The Porn Dude

UFC 97: Redemption

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
I forgot that I was dealing with a belligerent child who knows next to nothing about MMA and doesn't understand the concept of debating the issue without dragging the conversation into the gutter.
dj1470 said:
It's got nothing to do with Dana White and his idiocy - it's got to do with strength of opponents.
Who has Silva fought? Outside of Hendo, no one considered top talent. Rich Franklin was a paper champ. Nice guy, solid fighter, but not a top mixed martial artist. Who has GSP beaten recently? Nobody of note at the top of their game. Maybe you could say the first BJ Penn fight, but even that was a bigger man fighting a naturally smaller man. There's only two divisions with decent depth - lightweight and light heavyweight. None of the fighters in questions fight at those weights.

Listen, P4P is basically fantasy sports. But until proven otherwise, to me, Fedor is THE MAN. He never takes an opponent lightly, never falters, never fails to dominate and ultimately destroy his opponent. His only "loss" was through a cut on an illegal elbow strike. I have seen virtually every MMA fight that has been televised in the world and I can say without doubt that Fedor is the best there is, the best there was, and for now, the best there ever will be.

GSP is great and is improving by the minute, but he has a weak chin, is self-admittedly mentally soft and has quit twice in his losses. Silva is excellent and he's on a roll in a weak division, but he has lost too many fights he shouldn't have even been challenged in and he has put up two stinkers in a row against much lesser fighters. On top of that, his in-ring antics have been disappointing for a champion. He seems to be fighting with fear in his heart.

Keep sucking back the Kool-Aid, MMA newbie. Dana will be very happy that he has fooled another UFC shill. ;)

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
The Oracle said:
Silva's walking around weight is 215lb's. This is no lie, he's a big guy. He has fought as low as 170lb's in his career and of course as high as 205lb's. Right now his attitude is kind of puzzleing.
That's what I thought, that he looked comfortable at 205, he is pretty skinny at 185. So why would he have weighed in at 182? Doesn't that mean he did not cut weight at all? Or did he drastically misjudge and cut too much? I just do not understand it.

Yes, it might have been dangerous to pounce on Leites, but that is the chance to see if he is a champion who is driven to batter his opponent, or a pussy who is content to win a decision. I would rather back a guy who takes a chance to win big, than a guy who plays it safe and backs away.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I have to weigh in on the P4P question. I find it pretty hard to compare UFC to other promotions, I do not watch enough of the others. The way I look at it is that a year or so ago, I would have ranked them:

- Fedor
- Silva
- Penn
- Matt Hughes then GSP.

Since then GSP has gone way up, by battering Hughes and Penn. Silva has slid by fighting so lazily his last two fights, Penn has slid by being battered by GSP and whining. Fedor is hard to judge, because he has won strongly, against weak competition. I say that if Lesnar beats Mir, and then Fedor beats Lesnar, Fedor is the best pound for pound. But if Fedor won't sign with UFC to fight Lesnar, and GSP wins big again, then my P4P listing will be:

- Fedor
- Silva

I like Lesnar, he has so much quickness and athleticism in a giant guy, with more experience, his potential is unlimited. And I find it hard to figure where to rank some of those very small WEC guys.


New member
Feb 28, 2006
dj1470 said:
Yeah sure. Fedor's last few opponents were top notch calibre - Arlovski, Sylvia, Choi, and Lindland. All of whom are not top 10 world heavyweights anymore. Fedor has fought 4 times in the last 2 years and those were his opponents? Yeah right. Maybe 4-5 years ago Fedor was P4P best but not now. It's got nothing to do with Dana White and his idiocy - it's got to do with strength of opponents. With that said, Fedor is still tops in the dismal world of mma heavyweights.

Now go take Fedor's cock out of your mouth and shut up, why don't ya? You can go back later and suck his dick again no problem.

A year or so ago, Arlovski and Silvia were top-ranked UFC heavyweights. Fedor is awesome but from what I hear Dana White doesn't want to pay him. Silva is one of my favorites but in his last 2 fights it seems as if he's afraid of taking a chance in case he loses. Even so, a great fighter does not always make a great fight.

I would have to rate Fedor at #1,GSP at #2, and Silva at#3 for P4P best fighter.

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