But there is no way to pick "the best for the job" because it is impossible to measure.
Once you get to "qualified" you're basically done.
You might be able to narrow it down to "top tier", but you can't get more fine grained than that.
So once you are down to the short list, you can pick by whatever criteria you want.
Sure, but when you are selecting by race or gender or other criteria than you may or may not even be trying for top tier.
Also for minister, if you are talking qualified, you mean pulse, lets be realistic here. Hell Vegas Girl is qualified in her first term, but I sure as hell wouldn't want her as finance minister. I think there is a huge gap between pulse and someone who is top tier.
In a hypothetical, say the Slightly Silly party gets in power and they only have 1 member in Atlantic Canada. First termer, been on the pogey and dole till he got elected at 30. Unrepentant drunkard and an utter disaster on the campaign but that's the way they like it in the district of W-T-F. If you are trying to fill quota, he is getting in cabinet. No matter what, top tier or not.
It is obvious that with Trudeau his first filter is not separating out the top tier from the rest but making sure he fills quota. If you can't get enough top tier X to fill spots, you know he is going down the line... if he is at all realistic he will put the tokens in the less important ministries and hope nobody notices and fill the most important posts with the best people regardless of quota so he gets to virtue signal without having to do too much.