Uncut and Condoms


Feb 1, 2002
I'm uncut, and I have a problem with condoms. They downright hurt!

When I put it on, it is fine, but when I bend it back, the foreskin goes back too far and it just hurts...any suggestions?

Note that I'm not actually using these for sex, but for masterbating.

paul kinkos


who uses condoms for masturbation???

seriously... i am puzzled by this statement and would like to know...

for my part... i am also uncut and have no problem with condoms... just make sure your condom is the right size and that the foreskin is back when you put it on..

oh and incase you're 16... the foreskin will loosen up as you get older and pulling it back will eventually stop hurting at all..


New member
Feb 17, 2002

The guy might be worried about the spray hitting the ceiling, dont worry I have the same problem.


Niagara's nightmare
Jan 9, 2002
Niagara Falls
Ask paul_it, he's the official protector for uncut weenies :)


Apr 10, 2002
La ou le plaisir n'a pas de limite...
eastender said:

Note that I'm not actually using these for sex, but for masterbating.
I to use a condom when masterbating I find the people on the subway dont find it so weird when your wearing one.


Aug 23, 2001
Re: Re: Uncut and Condoms

2sexxxy said:

I to use a condom when masterbating I find the people on the subway dont find it so weird when your wearing one.


New member
Jun 8, 2002
Why not use a condom when stroking the meat? It will make it easier to clean up afterwards and of course for the lube that's already on the condoms,should it run out,simply add more lube(the stuff you buy,but if a guy runs out of it,no other option but their own),another one of nature's gifts! LOL

The Baron

diva631 said:
Ask paul_it, he's the official protector for uncut weenies :)
DIVA If Ive told you one Ive told you a thousand times there NOT weenies



Niagara's nightmare
Jan 9, 2002
Niagara Falls
Well Baron i believe in your case it's probably just a pee-shooter :)

And my scissors are damn sharp too for anyone that needs help there .....snip snip...LMAO


Well-known member
Dec 14, 2001
Re: ???

paul kinkos said:
who uses condoms for masturbation???

for my part... i am also uncut and have no problem with condoms... just make sure your condom is the right size and that the foreskin is back when you put it on..
What do you mean, the foreskin is back? You mean pull the foreskin all the way and expose the head before putting on the condom? I think that would hurt like hell. Isn't the foreskin just supposed to remain the way it is and the penis moves inside the foreskin? It would be the same whether you are having sex with or with out a condom. Do you pull the foreskin all the way back before you have sex without a condom?


New member
Mar 18, 2002
Waytoofar N. Ont.
Strokin' with a condom

Dr69 said:

What do you mean, the foreskin is back? You mean pull the foreskin all the way and expose the head before putting on the condom? I think that would hurt like hell. Isn't the foreskin just supposed to remain the way it is and the penis moves inside the foreskin? It would be the same whether you are having sex with or with out a condom. Do you pull the foreskin all the way back before you have sex without a condom?
I'd like to "give you a hand" - no not literally. The culprit is chafing and a too tight fit. The pain is caused by dry rubber tearing the skin. Kiarra knows what to do - her suggestion is right on. I am uncut also and I have experienced the same feeling during intercourse when the condom is unable to slide. There must be provision for the penis to slide inside the condom. This is the same sensation I am sure that this is also experienced by females when there's a lack of natural lube or if an unlubricated condom is used.

A looser fit and lots of lube like KY or AstroGlide, will give you a much easier "ride". Pulling the foreskin back, then rolling the condom on as if you were "cut", provides some free space at the end when the foreskin rolls back down again. If additional lube is added before application then I am sure this would be the best solution!

Happy strokin'


Gentleman Horndog
Apr 8, 2002
Dr69 said:

What do you mean, the foreskin is back? You mean pull the foreskin all the way and expose the head before putting on the condom? I think that would hurt like hell. Isn't the foreskin just supposed to remain the way it is and the penis moves inside the foreskin? It would be the same whether you are having sex with or with out a condom. Do you pull the foreskin all the way back before you have sex without a condom?

