Please do. Clearly, a weaker dollar will make Canada more competitive.
CAD/USD = $1.45
if the tariffs are 25% , you will need a CAD/USD = $1.93 exchange rate to offset the tariff impact , $0.51 USD/CAD if I did the math right.
This assumes no incremental cost burden on Canadians producers.
Incremental as in really
mental tax burden that Mark Carney is planning for Canadian producers.
he will push business to relocate to the US ,
is whatever is wrong with Trudeau contagious and has subsequently infected Carneys brain?
PS: Your inflation rate will rise.
sure , there will be an impact on US inflation, proportional to the value of CAD imports to the USD economy + any compounding effects
it should produce a bump in US CPI, however nothing the US could not withstand if it were only Canada
Canada / Mexico / China all at the same time might be problematic
inflation is kryptonite for incumbent politicians.
Politicians who need to get re-elected. Trump does not as he can only serve two terms.
so he may not care
Trump likely weighed the inflation risk off against getting deals done quickly (1- 1.5 years)
That may be why he is acting so aggressively right away
definitely very irresponsible to play high stakes poker with the peoples purchasing power in order to claim wins for his ego
if he gets deals done quickly it may work for him
you will see a much lager inflationary impact on Canadian CPI if the loonie goes to $ 0.51.
and Mark Carney wants to start printing Canadian money again
if the exchange rate starts to diminish the tariffs impact, Trump can easily bump tariffs to 35% or 40%....
Canada can not play dollar for dollar Tariff wars vs the US
The 25% was an arbitrary value that ensures economic pressure on the other side before the sit down & should induces the boarder/ defence changes he wants
I suspect he would go the full 4 years to get the boarder / defence changes , if needed.