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Trump At it AGAIN and Putting THE US in Danger


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I hope Trump is re-elected and those who didn't vote for him last time offer a sincere apology for ever having doubted his leadership.
They should include an apology section on the ballot.
Wow. Just... wow. The fail in this post is epic level.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Would be amusing to watch the complete implosion of the left when Trump wins...But I'm pretty sure they would try to burn everything to the ground and cause total anarchy. It is they're way. They're an angry lot.

After Jan 6th though I don't think Trump should be allowed to run anything let alone a country. He needs to be muzzled. Would be nice if he would step aside and endorse Nikki Haley. Move the Republicans out of the MAGA era and into the future. That ain't going to happen though. You have to wonder just what goes on in his head. I often wonder if he's just doing the biggest troll job in history.

I read the other day that Trump is really doing much better with black and latino voters...Because they identify him with the gangster culture that they deify, lol...They see him as a victim just like them...I expect to see more faces of POC behind him at his campaign rallies as things ramp up...What a world.

MSM and the corporate establishment Vs MAGA...A script that only Vince McMahon himself could conger up.
On your first point. The complete and oblivious irony of your statement. Double plus so considering your second statement. If there is an implosion, Trump lead the way, and that is his greatest danger, not any policy that dems wig out about, it's his embiggining the rot of the democratic system.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Except his meme isn't a left or right thing, it's just a way of calling out a retarded post. So your use of meme is wrong.

Also you made me defend someone who is pro murder, hostage taking, rape and genocide

See that's how it's done.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
But that doesn't mean the voters are sane.

Also voting for Trump to get rid of biden is like selling your self to a gang in prison to be pimped out to avoid taking a beating. Yeah it avoids the beating, but you will still get the fisting and be fucked in a worse way.

And not sure how to tell you this, a president is in for 4 years and if party loyalists control the legislative branch there is nothing that can be done for those 4 years to boot him out, and if he has party loyalists dominating the judiciary then it's over. Considering the display Trump put on when he refused to admit/accept he lost last time around, it is a bit of a rich assumption to assume that democracy will work when it comes to the end of his turn. His people learned and will no doubt do everything they can to prevent Trump from having to leave office again.

Also, you do know there is a 2 term limit right and if Trump gets in, he won't be voted out because he can't run, and if he does, he will probably be in a state to rig the election.

Jeez no wonder you are all Reverend Helen Lovejoy over Ukraine if you can't see the problem of him getting in.
All the more shame that the only reason Biden stands to lose now is his change into Genocide Joe.
This election should have been the easiest and largest victory in decades but when 57% of your own party think you are backing genocide.......
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
It's clear you've given up on democracy to vote for trump. His plan is to install loyalists who will swear loyalty to him, not the US Constitution, throughout the government. This means these people will break the law with impunity. This means people of 0 qualifications will infest the country. They will loot the treasury and sell off assets to whomever, including Putin and Xi and whomever. His paramilitary groups like three percenters and proud boys will eradicate opposition and won't be charged, or will be pardoned. All for promises of a man who couldn't deliver the first time (except tax cuts for the wealthy and banning abortion).

I'm curious why there is no plan to lower inflation except "I'm going to lower inflation." He will raise tariffs which will add to inflation.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
The sheer delusional arrogance and elitism of many Trump supporters still manages to surprise me.
Delusional arrogance?
Remember all those celebrities who were so sure he wouldn't win, that they promised to move to Canada if he did? Then didn't.


It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
Would be amusing to watch the complete implosion of the left when Trump wins...But I'm pretty sure they would try to burn everything to the ground and cause total anarchy. It is they're way. They're an angry lot.

After Jan 6th though
Right before mentioning Jan 6, you are accusing the left of being violent if their leader does not get elected? Come on lol.
You have to wonder just what goes on in his head.
I will tell you. "Person, man, woman, camera, tv". There. That's what goes on in his head.
I often wonder if he's just doing the biggest troll job in history.
You are still wondering? 😂
I read the other day that Trump is really doing much better with black and latino voters...Because they identify him with the gangster culture that they deify, lol...They see him as a victim just like them...I expect to see more faces of POC behind him at his campaign rallies as things ramp up...What a world.
You read something racist. Try to hold yourself back on that one.
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It Doesn't Matter What You Think!
May 12, 2023
I just remembered it was a video of a discussion between Coleman Hughes, Van Jones and Charles Barkley.

Sorry that doesn't support your race baiting...
I just watched that video and it proves 3 things:

a) It was Trump that said that black voters identify with him because he has faced numerous indictments, just like them. Which is objectively offensive and racist because he is basically calling all black people - for one criminals or prone to crime, and for another, infantilizing them as if they cannot think for themselves. This is the mentality of a Nazi or a white supremacist.
b) You LIED that the discussion concluded that a) was the reason for black voter's support for Trump. The discussion between the 3 panelists, infact explicitly and upfront said that it was incorrect.
c) You repeated Trump's racist statements as reasons for black voters support for Trump, thereby saying something racist yourself.

So clearly, I was not race baiting, and you are lying about that too. 🐸
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Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
House approve - for 2 years instead of five. The resolution by Luna of FL is just a delaying tactic. Time to move on to a different thread...


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
All the more shame that the only reason Biden stands to lose now is his change into Genocide Joe.
This election should have been the easiest and largest victory in decades but when 57% of your own party think you are backing genocide.......
He was behind before he was defending Israel from genocidal Hamas. But facts and reality is so gay amiright?

Also even when Biden won, it was way closer than it should have been.
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