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Trump Reportedly Asks Fossil Fuel CEOs For $1 Billion


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Igor Bobic and Chris D'Angelo
May 9, 2024

Former President Donald Trump is more than happy to fulfill the oil and gas industry’s wish list if he’s reelected — but he has an asking price.

Trump reportedly solicited top oil and gas executives to give $1 billion for his campaign to return to the White House, vowing in return to undo many of President Joe Biden’s green energy policies if he is elected in November.

Trump hosted the country’s top fossil fuel CEOs at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida last month when he “stunned” executives with the ask, according to The Washington Post. The $1 billion sum would ultimately be a “deal” for the fossil fuel industry, Trump reportedly told the executives, because of the money they would save with him in office. An anonymous industry source told the Post that Trump is likely to get some funds.

The oil and fossil fuel industry has long made its alliances with the Republican Party, which generally supports and promotes fossil fuels. Ahead of the 2024 election, the industry has been drawing up “ready-to-sign” executive orders for Trump if he wins the presidency, aimed at expanding natural gas exports and increasing offshore oil leases, Politico reported this week.

A second Trump term would mean a sharp departure from Biden’s agenda of clean energy, electric vehicles and historic efforts to fight climate change. The former president has falsely called global warming a “hoax” and has vowed to unravel Biden’s landmark climate programs included in the Inflation Reduction Act.

Republicans have spent the entirety of Biden’s term condemning what they describe as the administration’s “war” on energy, even though U.S. oil production and exports of natural gas have never been higher. They accuse Biden of being beholden to “radical environmentalists” — an ironic talking point given Trump and the GOP’s unflinching loyalty to the fossil fuel industry.

In Congress, Republicans have tried to undo many of the Biden administration’s recent environmental rules, including those regulating tailpipe emissions and heavy-duty trucks. Last week, House Republicans passed a package of bills that, among other things, would reverse Biden’s actions to limit drilling across millions of acres in Alaska and to better protect public lands by putting conservation and ecosystem restoration on equal footing with drilling, mining and other extractive uses.

The Biden administration is racing to finalize as many regulations as possible before Republicans would have an opportunity under Trump to roll them back via the Congressional Review Act, which gives Congress a few months’ time to rescind new rules implemented by the White House. If Trump becomes president, however, he could still undo them unilaterally.

Trump appears to be laying the groundwork to quickly implement many of the policy priorities of Project 2025, the sweeping blueprint that right-wing organizations have compiled to guide Trump if he is reelected in November. Certain sections of that pro-Trump memorandum are little more than an oil industry wish list. As HuffPost previously reported, the energy section of the chapter for the Interior Department was authored by Kathleen Sgamma, the president of the Western Energy Alliance, a prominent oil and gas trade association.

Trump’s quid pro quo with the industry comes as the world’s coral reefs are in the midst of a global bleaching event — only the fourth such event on record. Hundreds of climate scientists told The Guardian this week that global temperatures are on track to soar well beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels, the aspirational goal of the landmark Paris climate accords.

For years, scientists have warned about the disastrous consequences of failing to keep temperatures under the 1.5-degree mark, from rising seas and increasingly extreme weather to famines and severe social and economic disruptions. The fossil fuel industry is most responsible for the crisis and has spent decades denying and downplaying the threat, with the help of industry-allied Republicans.

Democrats criticized Trump for cozying up to fossil fuel executives, warning that it would further erode American democracy.

“Big Oil CEOs will happily use the billions they’ve made selling dirty expensive energy to further warp American democracy, if it means they can keep wrecking the planet for free,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) wrote in a post on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday.

Biden’s reelection campaign also lashed out, accusing Trump of “selling out working families to Big Oil for campaign checks.”

“This is Trump’s corrupt MAGA agenda in a nutshell: Trump acting as a puppet for his largest donors ― giving them tax breaks and favorable policies while working families get screwed over,” the campaign said in a statement.



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
It only gets worse with the repugs.

How may righties on this very board support project 2025?

