Trapped in the nail salon with 3 strippers! god help me!


New member
Dec 6, 2006
ASYLUM said:
i dont know if this has been brought up already but if it has ignore me...
would it have been nearly as annoying if it were 3 lawyers sitting in a nail salon discussing their clients and newest court cases? why is it that every other profession can talk about what they do openly? If you are ashamed of what you and feel as if you shouldnt be allowed to speak about it then you're in the wrong profession.
well im not sure if lawyers gab about their clients in public as there are certain client/confidentiality laws that they have to contend with. secondly, these girls were rude, loud and obnoxious, talking about fighting and killing other girls, their pimps and were getting into graphic detail about what they do. im sure that any person with manners would not go on about that in public because it is crass and rude. it doesnt matter what their profession is or isnt, im just not interested in hearing that type of personal detail of their lives. i have been in this industry for a few years and and am not ashamed of what i do, but i have the respect and decency to behave myself in public. the girls were horrid, regardless of their profession and would probably annoy me with their attitude if they worked at Mcdonald's or the Cannon ball.

Should they be ashamed of their job? no.

should they be ashamed of their lude behaviour in public? definately

I would like to get my nails done in relative peace!

Ashley Tyler

Sarcastic Friendly Bitch
Jun 9, 2006
Cowtown, Alberta
ASYLUM said:
i dont know if this has been brought up already but if it has ignore me...
would it have been nearly as annoying if it were 3 lawyers sitting in a nail salon discussing their clients and newest court cases? why is it that every other profession can talk about what they do openly? If you are ashamed of what you and feel as if you shouldnt be allowed to speak about it then you're in the wrong profession.
I dont care who you are or what your profession is... being loud and obnoxious and screaming about pimps and cock sucking loudly in public is just not a mature thing to do.

I am in no way ashamed of what I do, everyone I know knows what I do and I have no problem with it, but I dont go around screaming "IM A STRIPPER" in public places.

btw.. as for the weed smoking, yea I smoke because I like it... but I also smoke at work so I can tolerate the girls lol... most of the girls are great but you get the rare one that makes you wanna bang your head off a wall.


New member
Dec 6, 2006
thats what im talking about, no need to be ashamed, but ladies, a little decorum please hey amara i smoke too to deal with the stress, just not at work cause ill just want to eat a pizza and fall asleep after insane bouts of giggling.
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