You must be cut.

Of course, you retract the foreskin all the way before putting the condom on or having sex bareback. After all, it's mainly the head that's the sensitive part. If the foreskin isn't fully retracted, the condom will prevent it from moving back, and many of the sensitive nerve endings will not receive any friction.

In most cases, the foreskin retracts fully by itself when the penis is erect. It sounds like Eastender's problem is either condoms that are too small, or a foreskin that is a little too tight anyway. The tightness can probably be fixed by giving his penis more exercise! :D

paul kinkos


yeah... what he said... man you cut guys have strange ideas about what it's like to be uncut..

do you think we screw with the hood over the head??? even if it was possible why would we? like Avery said... it's the head that's sensitive...

really the only difference between a cut person and someone like me is that when my penis is errect there is a small roll of skin at the base of the head. it's hardly even noticeable... and i doubt that if you took a quick look you'd be able to tell the difference between a cut penis and a uncut one...

you guys are probably basing your opinions on what you see at the gym... when (hopefully) everyone is flacid... but when you are turgid, there is hardly a difference..

for me the main difference is that most of the time the head of my cock is protected by the foreskin... so my cock is more sensitive during sex... ;-)

honestly i wouldn't get myself cut for a hundred thousand dollars... being uncut rules!


Feb 1, 2002
nice feedback

Nice feeback everyone, I wasn't expecting 20 new messages to my thread.

Anyway, here is my problem and someone nailed it dead on before. My foreskin is way too tight!

It's only gone back over the head maybe once or twice in my lifetime (I'm not 16 either). And it hurt like hell. I can't do it voluntarily either. It's gotta be some kind of accident (like when a lap dance gets too aggressive). IT HURT MAN!

I was surfing and found a site: www.condomania.com, they have a message board there too and this problem is discussed. A lot of people say to exercise and stretch the skin. And eventually it will begin to go over the head naturally without pain.

I tell you this, I have a lot of foreskin and it's really tight. I exercise it here and there but I don't think it's making a difference. When I'm flacid, the foreskin totally engulfs the head...when I'm erect, the head makes a little appearance.

I wasn't worried about this problem until now. I bought a pack of condoms to try out (note: I'm still a virgin so I wanted to know how to put one on when the time came). And when I started to jerk it, I couldn't, b/c the condom would just stretch the foreskin back till it hurt. Basically I thought I was normal until I read that even uncut guys the foreskin goes back over the head.

Any more help? I'll think about getting one of those toys like Kiarra suggested. And if I can have simulated sex without pain, then I should be ok, but if I do have pain, then what? I mean, I don't want to get cut, but if I have to...then a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

Thank you all!

paul kinkos


that's a sad tale...

but that might be normal... i shutter when i think of just how painful it was when i first started pulling the foreskin back on my penis... of course that was like 8 years ago (i'm 21)... but it hurt like hell! not sure why i even tried it at first... maybe it was animal instinct ;-)

but my advise would be to just work that sucker in... grin and bear it man... eventually it should loosen up...

anyone else have any advise for this guy? i can't help but feel like i might not be helping him enough...

Sasha Jones

Smart Ass ;-)
Aug 17, 2001
Really Retired.....REALLY!
I just have one question.....

If you can't pull your foreskin back how do you clean yourself properly? I would be more worried about that than anything else.


Feb 1, 2002

well, I clean it the way I used to clean it when I was a kid, it never changed since I never can pull it back then. I stretch it back as far as I can (which isn't very far). That's it.

Sometimes I would lift up the foreskin a bit and use a soapy finger to ring around the inside but that's the best I can do.


World Champion Girl Lover
Nov 18, 2001
Eastender, you should go to a doctor to make sure that your foreskin is normal, when I was a kid I didn't realize that foreskin can go all the way back, but constant masturbation loosened it up. Perhaps it's just tight because you're scared to pull it back. It can get pretty nasty if you don't peel back and scrub regularly (I'm shuddering at the thought). If the doctor says it's normal, get some lube out and loosen it up.
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