Unprofessional SPs/MAs


May 17, 2005
Following these two recent threads, I thought it may be a good idea to list all the SPs/MAs that we have come across that answered the fxxking phone or stepped out of the room during the sessions. I think all the calls and people that come in during these times can definitely go to the voicemail. If they are horny, they will call back while you as the SP/MA can`t take on the extra client anyway at that moment.

Fire away and add to the list. It will help all hobbists. Will link to it from the MP spreadsheet too.

Connie @C&M
Maggie @C&M
TingTing @Better Oriental/Angel Health (sometimes way too many times during a session and never quite make up the time)
Christa @InnerImage (sometimes way too many times during a session)
Emily @256
Lisa @195

Looks like something`s wrong with the list. How come 90% are Asians????!!!


Mar 9, 2006
Hmm, this can be tricky. I'd list all the OPG girls there, since they will answer phone calls from Tracey at the 45th minute.


May 17, 2005
That's a good one!!!

... for someone who does not take the most critical customer feedback into account ... I can live with 5 minutes .... but 15 minutes in advance could really be the mood killer in that intense moment ....

And I think they should all be listed here as we are looking at "unprofessional" from our (customers') viewpoint and not theirs!!!

oldphart said:
Hmm, this can be tricky. I'd list all the OPG girls there, since they will answer phone calls from Tracey at the 45th minute.


gmuoo said:
Following these two recent threads, I thought it may be a good idea to list all the SPs/MAs that we have come across that answered the fxxking phone or stepped out of the room during the sessions. I think all the calls and people that come in during these times can definitely go to the voicemail. If they are horny, they will call back while you as the SP/MA can't take on the extra client anyway at that moment.

Fire away and add to the list. It will help all hobbists. Will link to it from the MP spreadsheet too.

Looks like something's wrong with the list. How come 90% are Asians????!!!
I've had many answer the phone who weren't asian ... if they are alone they will answer. Pauline @ Michelle's is one of the highest regarded MAs around but she was alone when I saw her so she answered the phone. She did make it up to me by going way over in time tho. But it was an early morning when she had the time to give, wonder what woulda happened if she had another appt lined up?

Erica (where are you? *sniff*) would answer up to a certain point in the session (same as C&M). Had it happen many other times with Indys who are no longer around and prolly a few that still are .... if I think of em I'll post em. I'd say that despite the fact that the majority of the time I see asian MAs over the last few years, I've had prolly an equal amount of non-asians answer the phone in the past (goin back several years). Had it happen at Magic Hands with 2 different girls, forget their names.... last time about a year ago, an older but nicely built woman. They were all booked and it was her turn.

If a place is busy one of the girls has to keep the phone, I've been the unlucky guy who got stuck with the phone girl several times and it annoyed the crap outta me until one of the other girls was free and took the damn thing. Sometimes they make it up to you, sometimes not.... that goes a long way to helping me decide to return or not.

Anyway, I just thought it a bit unfair to label asians as the worst as that isn't my experience and I'm one of the true asian MA lovers. Best way to avoid that is to go to a place with a manager (like 621, 328, 177 & 200 St Joe) but even then you could get a girl with a phone at certain times.

I will agree that Rosa at 95 Vic is prolly the worst ..... last time she answered phone many times and left the room to tell Suzanna stuff twice ..... I was thinking of trying Suzanna next cuz she doesn't answer the phone .....don't think she speaks english well enuff. And she does an awesome tootsie rub :D


Jan 23, 2006
you know what guys

if a MA/SP does that to you,all you have to do is walk out,fuck it,its your time you paid for,so why is she talking to buddy on the phone,thats like 1.50/min of your dollar,that you paid for ur mins,if my math is correct,but you know what i mean.The only way to stop this is not to give them business,and when that stops their gonna wonder why/and think about,after when its problably too late,they will improve.If you complain here on Terb,and then go back,well your asking for it.Its obvious she doe not care because,she will think that ur still gonna go back to her.But plz,these thread about this type of behaviour,stop writting and start doing something about it.:rolleyes:


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
What about the door $?

Athena06 said:
if a MA/SP does that to you,all you have to do is walk out,fuck it,its your time you paid for,so why is she talking to buddy on the phone,thats like 1.50/min of your dollar,that you paid for ur mins,if my math is correct,but you know what i mean.The only way to stop this is not to give them business,and when that stops their gonna wonder why/and think about,after when its problably too late,they will improve.If you complain here on Terb,and then go back,well your asking for it.Its obvious she doe not care because,she will think that ur still gonna go back to her.But plz,these thread about this type of behaviour,stop writting and start doing something about it.:rolleyes:
Summer & Sarah did it to me at Magic Hands - Big Time!!. I won't go back. Christa @ Inner Image did it a couple of times, but she kept it brief.

Athena, would you recommend we collect our door fee back or what would you do?


