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Trish's new ad


New member
Aug 29, 2004
Extasia said:
If you could please remove the comment concerning our location. We will always do everything possible to ensure that the establishement is kept discreet. I appreciate your participation in our efforts.

Thank you
Umm... how about "No"

I don't think it is some coincidence that there is a bit shitball happening in Ottawa, and then within the same week, you open a new business in Hull. Hull, where a massage palour isn't as taboo to the politicians on that side of the river and you rarely if ever hear of an LE bust.

Can't have your cake and eat it too Trish.


Active member
Jan 9, 2007
BigDaddyOttawa said:
Umm... how about "No"

I don't think it is some coincidence that there is a bit shitball happening in Ottawa, and then within the same week, you open a new business in Hull. Hull, where a massage palour isn't as taboo to the politicians on that side of the river and you rarely if ever hear of an LE bust.

Can't have your cake and eat it too Trish.
Uh dude. Do you have any proof for your accusations?

Your a shit disturber arent you?????

And whats wrong with removing her address from a post if she asks?


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Originally Posted by Extasia
If you could please remove the comment concerning our location. We will always do everything possible to ensure that the establishement is kept discreet. I appreciate your participation in our efforts.

Thank you

Where did this post come from..? Tried a search and did not / could not find it... the original post…

Although it may not be that unusual of a request... everyone (oops... I at least suspect most) posting here are hoping/expecting for some degree of discretion and perhaps this should be extended both ways... I am sure there would be a huge outcry if the client’s discretion were not a priority...


New member
Dec 6, 2006
beast33 said:
This post came from Extasia who probably deleted it within the time frame alloted by terb. However it was there I remember seeing it myself.
Ahh... thanks... thought I had lost all "search" ability... Being able to “delete in a certain timeframe”… handy feature... which I had that ability at work before firing off some of the emails that I have!!! LOL


May 17, 2005
Too much "crazy faithful" fans???

After reading this thread, it seems some of you can't quite handle and comprehend the fact that it is a free world here after all and that people can choose where they want to work.

If Trish does not want to stay with Jas, I am sure she has her own reasons. Maybe it is down to the simple reason that she needs a bit more stability and less drama to earn a living???? Even the "golden handcuffs" in my industry doesn't work all the time and forget about the MP industry where there is no extra profit rewards from employer to employee per se so why can't MAs change their mind about their employer if they don't feel right enough about it????


Apr 21, 2003
I have to agree with gmuoo, here. We are in a free market.

I think, however, that what has everyone all riled up is the fact that, for some reason, there is some belief out there that Jasmine's demise was somehow brought about by Trish. No evidence but just seems to be a thought that is lurking around. I've even thought it because of the coincidence in Jasmine's being shut down and Trish opening up only days later.

Wooah...this thread is turning into a soap opera!


New member
Aug 29, 2004
I don't think it is mere coincidence and I'm entitled to my opinion.

It doesn't make me a shit disturber, it makes me a member of this forum who is entitled to express his opinion.

And for those who actually think divulging "Hull" as a breach of discretion, get real. Hey hey everybody, come to my place, I live in Hull. I'll be waiting for the doorbell to start ringing...

Get real


New member
Jan 24, 2007
BigDaddy. I'm having a party tonight. All the booze is free. I live in Ottawa.


New member
Aug 29, 2004
rep_pot said:
BigDaddy. I'm having a party tonight. All the booze is free. I live in Ottawa.

Oh and gmuoo... I'm not a crazy faithful. I think I have been to Jasmine's 3 or 4 times in my entire time in the hobby (which has been years). I do know a class establishment when I see one, and I can also smell a fink when one shows up.

If MA's start "ratting each other out", who is going to loose the most? Us, the client. Either you'll be unfortunate enough to get caught when the LE walk in the door, or you are going to have to drive further and further out of town to get the services you want, because the quality gems will be so few and far between and charging insane $$$ because of all the bullshit.


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
BigDaddyOttawa said:
Umm... how about "No"

I don't think it is some coincidence that there is a bit shitball happening in Ottawa, and then within the same week, you open a new business in Hull. Hull, where a massage palour isn't as taboo to the politicians on that side of the river and you rarely if ever hear of an LE bust.

