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Typical France.. the collaborators

Papi Chulo

Banned Permanently
Jan 30, 2006

"France's President Jacques Chirac appears to have eased the world's political pressure on Iran over its suspect nuclear programme.

In a radio interview before departing for the UN General Assembly session in New York, Mr Chirac said: "I am never in favour of sanctions."

He called Iran "a great nation", and suggested that in the course of future talks the six leading nations now engaged with Iran on the nuclear dossier would renounce the threat of UN sanctions and Iran would renounce uranium enrichment.

His comments may reflect a growing belief among European leaders that persuading Iran to drop its troublesome nuclear ambitions can realistically be done only by staying on good terms with Iran, not by hostile pressure or threats.

The risk for the world powers involved is that they may be seen to make more and more concessions to Iran in the hope of fruitful talks, but fail to get a verifiable end to Iran's work on technologies that could lead to nuclear weapons.

In that case, the attempt to forge a common front to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear weapons power might be lost.

Flouting UN demands "


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
Everyone seems to forget that France backed the invasion of Afghanistan.

In any case, they're probably right. You draw more flies with honey then with vinegar.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
SilentLeviathan said:
In any case, they're probably right. You draw more flies with honey then with vinegar.
It's true. Look at history. The policy of appeasement is all that it took to stop Hitler.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Chirac and his ilk are to put it bluntly - parasites. The sooner he's out of politics the better. Iran a great nation - yeah tell that to the Kazemi family!


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
shack said:
It's true. Look at history. The policy of appeasement is all that it took to stop Hitler.
Well considering how Iran is invading neighbouring countries and trying to take over the Middle East I can see how this is applicable... oh wait.

The appeasment policy towards Hitler was "Ok you do what you want and we won't stop you." No one is telling Iran to go ahead and to do what they want. They are saying we need to have an open dialogue with them, like we do with North Korea, and discuss how to make everyone happy. It takes a long time and can be very draining but in the end it's a lot better then another war.


East end Hobbiest
The policy of "non appeasement" is a millenniums old policy that has given us 8000 straight years of world peace ... right?

What we need in order to prevent war is to have more leaders who promote war as an answer ... you know, "war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength".


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
woolf said:
The policy of "non appeasement" is a millenniums old policy that has given us 8000 straight years of world peace ... right?

What we need in order to prevent war is to have more leaders who promote war as an answer ... you know, "war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength".

Blah, blah, blah.
Have not used one in a long while but you and that scroll twat now rate a really large:




Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
woolf said:
Finally, something out of your mouth that isn't a pile of racist clap trap. Take a bow tough guy.

I've figured it out , you must be some wannabe Cdn version of Pecker.

They way you toss around words like" tough guy" and make similar references makes me think that you are either a stalwart on the "other board" of posturing toughguys or some "Jets" wannabe hanging around a Timmies parking lot reving the engine in your IROC.
Mar 19, 2006
SilentLeviathan said:
The appeasment policy towards Hitler was "Ok you do what you want and we won't stop you." No one is telling Iran to go ahead and to do what they want. They are saying we need to have an open dialogue with them, like we do with North Korea, and discuss how to make everyone happy. It takes a long time and can be very draining but in the end it's a lot better then another war.

appeasement: to yield or concede to the belligerent demands of (a nation, group, person, etc.) in a conciliatory effort, sometimes at the expense of justice or other principles.

I prefer to fight and die for my principles than live in peace without them.


East end Hobbiest
K Douglas said:
Chirac and his ilk are to put it bluntly - parasites. The sooner he's out of politics the better. Iran a great nation - yeah tell that to the Kazemi family!
Tell it to Bush as well ... did you hear his speech to the UN today? He started off his speech with those exact words "Iran is a great nation" .... using the standards set by some here, he sounded simply "Chamberlainian".


I am better than you.
Oct 30, 2002
lookingforitallthetime said:
appeasement: to yield or concede to the belligerent demands of (a nation, group, person, etc.) in a conciliatory effort, sometimes at the expense of justice or other principles.

I prefer to fight and die for my principles than live in peace without them.
Right, and no one is doing that. Where does it say that that anyone is saying "Oh well, let Iran go ahead and do what it wants." What they are saying, however, is "OK so Iran claims that it wants uranium for nuclear power, let's talk to see how we can allow them to do this without the threat of them getting a nuke.

Taking an all or nothing approach in a situation like this is foolish to say the least when there is no immediate threat to anyone or anything.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
SilentLeviathan said:
Well considering how Iran is invading neighbouring countries and trying to take over the Middle East I can see how this is applicable... oh wait.

The appeasment policy towards Hitler was "Ok you do what you want and we won't stop you." No one is telling Iran to go ahead and to do what they want. They are saying we need to have an open dialogue with them, like we do with North Korea, and discuss how to make everyone happy. It takes a long time and can be very draining but in the end it's a lot better then another war.
Appeasement is a good comparison here (and many other places). They might not be saying "go ahead" but they are essentially telling Iran that they wont be stopped in their drive for nuclear "electricity". No, they are not invading countries (directly at least) right now but Hitler didn't begin by invading Poland. (There was something about re-nationalizing and re-miliatarizing the Rhineland (coal for non-military industry allegedly - such as electric power if you want to expand the comaprison).


East end Hobbiest
basketcase said:
but Hitler didn't begin by invading Poland. (There was something about re-nationalizing and re-miliatarizing the Rhineland (coal for non-military industry allegedly - such as electric power if you want to expand the comaprison).
That's a pretty nebulous "connection" you're making ... wouldn't Israel and the USA be much further down that path if we are to use these standards?

Sounds to me like a SOP to PNAC ... never allow any country to develop to the point where they could challenge US hegemony.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
editFor woolf's benefit, I'll include the quote instead of making him look one inch up on his screen

woolf said:
...Sounds to me like a SOP to PNAC ... never allow any country to develop to the point where they could challenge US hegemony.
Either that or never allow any country that gained direct economic benefit by commiting that they wouldn't do something to turn around and do it anyways.
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