Jan 23, 2006
try this

its too late to collect once you have been there in the room for 15-20mins,but
within the 5-10mins if she anwsers the phone,grab your stuff,get your money back and get the fuck out.If you see the manager/owner tell her too,that makes a difference if she cares about business.Then do not return there for good while,owner is gonna wonder why,cause she is use to seing you at her spa,and then she gonna realize that something aint right.When you dont give business to a MP/SP,like any other business,they will either improve or shutdown.But in life,when someone does something wrong,let them know,dont be intiminated of her looks,tell her bluntly,listen im pissed off,i would return,your not the only good looking girl in town.That will have a person thinking about their money,i mean business.:cool:


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
asian spas

The thing with some of thiese places, like C&M, is that they have a different idea of how to run a business. Some of things we would expect as normal wouldn't even occour to them. Their idea of what constitues good customer service may be different than yours and mine. My guess would be that they would answer the phone during a session because they wouldn't expect that it would bother a customer.

I'm sure that costs them some business.

my 2


May 17, 2005
Expand Your Idea of Unprofessionalism

.... just want to add that it does not have to be limited to answering phone calls or stepping out of the room to be regarded as unprofessional ... just put things down if you have other experience that you would consider unprofessional too ...

I-N is one of the best prime examples for canceling tours sometimes without a cancelation notice to those that have booked, causing major pain in one's schedule ... and no apology either ...

It can also be like some MAs/SPs that schedule back to back appt with no breaks in between - C&M and a lot of the Asian places are good at these too.

Still don't understand why these ladies don't get a answering machine or get that service from Bell or whoever on their cell!


May 17, 2005
Not everyone charges as little as you do

$1.50/min ... I would say more like $2-3/min ... VIP before was more like $5-6/min.

Athena06 said:
if a MA/SP does that to you,all you have to do is walk out,fuck it,its your time you paid for,so why is she talking to buddy on the phone,thats like 1.50/min of your dollar,that you paid for ur mins,if my math is correct,but you know what i mean.The only way to stop this is not to give them business,and when that stops their gonna wonder why/and think about,after when its problably too late,they will improve.If you complain here on Terb,and then go back,well your asking for it.Its obvious she doe not care because,she will think that ur still gonna go back to her.But plz,these thread about this type of behaviour,stop writting and start doing something about it.:rolleyes:


Not Just Candy Anymore
Sep 17, 2005
Skid marks on the towlels - can you even believe that this happens, WELL IT DOES - learn to wipe your BUTT PROPERLY. Thank GOD that this client stopped coming here after a previous attendant left.
Post shower skid marks ? Maybe he was too embarrassed to get in there and start scrubbing while he had company in the shower ? Maybe if you should adopt a policy of giving customers a couple of minutes alone in the shower to do that kind of solo cleaning ?

I suppose the only thing that could be worse than post shower skid marks would be if opted not to take the shower and still availed himself of the towels...:eek:


Apr 6, 2006
One other for Jasmine's list

You forgot one Jas ('cause I know it's one of your pet peeves):
  • Clients who use your personal items, such as a bar of soap (when a bottle of body wash has been provided).
And my own personal pet peeve:
  • MA's who keep you waiting 10 minutes or more before starting your massage.
Ok, I don't mind relaxing for 5 minutes or so, but eventually I'll fall asleep and then I'll wake up and start getting miffed. By the time 10 minutes rolls around, I ain't relaxed no more!!!!

Not that this has EVER happened with Jasmine!!! (BSHS is another matter :()


Member who hasn't been around much lately!
Apr 17, 2005
mav256 said:
I've never had Maggie answer the phone (only Connie) and I've seen her many times.
I second that. And she's certainly never answerred the phone when in a session with me.


Mar 9, 2006
Jasmin_MA said:
DON'T USE MY BARED SOAP - that is absolutely disgusting, you might as well ask me to use my tooth brush.
You might want to hide it somewhere then. People wouldn't use a tooth brush if they see one there but a bar of soap is likely to get used without any second thought. Not everyone is into body wash bottles, as some consider it a metrosexual thing or confuse it for a shampoo bottle :)


Officer, I'd like to file a report!

I'd like to report Lucy (Cathy) at 241 Papineau. She answered the phone while with a customer to talk to me today. Unlike most times this happens she quickly said she was working and told me what time to be there. Total of maybe 30 seconds. Luckily she didn't do it again when she was with me .... and she was working alone at the time



Mar 9, 2006
Jasmin, do you really think that when YOU are in the shower with a guy, that he is paying attention to what you are using? As a guy, I assure you we rarely do. I don't even remember what sort of bottles you have there, or if there was any bar of soap. Also, some would assume that everything there is brand new, just like the towels, or like being in a hotel.

This doesn't bother me at all, since I shower at my place before and after coming over to yours, an OCD thing. I'm telling you that people will use that bar of soap, unless you get rid of it or hide it. Don't expect logic from clients, especially in your company (even when you're not in the shower).


New member
May 29, 2006
Jasmin, I can see your point clearly but as Oldphart said men don't think with their head between their shoulders. I've never had the pleasure of being to your establishment yet but I know from seeing your website that during the shower I might make another mess, not meaning to be disgusting, but for me it's been too long! :)
Last edited:


Apr 6, 2006
And not enough for both...

So Jasmine, since I started all this, and you know I agree with you, I have to say that that my colleagues here have a good point. Like I said the last time I forgot something really important during a visit with you, God gave man two heads -- but only enough blood to run one of them at a time :D

So please forgive us, but you do make it hard to maintain one's concentration.
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