Bait and switch.
Simple hassle free full agreement of donation and service. No discussion at all. (Attached proof of the straight exchange)
Reached on time Airbnb just off BD Maisonnnevuve. Pictures false but anyway would you expect the service to go as discussed. handed over the money and everything changed.
suddenly it was just a rush to wear the condom and get through with it.
When I asked to slow down and don’t rush - she put on a false temper and a sick discussion on extras accusing me of being cheap. Abusive name calling etc.
When I asked she could have mentioned earlier and I could have been prepped (as a rule and precaution I carry cash on person exact as per deal agreed) she actually threatened to hit me and said she has a bad temper.
couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, just left - but would caution all to stay away. Can be a sticky situation with someone who clearly seemed not stable.
it’s a TOFTT

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