free people. See the article here by Thomas Friedman of the N.Y. Times.,4386,224340,00.html Maybe you need to set him straight too? Must be a tough job being a conservative! :)

Great article, I'm surprised your attention span was held during the entire article. So, great presidents (Wilson, Lincoln and Bush) have shifted their logic for great sacrifices - I thought the comparison of Wilson and Bush was interesting.

This hardly supports your Lincoln and Sadam are the same for putting down a revolt - but it's the right / wrong Liberal thing that is nearly incurable - although if the first generation of NeoCons could perhaps you can too. My favorite quote from the founder of the Neo Con movement - "A neo conservative is a liberal that has been mugged by reality".



Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Re: Re: Lincoln and the Civil War

onthebottom said:
Great article, I'm surprised your attention span was held during the entire article. So, great presidents (Wilson, Lincoln and Bush) have shifted their logic for great sacrifices - I thought the comparison of Wilson and Bush was interesting.

This hardly supports your Lincoln and Sadam are the same for putting down a revolt - but it's the right / wrong Liberal thing that is nearly incurable - although if the first generation of NeoCons could perhaps you can too. My favorite quote from the founder of the Neo Con movement - "A neo conservative is a liberal that has been mugged by reality".

Speaking of attention spans, look to your own. I never wrote that Lincoln and Saddam were the same for putting down a revolt. I believe you and Ikabod were sparring on some such matter. I just thought I'd chime in with a correction. Cheers! :)



Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Lincoln and the Civil War - OTB MIA

onthebottom said:
My favorite quote from the founder of the Neo Con movement - "A neo conservative is a liberal that has been mugged by reality".

OTB, no response yet to my further correction. Where are you? Out getting mugged by reality - yet again? :)


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