Can't have your cake and eat it too Trish.
Did she step on your tail.


May 17, 2005
Again speaking objectively as I have no affiliation with either Trish or Jas whatsoever, I think Trish's place opens up like 3 weeks or so after Jas' place got busted and not days!!!!

Given that how some of us have seen some Asian places close and re-open again in a different location sometimes in a few days, I don't see what's the big deal about the timing at all to be honest.

I don't know what the expectations are from some of you on Trish. Do you suppose that she should not do anything and stick with Jas' group to sit out the "hunger" under Jas' leadership? Or do you suppose she should act in her own best interests and do something else given that she was an independent in the past running her own studio too to least feed herself, pay the rent, ... etc. etc. and not let someone else decide her own destiny for her????

I guess some of you see that the latter is wrong which I am not sure many others will agree either. If your employer stops paying you or your coworkers and says it may take weeks to settle things out before getting paid again, would you blame your coworkers to start taking destiny into their own hands and start looking for a new job even though you may decide to stick it out???? Hmmmmm .....???? I know I wouldn't even though I may choose to stick with my employer ....

And there is always a chance LE will stop by any MPs. You have that risk everytime you step into a MP. It is by-law officers' job to do that regularly and they do. Speaking of which, I am not even sure who got the LE's or the public attention in the first place so I wouldn't blame anyone but Jas herself (strictly speaking) for her own demise ... (not that I do actually but I am speaking with an objective mind again!!!!)

BigDaddyOttawa said:

Oh and gmuoo... I'm not a crazy faithful. I think I have been to Jasmine's 3 or 4 times in my entire time in the hobby (which has been years). I do know a class establishment when I see one, and I can also smell a fink when one shows up.

If MA's start "ratting each other out", who is going to loose the most? Us, the client. Either you'll be unfortunate enough to get caught when the LE walk in the door, or you are going to have to drive further and further out of town to get the services you want, because the quality gems will be so few and far between and charging insane $$$ because of all the bullshit.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2006
I think some people here who have 96% of the posts concerning one business need to mature. It's like they have never been involved in MPA gossip before and they are getting all wrapped up in it, and bring it up in a venue that is meant for reviews, not damaging speculation.

Fact of the matter is I take everything with a grain of salt on this board and what you hear in the room... I heard alot of things up in Toronto, and even some things in my limited forays in Ottawa. Sure I have my loyalties to certain individuals but you can never know the entire story... and I am certainly not going to be convinced by someone who seems to be fascinated by one operation.

I have heard alot of shit through my five years partaking in the biz. I have heard alot of stuff that can damage one's reputation.... And even if I know it is true, there is no need to bring personal dirt or agendas onto this board.

Jasmin please don't take this as a bash against you... this post has NOTHING to do with your posts. You have the right to defend yourself against certain individuals who have questioned you unfairly.

This is about certain posters. As you say, I have options to post what I want..


New member
Aug 29, 2004
gmuoo said:
Again speaking objectively as I have no affiliation with either Trish or Jas whatsoever, I think Trish's place opens up like 3 weeks or so after Jas' place got busted and not days!!!!
Jasmin announced her license was revoked on the 23rd. On the 28th... Trish starts advertising a new business.

Your argument about Trish having a right to earn pay doesn't exclude her from having raised eyebrows.

You don't acquire a brand new location in Hull in 5 days. You don't open up a new business in less than a week. Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if Trish just went back to advertising as an indy like she used to. This is something quite different and has to be something pre-meditated.

You have to admit, the timing is very suspect.


New member
Jan 24, 2007
BigDaddyOttawa said:
You have to admit, the timing is very suspect.
I agree. Plus Jasmin has not been on here dissing anyone. Shows who's got class, thats for sure. If I recall, Trish was an Indy and Jasmine took her into the fold. How's that for a thank you.


