Toronto Escorts

Two disturbing clips of cops fucking up big time


Active member
Apr 1, 2002
That was nasty! That poor police dog got riddled with bullets from it's own police. They unloaded about 100 rounds. And that interrogation officer - how lucky was he?! The suspect had a concealed gun.

Life can be harsh.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Officer down, officer needs an get assistance. The dog is an officer.

Suspect saves people the cost of trial..........

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Am I the only person disturbed that the police would wait until the suspect had bled out before going to check on the dog?

The cops made no effort to check on the suspect.


It's been good to know ya
Listen to it again it was the suspect that shot the dog. The cops warned him that if he did not put the gun down that they would send the dog to get him and then he said if you do I will shoot the dog.


Jun 21, 2006
Thanks for the graphic warning...I cant watch the dog get shot...i wont look...i wont look....I wont look


New member
Apr 29, 2002
Hope the cops beat the fuck outta the guy once they had him in private. :)


It's been good to know ya
hammertm said:
Yes the suspect did say he would shoot the dog if they released him, but he went to lift his gun and that is when they riddled him with bullets, he never even got a shot off. :eek:

I am not sure but I think he did. Why I do not think cops would shoot their own dog and two his gun was already out. Three I think the dog was probably lunging towards the gun as I believe that is what he would have been trained to do. The cops were telling him to put it down. But, who knows it did all happen so quickly once the dog was released. The suspect would have seen when they released the dog out of their hands. I think the suspect shot the dog just as it was about to get him that he did not aim exactly but did pull the trigger once it was close within a ft or two.

For those that have not watched I do not think the dog suffered he just appeared to be shot and dropped. The suspect was the one that was still moving after he was shot. I read some post that say in the other vid that a body will twitch for a spell after being shot, so not sure if he was already dead at that point but he did die I believe very shortly after. The cops seemed concerned about approaching though as he was still moving and were wondering at first if he was going to get up and when his movement slowed down were wondering where his gun was. But, as for the poor pooch no I think it was very automatic.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
If you take a close look at the video, it appears that the police opened fire, and the impact of the rounds drove the suspect back. At no point did the suspect fire a shot off.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
What I can't believe is in the second clip that the guy wasn't searched. I mean talk about a holy fuckup by the police. I mean jesus....they are so lucky the guy took his own life instead of about 6 cop's.....

The first clip, I mean, how stupid do you have to be? You have what, 10 cops with their guns drawn facing you and you DON'T drop yours? IMO he got what he deserved.......(btw, poor doggy, his xxxxxxx is probably devistated)


Oct 30, 2005
Compromised said:
Am I the only person disturbed that the police would wait until the suspect had bled out before going to check on the dog?

The cops made no effort to check on the suspect.
It's a safety thing - drug abusers may be able to function for many seconds even after receiving mortal bullet wounds, long enough to pull out another concealed weapon and shoot an approaching officer in the face.

If you knew that might happen, would you be eager to go check? Might be safer to let him bleed out a bit first, to make sure he's unconcious.

Shame about the K-9 though, that was a real screwup...near as I can figure, it must have gotten loose by accident which then triggered gunfire from officers who didn't want the dog to get shot by the suspect, but the wild shooting hit the dog too. Looks like a CNS hit by the way the dog went down so fast. Poor thing, those little guys are brave.

The suspect didn't even get a shot off, you can see him throwing his gun away as soon as the bullets fly and the dog was charging him.

Pretty much a classic case of suicide by cop, woulda saved a police dog if he only had the balls to just shoot himself like the guy in the second clip.

C Dick

Feb 2, 2002
I don't think the dog did die right away, he was twitching, and it says they airlifted it to a vet, which they would not have done if it was dead. It appeared to me as if someone released the dog at the same time as someone else started shooting, so then everyone started shooting, and someone hit the dog.

Mr. Dajodo

Feb 6, 2007
All you dog lovers more concerned about the fucking mutt than a human being make me want to puke. The dog is a tool used by law enforcement nothing else.

I would be upset if a nice new Crown Victoria was written off in the line of duty,they are great cars, not a dog though.

This video was very amusing, thanks for sharing.


PI: Privates Investigator
Feb 1, 2004
Living large on the harbour.
Mr. Dajodo, have you ever known a Service Dog, or those who work with them and live with them? A Crown Vic is a tool, easily replaced. A dog, including Service Dogs, are living breathing members of the community, and of the homes they live in when off duty. You have no idea what you're talking about.

In my experience, anyone who feels no empathy at all for animals has very little to spare for people either.


Jan 4, 2005
I agree. But what's more disturbing is that few people have been disturbed by the lack of concern for the suspect.
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