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Tulsa MAGA Rally Embarrassingly Small


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Tulsa fire department said the crowd was 6,200.
Just a touch short of the 1,000,000 expected.

Score one for the kids
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Tulsa fire department said the crowd was 6,200.
Just a touch short of the 1,000,000 expected.

Score one for the kids

Fucking Libtard Fire Department.

I hope George Soros will buy them Fire Engines or something after Trump cuts off funding to their city and state for the Fire Department's LIES over the largest Rally in HISTORY!


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
From a Tweet in the Comments section:

Just last year Nickelback played a sold out show at the BOK in Tulsa.

Tonight Donald Trump couldn't even fill it with free tickets


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Elia Kazan made some great films but he became someone Donato would like. He testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee, chaired by Donato's mentor Roy Cohn. After his adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald's, The Last Tycoon, he never made another film. He lived another 27 years.

Oklahoma experienced the highest single day spike in contagion two days before the rally. Donato must have gotten agita - not good for his bowels. Can someone please explain to me the difference between Donato's adoring disciples and Insane Clown Posse Juggaloos?
The juggaloos are more intelligent?!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
MORE hilarious Tweets and comments from that article!

-Now let’s take a moment to reflect on our fellow posters who were boasting about the millions who were heading to Tulsa. ?

-Trump's Tulsa rally was like his honeymoon(s): Smaller than expected and nobody came!!-

-"Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh blamed the lower-than-expected turnout on the press and protestors, saying in a statement that they "attempted to frighten off the president's supporters.""

Pretty funny, for guys who call themselves alpha-males.

Is there anything Trump's goober army isn't afraid of?

-Trump supporters were scared to attend because of THE PRESS?

I thought they don’t believe in ‘FAKE NEWS?’

Oy vay!

-... a Trump supporter - taking the Korean theory seriously 'cause they really that dumb.
I mean, Turmp's been teaching them to swallow anything for the last several years...

>Trump supporters have no gag reflex.

-Trump doesn't play 4-D TikTok

-Math, biology, geology, ok, just all science, history, literature--ok, let's just say they think anything that involves opening a book is libtarded or gay.

-In retrospect, Brad Parscale should have realized that 800,000 people named “Haywood Djblomi” were not coming to the Trump rally.

-I look forward to the Trump tell all book later in the Fall by Brad Parscale. He'll be fired Monday.

-Oh my - what a clear and concise smack down of Tump Nation and the filthy ideologies they embrace. And as a bonus, they all exposed themselves and their families to a deadly virus. You can’t fix stupid - but sometimes it dies out naturally. Darwinism in action.

Trump demands a recount.

-You mean there was a cutoff on how many million could get tickets?

-Trumpty Dumpty cleared out the Mall
Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall
All the bald incels and all the Fox Friends
Couldn't put Trumpty together again

-What, nobody wanted to hear Trump’s “I have a drink” speech?

-Happy fathers day to the guy who cheated on the mother of his first three children with the mother of his fourth child and cheated on her with the mother of his fifth child and cheated on her with a porn actress who he paid to shut the f*ck up about it. Republican family values!

-Oh well. Looks like Barron is in for his usual sh!tty Father’s Day.

-Where are all the puffed up Trumpsters who were barking and growling about what was going to happen to protesters in Tulsa?
Where'd they go?

-Or maybe Hillary sent out emails from her home in Benghazi and told Deplorables to show up at her pizza parlor!!!!
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What I find REALLY embarrassing is the left mocking Trump's rally 6,600 attendance while ignoring Biden's whopping 20 person rally in Philadelphia a few days ago. And no one was pranking Joe with fake ticket reservations .... but that's typical and expected. Biden probably couldn't remember why he was in Philly anyway LOL
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
What I find REALLY embarrassing is the left mocking Trump's rally 6,600 attendance while ignoring Biden's whopping 20 person rally in Philadelphia a few days ago. And no one was pranking Joe with fake ticket reservations .... but that's typical and expected. Biden probably couldn't remember why he was in Philly anyway LOL
You should be embarrassed.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
What I find REALLY embarrassing is the left mocking Trump's rally 6,600 attendance while ignoring Biden's whopping 20 person rally in Philadelphia a few days ago. And no one was pranking Joe with fake ticket reservations .... but that's typical and expected. Biden probably couldn't remember why he was in Philly anyway LOL

Darwinism embarrasses you?