‘Blueprint for a soft coup’: Inside the far-right plan that could grant unchecked power to Trump



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Is this supposed to be an accomplishment of Biden from the perspecitve
of climate sheeple who believe global emission has to be halved by 2030
to avert climate catastrophe?
Obviously, the Deniers cannot comprehend that this is a temporary measure, as European and other nations who relied on Oil Imports from Russia, were in a quagmire and The Biden regime stepped up to the plate in this respect. Once again did you think that if we allow the Emissions to go unabated, then Climate Change wont be affected by it? Many Nations including Canada are currently being impacted by the worsening effects of the oncoming La Niña?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Until gas price is rising. Biden has pissed off both climate
activists who want to see the demise of fossil fuel and voters
hit by inflation of energy prices.

energy demand is not going away , renewables is a fantasy and the loonies have and will oppose nuclear development
restricting energy supply is a dangerous game
climate activism will adversely impact living standards, which historically has led to violent social upheaval
hopefully some common sense will prevail soon

turnover of the politicians who embraced the climate activists narrative to grab short term votes has begun so there is some hope


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Obviously, the Deniers cannot comprehend that this is a temporary measure, as European and other nations who relied on Oil Imports from Russia, were in a quagmire and The Biden regime stepped up to the plate in this respect.
Natural gas sold at dirt cheap rices in America costs a fortune
to Europe. You have to believe the U.S. under Trump will also be
happy exporting American energy products to Europe not because
they want to make big bucks but because they want to help Ukraine
fight Putin.

Once again did you think that if we allow the Emissions to go unabated, then Climate Change wont be affected by it?
This question is better directed to Jonathan Wilkinson our energy
minister. He has made it clear more projects like Bay Du Nord which
Steven Guilbeault the climate lunatic turned hypocrite approved
will be needed into the future beyond 2050 to supply the world
with 'low-carbon' (or 'zero-carbon') oil. There is also Norway who
has already been venturing outside its North Sea fields to squeeze
every drop of oil out of Arctic's pristine waters.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
I have no faith in humanity just knowing CEO's of oil companies accepted to go to mar-a-lago...


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Trump cannot possibly get any worse than Biden running the
nation's energy policy.

You keep spouting that "either side is equally bad" crap incessantly. Do you have some sort of financial interest that will allow you specifically to benefit even if the rest of the country goes into the toilet??


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
energy demand is not going away , renewables is a fantasy and the loonies have and will oppose nuclear development
restricting energy supply is a dangerous game
climate activism will adversely impact living standards, which historically has led to violent social upheaval
hopefully some common sense will prevail soon

turnover of the politicians who embraced the climate activists narrative to grab short term votes has begun so there is some hope
Putin is making around $1 billion a day, your love of fossil fuels and climate change is funding the Ukraine war.
Now rump wants in on the cash, $1 billion is nothing to the oil industry.
Oil despots.


Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
Oil CEOs should prostate themselves at the feet of The Messiah, he deserves $30 billion.




Well-known member
Feb 21, 2008
Like I have said before, Donald Trump would be the perfect president during the days of the Robber Barons.

When king clown Trump switched his position on a TikTok ban, he did it for the $$$$$$$$$.



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
You have to believe the U.S. under Trump will also be
happy exporting American energy products to Europe not because
they want to make big bucks but because they want to help Ukraine
fight Putin.
That is wishful thinking on your part. To someone like Trump it is all about making the big bucks, irrespective of it's impact to the environment.
Trump will just curtail the weapons sales to Ukraine. His mouthpiece called MTG has made that crystal clear!!

This question is better directed to Jonathan Wilkinson our energy
minister. He has made it clear more projects like Bay Du Nord which
Steven Guilbeault the climate lunatic turned hypocrite approved
will be needed into the future beyond 2050 to supply the world
with 'low-carbon' (or 'zero-carbon') oil. There is also Norway who
has already been venturing outside its North Sea fields to squeeze
every drop of oil out of Arctic's pristine waters.
Once again, with the boycott of Russian Oil Imports etc., the Western Oil producing Nations are ramping up their production so that our Western Allies will not be impacted by these embargoes.
When that war in Ukraine ends and the situation gets back to near normal, we can see these Nations including Canada trying to reduce our emissions. After all we are notorious for having the Dirty Bitumen Oil out of Alberta!!
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