Toronto's homeless life span is only 42 years old (half of general population): 3 die each week

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
Not surprising at all.
Even if they aren’t addicts or alcoholics, on this or that. Their mental health, their diets, exposure to the elements.

Most people get uncomfortable with the uglier sides of life. That’s just a thing. We would rather just not know about stuff. Keep it swept under the rug, or out of sight and out of mind ( As with LTCs). This “issue” not so easy to do that.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
The government should be ashamed of themselves. It's disgusting the way they treat these people or more accurately don't treat them. If only we had the ability to hold them responsible. Sigh.
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
The government should be ashamed of themselves. It's disgusting the way they treat these people or more accurately don't treat them. If only we had the ability to hold them responsible. Sigh.
Dont quite agree it’s the government’s fault. There are likely hundreds of examples where, when enough of the public start making noise. The government acts. Staying in power is their first priority.

So the question becomes. Who actually doesn’t care?


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2014
The government should be ashamed of themselves. It's disgusting the way they treat these people or more accurately don't treat them. If only we had the ability to hold them responsible. Sigh.
And how much have you donated to homeless shelters and food banks in the last year.?
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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2014
They have made their choice. Government didn't make it for them.
As i have said before the ones that I feel the sorriest for are the working poor who usually work harder and more hours than mid-six figure wage executives . They are doing their best under difficult circumstances and still losing ground in many cases. As far as the homeless , in many cases they made " the bed " that they are now in by making bad choices every step of the way.

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
And how much have you donated to homeless shelters and food banks in the last year.?
Or made noise about it. Cared two shits before it for “butt ugly”. It’s amazing how fast they can act….

Despite having no room on the balance sheets. Ford found millionsfor LTCs/PSWs

“irregular immigrants”
Amazing how fast ( kind of) JT acted

Bail for repeat offenders.
Ignored for 20 years…..
Amazing how fast he’s acted on that the past 6 months…

Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
As i have said before the ones that I feel the sorriest for are the working poor who usually work harder and more hours than mid-six figure wage executives . They are doing their best under difficult circumstances and still losing ground in many cases. As far as the homeless , in many cases they made " the bed " that they are now in by making bad choices every step of the way.
Yeah there are those I just hope someday, when life happens to them Karma is a bitch..

And for what it’s worth Bazokajoe.
Very strong arguments can be made that gluttonous, uncaring ( self centered) people in the electorate and governments did and are “doing it to them”…

Let’s start with the middle class disappearing. Bit by bit by bit for the past 30 years or so.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Like I said in the other thread.... "it was a choice before it became an addiction"....too many people making too many bad choices that landed them where they are....I still do feel the government should have more resources than what's in place but i think this is a hard challenge to's not like these homeless wanted / asking for help...they need it but they feel like they don't....that's mostly mental...I mean, the funds we aid to other countries wars would have better use in here....
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Not getting younger

Well-known member
Jun 29, 2022
“Chicken or egg”.
Is it reasonable to suggest that people with any number of disabilities ( mental or physical). and or up to and including more than just slight disadvantages

will make bad choices….

The average IQ (ignoring all mental afflictions) is 100. We are aware of that, yes?


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
And how much have you donated to homeless shelters and food banks in the last year.?
Kind of you to assume I'm in a financial position to help. I help homeless people on an individual basis when ever I can and give to the food bank on a regular basis. I'm not sure why you decided to question my intentions or efforts but I can promise you I'm no hypocrite.
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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
Most people assume drugs or mental illness but the reality is most people became homeless after losing a loved one. Someone close to them died and their life spiraled out of control. Addiction and mental illness soon follows because how could it not when you live in a tent. People should ask them self 'if I suddenly became homeless could I survive without substances or without developing mental illness?' For how long? It's super fucking easy to look at these people and think they did that to them self but that's not the case. Who would do that? There is almost zero avenues out of homelessness in this province due to the price of housing so once you fall there is no way to get on your feet again. I would probably sniff fentynal to ease that pain too.
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Well-known member
Jul 15, 2004
The Toronto wants to be world class we have to have a Higher death rate to make room for immigrants. Shame on racist Toronto.

sarcasm to be clear. The city of Toronto worked when I was younger with mostly hobby homeless (hitchhikers etc)
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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2014
Kind of you to assume I'm in a financial position to help. I help homeless people on an individual basis when ever I can and give to the food bank on a regular basis. I'm not sure why you decided to question my intentions or efforts but I can promise you I'm no hypocrite.
I am assuming that virtually everyone on this site has the financial position to help, or at least should have . Having said that many would realistically argue that money sent in that direction has an extraordinarily low return rate , both in the short and the long term. Most of these people are damaged beyond repair. The funds might be better spent trying to help those who are teetering on the edge of homelessness - maybe help the working poor more . Difficult questions / difficult answers. The way that both Trudeau and Ford allocate their spending disgusts me - billions in corporate subsidies with a very remote pathway to providing a net benefit EVER !!


Jan 4, 2005
There is no way out once you reach a certain point. Getting a job is impossible. No address, no phone, rough appearance, even bad teeth willl instantly disqualify you. At a certain point, they feel worthless and even unworthy of a job and proper life. Subconsciously they probably want to die.

Many advanced countries such as the Scandinavian countries have successfully reduced homelessness. Canada should be able to do the same with all its resources.
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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2007
Most people assume drugs or mental illness but the reality is most people became homeless after losing a loved one. Someone close to them died and their life spiraled out of control. Addiction and mental illness soon follows because how could it not when you live in a tent. People should ask them self 'if I suddenly became homeless could I survive without substances or without developing mental illness?' For how long? It's super fucking easy to look at these people and think they did that to them self but that's not the case. Who would do that? There is almost zero avenues out of homelessness in this province due to the price of housing so once you fall there is no way to get on your feet again. I would probably sniff fentynal to ease that pain too.
I can see that, but not in most cases. Depends on ones personal constitution I suppose. I`ve lost over four dozen family and friends and have done quite well in life, I`m 66 and count my blessings daily.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
At this point a significant percentage of the homeless population in the downtown core is immigrants trudeau invited here with absolutely no hope of housing. I don't imagine this is what they expected to find on their quest for a better life. Imagine leaving your actual house in your home country with lofty promises of a great life in Canada just to have sleep on a sidewalk? This is total madness.


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2011
I can see that, but not in most cases. Depends on ones personal constitution I suppose. I`ve lost over four dozen family and friends and have done quite well in life, I`m 66 and count my blessings daily.
Consider yourself lucky in that case. Not everyone fares so well.
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