Toronto Sun, worst newspaper around?


Active member
Jul 7, 2004
Just wanted to know what you guys thought.

I personally can't stand reading the sun, in fact the only reason that i do read it when I'm eating my mcdonald's is to read their sports section, which is great (in comparison to the globe and post, but still not as good as The Star). But what I can't really stand is how biased their news articles are. The hallmark of any good newspaper is their neutrality and focus on reporting facts. I've been noticing a shift the right when reading news articles. And don't get me started on how you can have 3-4 pages of continous adverstisements or the annoying 1 sentence responses to reader mail... or the horrible editorials that don't even attempt to give a left and right wing view.... how how it seems like all the editors are being paid off by the federal conservatives to kiss butt. It seems like the Sun francise is rapidly mirroring the shift in the NY Post when it was bought by Murdoch.

I just wanted to know what you guys thought the sun. I consider it a coffee shop paper, a paper with just enough facts to give you a quick run down of what's happening in the time it takes you to drink a coffee, but not enough to make you feel like you know what's really going on.


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
I find that people who read the Sun, are the people who have to move their lips when they read.

It is poorly written IMHO. I remember reading an article several times because it just didn't make any (grammatical) sense.

Even their front cover is a joke. You can have a picture of an attack on troops in Iraq with the caption "Jays win their 8th straight game"


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Surely you folks have never read the Buffalo News. Where the staff assumes the readership is liberal and stupid. Ok the 2 might go together


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
yes the Sun is extremely bad and limited in its writing style and scope with the exception of Eric Margolis, who is neither a leftie suck up or a Georgie jr lover, but did you guys miss the post about the National Post making up a story about Iranian Jews being forced to wear yellow badges :rolleyes:


New member
Apr 26, 2006
1hornychinaman said:
Just wanted to know what you guys thought.

I personally can't stand reading the sun, in fact the only reason that i do read it when I'm eating my mcdonald's is to read their sports section, which is great (in comparison to the globe and post, but still not as good as The Star). But what I can't really stand is how biased their news articles are. The hallmark of any good newspaper is their neutrality and focus on reporting facts. I've been noticing a shift the right when reading news articles. And don't get me started on how you can have 3-4 pages of continous adverstisements or the annoying 1 sentence responses to reader mail... or the horrible editorials that don't even attempt to give a left and right wing view.... how how it seems like all the editors are being paid off by the federal conservatives to kiss butt. It seems like the Sun francise is rapidly mirroring the shift in the NY Post when it was bought by Murdoch.

I just wanted to know what you guys thought the sun. I consider it a coffee shop paper, a paper with just enough facts to give you a quick run down of what's happening in the time it takes you to drink a coffee, but not enough to make you feel like you know what's really going on.
I agree with you 100%...... I would describe teh Sun as more of a tabloid than a newspaper...

Now, we all know that every paper plays politics to some degree, and it is known which they all lean, but the Sun is the least responsible in this regard. For example, the Star is clearly more centre-left leaning, but I find that it will still report the facts, regardless of the position. The sun, on the other hand, will refer to the Liberals as the 'Fiberals' in news articles. Now, regardless of what party you support, that is not appropriate for a newspaper to do. They should report the news, period.

I tend to glance at the Sun online only after reading the Star, just to see how they slanted the same news stories. It is usually quite amusing.

Ok.. rant over :)



Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Not really guys, shit happens in the newspaper world!!

Cant really go there!!

BTW.......cant wait to get a massage from Britney....Love you baby!!!! ;)


New member
Apr 26, 2006
Hard Idle said:
The Sun is a dumbass paper. However there is no such thing as an unbiased newspaper.
You are right, as I said, they are all biased, but the Sun is much more obviously biased as they won't even report on events/stories that negatively influence their position.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
What would expect...

...of a newspaper that publishes photos of strippers everyday to increase readership, and has a large advertising section devoted to escorts, and does so without shame?

It is a rag...the worse I have ever seen in a city this size. I honestly can't say I've ever "read" it, because I laugh and SMH whenever I see a copy.

What a joke...


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Unlike the Star which is so full of leftist shit that you can't even line the birdcage with it. The shit leaps off the page and sticks to the bird.

Never Compromised

Hiding from Screw Worm
Feb 1, 2006
Every news outlet has a bias. The Sun was created to cater to the "working man and woman" that rides the TTC every day to work (which is why it is folded the way it is). The stories are deliberately short and the style of writing is easy to read on a moving bus. No great thought is needed to get through the Sun.


Jan 18, 2004
Yes thanks to the Star we now know the shit staturation limit of newsprint. We all know why you guys still read the Sun. It's so you can look at the sunshine girl and try to figureout which strip club or massage parlour she works at :p.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2001
Take the Sun for what it is. Toronto needs at least one paper to show the right's point of view, seeing how the Red Star won't. The Star may give it's readers more of the facts behind an article, but if the story is negative about the Liberals, they somehow seem to miss the story that day, or put it near the back of the paper. As for the Star having a better sports section than the Sun, I don't think so. There is no comparison, the Sun gives far more coverage to sports than the Star does. Every paper shows their bias when printing a story, if you think they wouldn't distort the facts to show their bias, keep believing everything you read. I would rather read the Sun's slant on the news than the Star's.


New member
Jan 31, 2005
I buy 2 papers every morning on the way to the office. Sun and the National Post.

1) Sun; Check out SS Girl, check for any Porn Star features at the Sc's, read the Sports (best in Canada IMHO)

2) National Post; Everything else

That about sums it up.


Active member
Jun 7, 2003
1hornychinaman said:
Just wanted to know what you guys thought.

I personally can't stand reading the sun, in fact the only reason that i do read it when I'm eating my mcdonald's is to read their sports section, which is great (in comparison to the globe and post, but still not as good as The Star). But what I can't really stand is how biased their news articles are.
As I no longer live in Ontario, I now only get to read either the Sun or the Star during the few weeks I visit over the summer. However, based on what I’ve read I agree that the Sun is biased but I don’t see how it is any more biased than the Star (but in a different direction). Personally, when I’m in Toronto, I try to read both the Star and Sun once a week just to see what others are getting exposed to. I don’t take either paper seriously as anything other then an indication of what others are reading (as hence presumably believe). I would say that both papers are crap. Nonetheless, the fact that you pick out the Sun and not the Star, gives me an indication of your own bias.


Active member
Sep 11, 2004
like some of the others, i really only pick sun for sports section and sunshing girl as a bonus. I will say, as far as regular news, globe and NP are much better than suns. But their sports section is bruuuuuutall!!!!


New member
Sep 1, 2005
At least the Sun has some left of centre/ left wing writers too

This debate has been going on since my Journalism class in the 70's!

I agree with what most people are saying in this thread. Most are saying that except for the Globe and Mail,the Star and Sun are not catering to those who are looking for a "deep read".

The Sun is like a bulletin board you can read while eating a slice of pizza or to pass the time or in a waiting room if the magazines are old. The Sun is better than the Star for the editorials and letters to the editor because they allow both sides of the argument and have some liberal writers. You will never see a right of centre editorial in the Star.

The Star makes me shake my head when I read it because it only views the world from a Liberal or NDP perspective. If it had a a more balanced approach I would read it more often..except if I order a pizza.

Personally I just get my news from the internet now so unless the Sun has a very colourful front page or there is big news in the world... I stick to the net.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
It's a piece of shit newspaper, aimed for people on the go (mainly TTC).
Look at how it's designed, like a big floppy book.
That's what I think of it.
It's almost, but not quite, borderline grocery store crap. ie - The Enquirer.
Toronto Escorts