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Trump Podcaster REALIZES HE’S IN A CULT during LIVE Show


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Guy realizes that with Rudy's admitting under oath that the whole 'stolen election' was a big fraud he's been lied to and then talks about the losses he has suffered in his life and business defending the lies.

Video consolidates several White House staff saying that they all knew and told Trump the election wasn't "stolen" and that he lost.

Will be interesting if even one of the Trump fans on TERB has a come to Jesus moment and admits that he has been conned and comes out of the ether... I hope so, for their sake.

Interesting comments on YouTube

It’s not easy admitting that you were wrong, or that you’d been conned - I’m proud of him even though I don’t know him

-Mark Twain famously said: "It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled."

"When you like being treated like a schmuck and ask for more, that is a cult!"

- "The shame is sticking with the lie."

It has to be tough to realize that you've been duped. That people you trusted are not trustworthy; that they lied to you and the reasons why. How painful to find out that you've been used. All deprogrammed people must go through this painful realization. But when they accept the truth they become the strongest advocates against the cult.

- I've lost my brother who was my best friend and neighbors who bought into this cult - my brothers mind was gone from Fox - my brother and my cult neighbors called me the enemy - now they are floundering in their cult . Who in their right mind would want to live in a Autocratic world- you have no rights no nothing - I'm running down the street screaming .

I didn’t think Giuliani could become even more of a snake until I watched this. He’s betting on the fact that most MAGA-hats won’t check out the legal docs (& if they do, then not understand it).

- I agree with this entire report and the real sad thing here is that Trump has created so many victims who have been used and abused by him and he doesn't care about them at all. The even sadder part it's going to take decades for these people to heal and realize they have been used and abused and suckered by the creep of a man.
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2011
Will be interesting if even one of the Trump fans on TERB has a come to Jesus moment and admits that he has been conned and comes out of the ether... I hope so, for their sake.
Sadly nope, they've given their life savings to Trump and never going to stop. They will never admit they were wrong, they can't face the shame that they got conned by Trump. They are in it until the bitter end. They love Trump more than they love themselves.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
There is none so blind as those who refuse to see.
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