on a semi-related topic: how high is the high risk insurance? let's say you had a good record and were paying $2K a year and then got a few convictions (each less than 6 points) and your insurance company gives you the boot and you go to Facility.
Are you looking at about $4K/year with Facility?
It really can depend as typically its a combo of things that can push people into facility.
For starters, don't think about the points on a license as that's an MTO thing not an insurance thing. For insurance you get a ticket (
parking tickets not included) or a charge and it always counts against you.
Here's where it can get a bit tricky though;
Each ticket/charge (
let's say a speeding ticket in this example) remains on your driving abstract 3 years from the time that you pay it. If you don't pay it, it doesn't show up on your driving record that insurance companies have access to. Mind you if you don't pay it by the time your plates come up or within whatever time they give you to contest it your license gets suspended for unpaid fines. In the mean time your renewal might come out before you pay it so you get a pass for that year, but they may check your drivers abstract at your next renewal (
they don't check them every year for good drivers because it costs money) so you'll get burned for the increase then. So you pay your ticket right away the 3 year clock starts right way in terms of getting that ticket off of your abstract, and in effect your insurance as well.
So the lesson here is if you get a ticket watch when you pay it as generally renewals are prepared at least month before your renewal, so you might be able to skate by a year without an increase.
As for how this ties into facility each company is going to have its own underwriting guidelines where either too much of one catergory, or a combination of things is going to make you uninsurable to their guideliness.
For example;
2 at fault accidents
* (see below)
3 minor tickets/charges
1 major charge
** (see below)
X number of cancellations for non-payment.
1 at fault, 2 minors.
1 at fault, 2 cancellation for non-payment.
So its not necessarily hard to wind up being labelled high risk. Age or caterogry of license (
g2 vs full G) can change the rules as well. In addition to this the rules also change for multiple vehicle families as you can then spread out some of the bad driving across two vehicles and drivers.
* At fault accidents follow you for 6 years starting with the following renewal. For example I get into an accident in November and my renwewal is in October it will be on the next six October renewals that I'll see that accident even though 7 years have passed. Your "star" record (
as in I'm a 4 star driver) is derived from you gaining a star each year you are away from that accident. Some companies that have 10 star driving records will go back 10 years, but generally once you hit 6 stars you're good. Quickly on the star record thing, get your G license as quickly as you can as the most that a G2 driver can get is 3 stars.
Many companies are now starting to offer accident forgiveness for around $60 a year to qualified drivers (
so it wouldn't work if your kid wrecked the car). I highly recommend getting this if anyone qualifies as it will save you a buttload in the long run.
**Renewals might give you a bit hit on this one but not force you into facilty, but most new business won't touch you with a major. Pretty much anything involving a school bus will kill you on this one, but the most common is in a lot of accidents because a police officer can't lay a specific charge like following too closely because they can't prove that you were, they go for the default "Careless driving" charge, which is a major convictions... you get this, fight it because most of the time the crown will let you plead down to a lesser charge which will help with your rates when you get dinged for it.
So this very long windedly (
sorry) brings us to how much can Facility cost?
The answer is there really is no answer. The skies the limit. If you are qualified to drive in Ontario and have been rejected by 3 (
I think) regular market insurance companies they have to take you. Depending on how badly you fail facilities underwriting guidelines the deeper into it you get. Most of my experience is in claims or a direct writing company so I never saw a facility quote. In claims I could sometimes see the odd underwriting note that mentioned the policy offer and there were a couple around 10k / year!
If you do wind up as facility take a hard look at using public transporation for a year as even though you aren't insured the clock still keeps ticking on the things that put you into facility in the first place (
provided the gap in insurance isn't too big). Much like how "where" you live and "what" you drive factor into your normal market rates, it can be a whole other ballgame with Facility rates as they are a different entity thatn the insurance company offering you a policy at $2k/year. I would probably say starting with doubling your rate would be a good place to begin guessing, but the how and why you wound up facility are going to play a big part so it really is just a guess on my part.
One thing that I don't know if they still do it or not, but I believe Kingsway insurance, which is a non-facility high risk insurance company (
kinda the middle ground) was offering 6 month policies for a while, so if you know you've got an old ticket or accident coming off of your record in a few months they might be a temporary alternative to going facility for a full year.
Odd story though, for a while the soaring regular market insurance was more expensive than facility rates were! This mistake has since been caught and rectified.