Nov 2, 2004
rep_pot said:
I agree. Plus Jasmin has not been on here dissing anyone. Shows who's got class, thats for sure. If I recall, Trish was an Indy and Jasmine took her into the fold. How's that for a thank you.
Yes...this business is well known for getting jerked off...I mean around.....:eek:


New member
Aug 21, 2004
BigDaddyOttawa said:
Jasmin announced her license was revoked on the 23rd. On the 28th... Trish starts advertising a new business.

Your argument about Trish having a right to earn pay doesn't exclude her from having raised eyebrows.

You don't acquire a brand new location in Hull in 5 days. You don't open up a new business in less than a week. Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if Trish just went back to advertising as an indy like she used to. This is something quite different and has to be something pre-meditated.

You have to admit, the timing is very suspect.
Whats sooo hard about finding another girl that is into the same business and either she had the place rented already or they just rented the spot together then they got a web site set up to advertise it. Its not rocket science. I am sure Jasmin is not gonna loose any sleep over it especially since she was the one who took in Trish a few times. I am sure there is life BEFORE Trish and life after Trish. You guys just over analyze too much online without really using
any common sense.


May 17, 2005
Yes, you are more or less right about the timing even though it took Jas a few days to make the official announcement on the 29th or somewhere there. I was ahead on my vacation dates when I did the math for some reasons - thought it was mid July already. I guess I really can't wait for my summer holidays ...LOL.

But still it doesn't take that long to open a place up especially when it is not licensed. I still don't see what the issues are. Unless someone paints it out for me loud and clear, I still don't see the connection of Trish doing her own thing after Jas's place got "busted".

"Busted" definition (to "too sophisticated readers" or to Jas alone) = operation no longer running or license revoked ...LOL!!!!

BigDaddyOttawa said:
Jasmin announced her license was revoked on the 23rd. On the 28th... Trish starts advertising a new business.

Your argument about Trish having a right to earn pay doesn't exclude her from having raised eyebrows.

You don't acquire a brand new location in Hull in 5 days. You don't open up a new business in less than a week. Maybe I wouldn't feel this way if Trish just went back to advertising as an indy like she used to. This is something quite different and has to be something pre-meditated.

You have to admit, the timing is very suspect.


May 17, 2005
(i) Thank you for the love, my dear, as I really needed it ...LOL!!!

(ii) If you had bothered to read carefully, it was all of your fans that started all the presumptions and speculations, my dear. Poor old Gmuoo was the one that actually questioned those presumptions and speculations. Oh no, poor old Gmuoo would never have insightful knowledge and poor old Gmuoo would have never started any presumptions and speculations either. Totally not in me!!!

(iii) I never said LE visited your place if you were less defensive and actually read the post carefully enough. It was a general comment I made to answer BigDaddy's post on risks on LE visits to MPs.

(iv) When I said "busted", I was referring to your operation. When things are no longer operating or working (in English), you usually call it "busted", don't you???!!! It more referred to the fact that your MP's license was revoked indefinitely. Nothing more and nothing less and nothing personal about it either!!!! It was just the simple fact.

(v) Good for you to finally say something to stop this thread when you finally read something you thought might affect you but it fact no one was attacking you in the first place :confused:

Like I wished you before in another thread, best of luck!!! I do wish and hope you will get your license back since Michelle was so highly recommended to me.

Jasmin_MA said:
Gumoo - what I love about you most is that you have so much insightful knowledge about what is going on in everyones life and feel the need to start presumptions and speculations.... I was never BUSTED nor did LE come into my place... please do not pretend or speculate on what happened - you have NO idea and honestly, have no right to jump to conclusions.


Active member
Jan 9, 2007
NO busted in this industry means LE came in and busted you and you know what it means so dont try to change it.

AND you clearly did imply LE was involved.

I agree that you did somewhat try to put a different view on it and were not attacking JAS other then saying the she got busted by LE.

And you are a good positive contibutor so ill take your comments as your regular interaction with Jasmin. You know you love her :).

but lets move on to different things.


Active member
Jan 16, 2004
Its funny that some of the so call faithful supporters here been only to her place 3 or 4 times, and I've been there more than 20 times.
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