Uber is now officially legal in Toronto


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Who cares, if anything major happens Uber is liable and can be sued.
While Uber drivers do have commercial insurance Uber X drivers do not and Uber does not cover any of their drivers with their own policy. Uber is not liable as through their contracts they put the insurance requirements on the drivers of different Uber's platforms.
If anything major happens the customer would have to sue the specific driver and if the driver of an Uber X car does not have proper commercial insurance and is using the vehicle for commercial purposes (which Uber X is) the insurance company will deny the claim (which is legally their right to do) as the driver did not disclose the proper details to the insurance company.

And as a customer you will never see a penny.
Anyone who is using Uber X is doing so at their own risk as these drivers do not have the proper insurance needed to operate a commercial vehicle.
Toronto Escorts