Actually I'm an engineer, not a teacher (and judging from the yearly bonuses I've received a reasonably competent one).
Competence and compensation are not always related in a cause and affect relationship
or C) a teacher that has 20 sick days and less than 200 banked. He / she may decide to suck it up. Supply teacher not needed.
No, not an option
If this teacher is incented to put the health of students at risk to build up his banked days , then this teacher has to go
Any teacher who puts his financial incentives above the welfare of a student , is not the right person for this job.
Period. There is no counter arguments for this
I think it would be reasonable to have 10 sick days per year bankable and even with the payout. That would mean a teacher could only be sick for 3 days per year to earn that bonus.
It is unreasonable to bank sick days
If you are sick use one of your 20 days , if you do not use them they disappear at the end of the year.
You have inadvertently pointed out the crux of the issue
These are sick days, yet teachers view them as
a bonus
Lets call a spade a spade here.
The province can no longer afford bonuses for teachers
You are flat out wrong. Any compensation earned under a previous contract can not be taken away. All that a new contract could do is change what goes on from the date a new contract takes effect. This has been commented on in the news about the deals that were agreed to. The news has made it quite clear that all sick days already banked are kept but no additional days could be banked. The news has also stated that teachers will still get a payout at 2012 rates for any of those currently banked sick days they still have upon retirement.
Please provide a reference
I think this is just your opinion of how it should be.
I noticed you avoided the hard question wrt reconciling the drop in Prov revenues vs. expected huge expected increases in health expenditure vs. teacher expectation to continue with excessive compensation until a Greek like tipping point occurs.
I knew you were to chicken shit & have no supportable response to these questions