Too to stop?


Jan 31, 2005
Just got a promotion at work with a big jump in pay. Had visited a couple sp's last year, but have seen 3 so far this month... Not sure I will hit 56, but here's hoping!

Now that I have a terb account, reviews of those 3 ladies are on the way!
Some advice:

Pretend you only got 1/3 of the extra pay, and bank the rest.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
In all seriousness. If you want to stop but can't.. Then you probably have a problem and should see somebody about it.. Sex addiction is a real thing.


Jun 6, 2009
Enjoy the ladies. You only live once!
From his post, it sounds like he's not enjoying it much, as it is playing a tune on his psyche. I'm surprised he knows how many SP's he's visited. That would seem to show he's really concerned with second thoughts.


Lucky lil Monkey...
Nov 18, 2009
Out being curious
Just keep going..enjoy will naturally balance out once you find better things to spend your money on...after i got my dream job..i pissed away way too much'd swear i was paying down a mortgage...then i wanted an amazing tv/
Home theatre-$16K..took a close friend on vacay-$6K..bought a restoration project car-$8K etc... Soon i went from seeing a few SP's/week to 2/month..each season of each year fluctuates depending on how much you spend on other stuff..this year has picked back up because i haven't done anything productive...but im sure once spring rolls around it will drop as i need to get a new transmission (for the project car) and i have a trip to miami to book.

Again...i say enjoy it...if you think you are wasting money ask yourself what you would have rather spent it on..if you cant come up with a good answer then no problem. If you are behind on stuff then ya..big problem.

If you are dependent on them to fill a need then that might too much..if you can go without seeing an SP for extended period and be OK then you're fine...if you're jonesing..then i say problem

I saw 3 sp's over the wknd 2 for an hr and one for 1.5..spent over $1K..and still went out with the boys to mingle..too much? Not to me..that could happen every week but i know it wont as a couple big ticket items are coming down the pipes..once i start planning and budgeting i will know when to cut back...if i have to stop seeing SP's for a few months or the rest of the year i wont have a issue..i dont depnd on them for anything..SP's are fun treats :)

Its only too much when it affects you psychologically and/or financially...if not then spend your $$$ how you see fit


Jan 31, 2005
If you really have a problem, in addition to the other suggestions, cut off your own access to cash. You can buy most things with a credit card. Presumably you are not billing escorts to a cc.

Cut up any debit cards except one that accesses only a chq acct into which you transfer only money you are willing to spend. Put the rest into GIC or investment accounts that takes some planning to get access to. Have your pay instantly transfer to savings account or prepayments on bills/cc.

If it takes you a couple of days to get your cash you will probably have a sober second thought before you get your hands on it other than for legitimate purposes.


Camel Toad
Nov 19, 2007
Gettin' Licked
Addiction has nothing to do with frequency. It has to do with an inability to stop. According the American Society of Addiction Medicine,
Late last year I thought i had a sex addiction as I seemed to be a little out of control. So far this year I have spent just over $100 on dancers and no SP's. Since the year rolled over I just haven't been jonesing like I was in Oct. - Dec..


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
With all those visits you must know the quality of the sp's quite well.


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Thanks all for the responses. Very insightful.

Some background: i have recently moved to Toronto and have had a hard time making real friends so maybe im trying to compensate. I have an addictive personality, specially for things that are "exciting" and on the edge. My job or source of income is very fast paced, high rush factor so the down times cant be filled by just relaxing.. It does at times interfere with self or family plans, and i'm def on terb/backpage/the blue board way too much. I know all this and still cant fuckin stay away...

I don't know, maybe a book on self psychological diagnosis might be a good idea or a visit to a pro even better but
I just know that something needs to change.

I've been honest with you guys/ladies and appreciate the honesty and kindness returned.

The struggle within.....


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
According to a previous post, you even keep all your exploits on a spreadsheet for keepsake. Can't get any better, can it?
Why didn't I think of doing that? I lost count years ago, and now it's just a big blur to me.

(a good blur, but a blur nonetheless...)


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
Probably the best approach is to manage the activity and not let it manage you. Seeing escorts is a lot of fun, but for most people it's not a substitute for emotional investment. Escorts are entertainment not a lifestyle and as far from reality as one can get. And they should be treated as such.
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