Two very interesting stories about Canada from our very own CBC


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
"Poor" is a relative term. In the lands of excess, being "poor" is sometimes not having as much as wealthier neighbors. I dated this girl in university who used to brag how she was going to be successful (she had it all together academically) despite growing up "dirt poor." Granted her family was not well off and below middle-class but she always had food to eat, enough to have 20 pairs of shoes and family vacations once a year. But when she saw how some more wealthier people lived, she regarded her family as very poor.

I used to think I knew what "poor" was having worked in some of the poorer nighborhoods as a volunteer in the city when I was younger. Then I traveled and visted places parts of south east asia. Then I realized that the "poor" here live in luxury compared to the people over there...


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
On a side note... Cretien mentioned that he is a Catholic and for abortion. How the heck can you be Catholic and for abortion?
When we first came to Canada, we used to rent a unit in one of those town houses at Jane and Finch man ... My dad work four jobs, one as a chef, one as a waiter and one as a pizza delivery dude and one as a Chinese food delivery dude ... and my mom used to work at Woods sewing shit and stuff like camping equipment and sleeping bags ... and we used to only have one car and it was a Chrysler K-car ...

Now, that is "poor" ...

But through hard work and a little bit of brains, my dad did not dream the American Dream, he made the American Dream a reality for us ...

I ain't ashamed or shy to say that my old man is one of my heroes man ...

So through ambition and hard work ... anyone can make it in this country ... anyone ... ;)


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Got news for you folks

And this might cause contention

Catholics are not for ABORTION. Your PM is a Caffeteria Catholic beliving in what he likes and discarding what he doesent.


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
papasmerf said:
Got news for you folks

And this might cause contention

Catholics are not for ABORTION. Your PM is a Caffeteria Catholic beliving in what he likes and discarding what he doesent.
I can only assume that you don't wear condoms, don't see SP's (sex without marraige) and post here for sport, as what we do here is not something the pope would approve of is it?

By the way, I'm catholic too so I realize that hobbying and following church rules collide, so I'd be of the "Caffeteria" class myself.

but I may have misunderstood, perhaps you're just commenting rather than critizing and are a "Caffeteria" catholic too?


New member
Jan 1, 2003
The Dark Ages
submissivedave said:

But through hard work and a little bit of brains, my dad did not dream the American Dream, he made the American Dream a reality for us ...

So through ambition and hard work ... anyone can make it in this country ... anyone ...
Don't you mean the Canadian Dream, or do Canadians dream American Dreams, too? :)


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Isn't that a song

from Miss Saigon?

It's a universal dream, we just branded it!



Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002

your PM is a liberal and our President is a conservative, now that's news.



New member
Aug 22, 2001
Not all Catholics are against abortion. There are growing numbers who support access to choice. Just check out this site.

Catholics have abortions . . .

Catholic women in the United States are as likely as women in the general population to have an abortion, and 29% more likely than Protestant women.
Survey by the Alan Guttmacher Institute of 9,985 abortion patients: Stanley Henshaw and Kathryn Kost, "Abortion Patients in 1994-95: Characteristics and Contraceptive Use," Family Planning Perspectives, July/August 1996.
Catholic countries, even where abortion is illegal, have high levels of abortions: In Brazil, the estimated number of abortions ranges from 1 million to 2 million per year.
Brazilian Institute of Development, 1989 poll of urban areas with populations > 1,000; Clandestine Abortion: A Latin American Reality (Washington: Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1994).

In Argentina, the federal government estimates that 365,000 abortions are performed each year. The International Planned Parenthood Federation puts the estimate even higher, at 450,000 a year.
International Family Planning Perspectives, March 1994.

In Colombia, there are 300,000 to 400,000 abortions per year.
Carlos Lemoine, Las Fuerzas de la Opinion (Colombia: Centro Nacional de Consultoria, 1992), p. 89.
In Peru, 5% of women of childbearing age have abortions each year, compared to 3% in the United States.
Clandestine Abortion: A Latin American Reality (Washington: Alan Guttmacher Institute, 1994).

