Univ. degree


Jan 16, 2004
jw01 said:
How's it going everyone?

Just curious to know, how do firms or companies verify that someone has graduated with a certain degree from a university? Do they call and check in each time someone gives in a resume with a specified degree and univ. name? Or is there another process? Hope you guys follow what I mean...

If not, like lets say Mike here, says he graduated from UTF with a Commerce degree. If he applies for a job in the states or even in Canada, where the requirement is a Commerce graduate, how would the company either in Canada or US verify he has graduated? Do they take his word, or do they have random checks or is there an offical posting by univs. of the graduates? Anyways, just curious to know how that process works. Let me know guys.

Take it easy!
Having just gone through the hiring process (albeit it was through campus hiring, so they knew that you were getting your degree), companies won't verify each and every resume that comes in. Once you get closer to getting an offer (or sometimes after you receive your offer of employment), the company will typically check your references and your schooling. Most companies outsource this now, so dedicated third parties will do it on their behalf.

When I got my job offers, I know that all my references were interviewed for about 20 minutes (which also verified my prior employment) and that they checked out my education. Not sure if they went for my university (since I was a student and they hired from campus it seemed kind of silly), but they did check my high school. They did require my permission to check that though, what with PIPEDA.

Long and short of it, like others have said in this thread, it's not worth lying about it. If you do, they'll find out. And if they do, then out the door you go.


Jul 26, 2006
jw01 said:
How's it going everyone?

Just curious to know, how do firms or companies verify that someone has graduated with a certain degree from a university? Do they call and check in each time someone gives in a resume with a specified degree and univ. name? Or is there another process? Hope you guys follow what I mean...

If not, like lets say Mike here, says he graduated from UTF with a Commerce degree. If he applies for a job in the states or even in Canada, where the requirement is a Commerce graduate, how would the company either in Canada or US verify he has graduated? Do they take his word, or do they have random checks or is there an offical posting by univs. of the graduates? Anyways, just curious to know how that process works. Let me know guys.

Take it easy!
They do check the University's records. They will aslo very your grade average, etc. at the registrars office. i have heard of people making up falsde documaentations: but now they check you out...Interesting idea eh?


New member
Jan 2, 2005
It depends on the job you're applying for. A University degree is just a necessary, but not very meaningful piece of paper to get you in the door to apply for most decent jobs. If you're applying for an entry level position, it's important, if you're applying for a more senior position, it's almost irrelevant compared to your previous work experience. As far as I know, I've never had an employer check my degree, nor do I think anyone really cared that much about it compared to other things. It's just kinda expected when applying for more senior positions. If you can speak and write well, you can probably get away with it, but I wouldn't lie about it.


Jan 16, 2004
bigbearbob said:
They do check the University's records. They will aslo very your grade average, etc. at the registrars office. i have heard of people making up falsde documaentations: but now they check you out...Interesting idea eh?
Universities don't (or at least shouldn't) give that information out without the student's written consent (I would think that if they did they would be in violation of PIPEDA).

My current employer has made it a condition of my employment that I provide a copy of my transcript mailed directly to them in order to verify my graduation.


New member
Jul 16, 2005
shawnbg said:
It depends on the job you're applying for. A University degree is just a necessary, but not very meaningful piece of paper to get you in the door to apply for most decent jobs. If you're applying for an entry level position, it's important, if you're applying for a more senior position, it's almost irrelevant compared to your previous work experience. As far as I know, I've never had an employer check my degree, nor do I think anyone really cared that much about it compared to other things. It's just kinda expected when applying for more senior positions. If you can speak and write well, you can probably get away with it, but I wouldn't lie about it.
Exactly! The other thing that I don't get is when people, when deciding what college to go to, get all hung up on fancy names. I gotta go to Harvard, Yale, etc. And then when you get out into the real world, you will find that people don't give jack shit what school you went to, as long as it wasn't a mail order degree. And at the senior levels, it's all about prior work experience.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
High_Roller said:
And then when you get out into the real world, you will find that people don't give jack shit what school you went to, as long as it wasn't a mail order degree.
That's not always the case, especially in the higher social/business circles. You can have all the business experience in the world, but it's often a hell of a lot easier to get that experience when you have the credentials that open doors for you. There are many people who care a great deal about which school you went to. I know it's mattered in my career, and I'm not exactly running for president.

Granted, it's not the be-all and end-all but, hey, what is? The simple fact of the matter is that a pedigree university degree will open a lot of doors for you. Sure there are other ways to get those doors open, but that doesn't change the fact.

As an aside, it's usually the (older) people who don't have the university education that are the first to dismiss it...


Jul 25, 2005
I've seen both and been in both. I'm amazed at how little my creds have been checked and how little I've seen others checked. Then I'll encounter the odd instance where they check very thoroughly.

I recall once calling a university registrar in the US to check on someone only to be told, tartly, that the university isn't affiliated with the name that I'd given (close but not quite the same name). The name I gave, and thought I had called, was actually the real deal and not the diploma mill that my prospective candidate was touting as his alma mater.

Needless to say, I declined his interest in employment.
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