Aardvark154 said:
If you haven't already, read Gerald Posner's Case Closed: Lee Harvey Oswald and the Assassination of JFK.
Seems everyone that doesn't like to look for details reads his book. I'm familiar with his arguments.
What Posner did was fill in a nice story that assembles easily like the conventionally accepted truth. To sum it up, he condensed the Warren Report, which any person that has studied 'the mess' knows is so far from the truth that it's absolute perfect fiction. Posner wrote a nice historical account of the Warren Commission, but it is not the truth. How can this happen? Well it's simple. The commission started with an argument that there was one shooter from the sixth floor, and they matched the 'facts', tailoring some, ignoring a boat load of others to support the argument. That's what happens when you assemble a bunch of lawyers to explain something this complex with a mission to explain an argument. And they had tons of help from every quarter, the FBI, the CIA, MI, the Secret Service, and last but not least main stream media. "Case Closed' Everybody could now breath a sigh of relief that the story was finally resolved, the public was satisfied because the New York Times was satisfied. The official version WAS after all still the official version.
However what we are still left with is the mess. And it’s a big mess.
The real story line (lets no longer call it the truth, because this will be misleading) has yet to be fully pieced together because nothing about this story adds up. That's why I gave up on it five years ago after I spend a month analyzing it. Since then tonnes of information has come forth because of documents that have been released or that you can now find access to, interviews and so on. Stones JFK was a positive catalyst because it forced the release of so many related documents.
This story is the ultimate who-done-it of our time, there will never be one greater. Probably of the millennium. I think the closest we will ever come to a resolution is a story line that makes sense.
Meanwhile, you have your storyline, Posner's, which agrees with the Warren Commission. It allows a lot of people still alive to sleep peacefully at night, but sorry, it ain't the truth.