Active member
Apr 7, 2019
Toronto and Dubai
What I find REALLY embarrassing is the left mocking Trump's rally 6,600 attendance while ignoring Biden's whopping 20 person rally in Philadelphia a few days ago. And no one was pranking Joe with fake ticket reservations .... but that's typical and expected. Biden probably couldn't remember why he was in Philly anyway LOL
You can't win against them, they praise thousands of protestors bunched together in the streets, look at the Brooklyn "black trans lives matter" rallies. NBC supported it in a tweet, then two hours later raise concerns about health concerns for trump rallies. Hypocrisy at its finest, they don't even hide it anymore. Now that the rally wasn't as big as expected, they laugh "where is the filled stadium". If it was filled all the headlines would be bashing it for coronavirus concerns. 8.5 million live watchers across YouTube ? They will close their eyes at this and look away. Just like with black on black crime stats... Those black lives dont matter enough to write about to "black lives matter".

Trump was on point as usual though. They are hiding Sleepy Joe in his basement and shit scared about the debates, and scared of his weak energy on stage. Trump admin wants MORE debates and they don't, that should tell you enough. As usual he will slaughter the left as before on stage, just like with Hillary and all the demorats who tried their luck against him.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
You can't win against them, they praise thousands of protestors bunched together in the streets, look at the Brooklyn "black trans lives matter" rallies. NBC supported it in a tweet, then two hours later raise concerns about health concerns for trump rallies. Hypocrisy at its finest, they don't even hide it anymore. Now that the rally wasn't as big as expected, they laugh "where is the filled stadium". If it was filled all the headlines would be bashing it for coronavirus concerns. 8.5 million live watchers across YouTube ? They will close their eyes at this and look away. Just like with black on black crime stats... Those black lives dont matter enough to write about to "black lives matter".

Trump was on point as usual though. They are hiding Sleepy Joe in his basement and shit scared about the debates, and scared of his weak energy on stage. Trump admin wants MORE debates and they don't, that should tell you enough. As usual he will slaughter the left as before on stage, just like with Hillary and all the demorats who tried their luck against him.
Are you tired of winning?


Active member
Sep 10, 2019
The Coronavirus must of been really disappointed that the Trump Party was so small


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
What I find REALLY embarrassing is the left mocking Trump's rally 6,600 attendance while ignoring Biden's whopping 20 person rally in Philadelphia a few days ago. And no one was pranking Joe with fake ticket reservations .... but that's typical and expected. Biden probably couldn't remember why he was in Philly anyway LOL
Biden didn't throw a rally in Philly. He has been doing all his events small because a giant indoor rally is irresponsible at this time. Feel free to criticize his numbers when he actually tries a stadium rally.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
In what way? What core left wing values are you in favor of?

Power of choice, civil rights, human rights, equality, humanity, love, democracy. The view that the dignity of each individual man and woman is the cardinal principle of democratic society and the primary purpose of all political organization and activity in such a society. Political freedom in the framework of meaningful participation by all interested persons, and the Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This includes freedom of each individual to choose a political party without judging their being based on their choice and especially not encouraging hate and violence for people who hold different political and/or religions views, but respecting all individuals as equally and giving them their human rights especially to politics and religion.

Above all this I believe in humanity, absolute love for humanity, respecting them and their freedom to choose and raising our collective consciousness.

I don’t see this in the present Democrats represented by social media, popular media and influencers. I see lies, deceit, manipulation, skewing of the facts, using social media influence and influencers to skew people’s choice that different then their own. I see hate, anarchy, destruction and the love for power and not the power of love.

Right now if someone chooses trump they get canceled, alienated, hated on, labeled racist and excluded from various tribes. They don’t allow people the choice to political freedom. This has destroyed families and good friends and has sparked massive censorship and manipulation in hopes it will skew the voters to vote Democrat.

Fuck this corrupt ideology. They even make someone as corrupt and low conscious like Trump appear like the good guy.
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