. . . and Catholics believe abortion can be moral

64% of US Catholics disapprove of the statement that abortion is morally wrong in every case.
Survey of 493 Catholics, designed by Lake Research and Tarrance Group, for US News & World Report, Sept. 1995, margin of error ± 4.5%.

69% of US Catholics believe a woman who has an abortion for reasons other than to save her life still can be a good Catholic.
ABC/Washington Post poll of 1,530 adults, Sept. 1995, margin of error ± 3%.

It is common for Catholics to disagree with church teaching on abortion.
91% of Catholics in Poland approve of legal abortion to protect the woman's health; 85% in cases of rape; and 58% in cases of poverty.
Ted Jelen and Clyde Wilcox, "Attitudes Toward Abortion in Poland and the United States," Midwest Political Science Association meeting, Chicago, USA, Apr. 1993, citing data gathered by the National Opinion Research Center, Chicago, USA.

40% of Brazilian Catholics think couples should be free to decide about abortion for themselves.

Public opinion poll, Brazilian Institute of Development, 1989.
72% of Catholics in Australia say decisions about abortion should be left to individual women and their doctors.

Survey for Family Planning Australia and Children by Choice, Melbourne, AGB McNair, Aug. 1996.


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
Heather said:
Not all Catholics are against abortion. There are growing numbers who support access to choice. Just check out this site.

Catholics have abortions . . .

I'm not saying that there aren't Catholics who are pro-choice, I know plenty who are pro-choice and use birth control. I'm just wondering how they can justify it.... I mean isn't the Pope the leader of the Catholics (at least to the non-Orthodox ones)? Isn't he the direct representative of God in Catholicism (or something to that effect)? So if he is against abortion and knows God's will better than any other living human being... wouldn't that mean God is most likely against it? So do the pro-choice Catholics go "well, even though God probably thinks it is wrong... I don't agree with him/her so I'll reamin pro-choice"

btw - I am not Catholic so please correct me if my assumptions are wrong.
OK OK OK ... we are passed the "feudal age" man ... its time to embrace new things ... just separate politics from religion.

Although many still regard religion as the guiding light of morality ... I would argue that, philosophy is the guiding light ...

Why do you need religion when you can have philosophy?

Politics is philosophy ... politics should not stem from religion ... that's "old school" man ...
500miles said:
Don't you mean the Canadian Dream, or do Canadians dream American Dreams, too? :)
It's just called the American Dream ... everyone knows what it is ... its just that traditoinally, immigrants came to (North) America with nothing and died with with everything ...

You know what's etched on the tablet the Statue of Liberty is holding?


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
submissivedave said:
Politics is philosophy ... politics should not stem from religion ... that's "old school" man ...
It may be "old school" but it is still a major factor all over the world.

This thread reminded me about a scene in that movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster. She wanted to be the "astronaut" to take the voyage to communicate to the aliens. She was competing with others. She was the best candidate but wasn't chosen because she wasn't religious and the council decided that to be a proper representative of humanity you should be religious because 90% of humans are religious....


Active member
Aug 23, 2001
submissivedave said:
It's just called the American Dream ... everyone knows what it is ... its just that traditoinally, immigrants came to (North) America with nothing and died with with everything ...

You know what's etched on the tablet the Statue of Liberty is holding?
hehe... it's funny how sometimes some of us like to think we are so much different than Americans yet we are so integrated with America that some of our terminology and ideas are intermixed.

Another one I hear a lot is minorities referred to as Africian-American, Asian-American or whatever... even if they are Canadian! Though a weak justification I hear is that they meant North American.
Don said:
It may be "old school" but it is still a major factor all over the world.

This thread reminded me about a scene in that movie "Contact" with Jodie Foster. She wanted to be the "astronaut" to take the voyage to communicate to the aliens. She was competing with others. She was the best candidate but wasn't chosen because she wasn't religious and the council decided that to be a proper representative of humanity you should be religious because 90% of humans are religious....
Religion is for loosers man ... religion makes you "sick" and even more sick ...

At the same time, religion can also give one strength ...

Religion is definitely a double-edged sword ...
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