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To snip or not to snip... that is the question

Circumsice or don't?

  • Yes

    Votes: 54 49.1%
  • No

    Votes: 56 50.9%

  • Total voters


Mar 14, 2010
Are you Jewish or Mohammedan? If not, why do it?"side+effects"&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

From what I understand, the reason it became so "popular" among Christians in the US & Canada was that at a certain point in time, in order to become a urologist you had to have done a certain number of operations, and each circumcision counted a little bit toward that requirement. There were NO proven health benefits, it was purely a business/procedural thing. Similar to what used to happen with tonsilectomies. I don't know if the sheer number of appendectomies was similarly motivated.

Heard an interview some time ago with a late-30s guy having his remaining foreskin medically stretched - he had lost all sensation in his penis & his doctors told him it was because of the circumcision, & he might get some feeling back buy forcing the skin to regrow - the foreskin has a lot of sense nerves & supposedly they can regain a little function.

Also, it's not risk free. There was the case of the Winnipeg boy whose snipping was so botched the doctors convinced his parents to turn him into a girl, rather than live as a male with a disfigured penis. After he became a near grown man they told him the whole story & he got himself surgically turned back into a man. He had been suicidal most of his life & finally ended it by suicide.

Even if you discount this risk (extreme cautery mishap) as being extremely rare (I'm led to believe it's not), there are the much more common scarring and adhesion risks.

Why not let the kid grow up & make up his own mind?

EDIT: I hit "reply to thread" but the post showed up as a response ... I wasn't replying to any one person -


Jan 20, 2003
South West Ontario
I have a form of Phimosis, I think there is another name for it. Basically the the head of my penis is always covered, the foreskin 'hole' is too small to retract over the head. However the skin moves freely back and forth with the head inside. Does it make me last longer or shorter? I have no idea.
I have no cleanliness issues as I can let shower or bath water in to the hole. Never had an issue with BBBJ, only had to tell a few SPs that the skin doesn't retract. If circumcision was an easy option I might go for it, but a urologist I saw a few years ago said there was nothing to worry about.


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
For all of the anti-circumcision people, hey you are entitled to your opinion, just as the pros are entitled to theirs. That said, Canada Man you seem fucking obsessed! And I have plenty of posts so spare me the "you just joined" bullshit. I find your going on a lot about womens cleanliness and why should they have any say and plus your equalizing female (pleasure destroying and social controlling) genital mutilation to male circumcision flat out stupid. People keep reminding you the clit has all the nerves and is essential to enjoyment of sex while a cut dick still enjoys lots of sensation. Yet you keep arguing how they should be considered the same. I saw a documentary on CBC about circumcision and one of the guys on it was obsessed with it. He hung weights off his dick to force the foreskin to get it back. And he talked about suing his parents for abuse! I couldn't believe it! His parents who had lovingly raised him and fed him, clothed him and kept a roof over his head were bad people? I hope they cut off ties with the ungrateful prick so he can spend time with his weights for the holidays instead of his family.
Plus.... as has been mentioned before this cut thing is a non issue to us cut guys, do I remember having it? Nope. The pain? Nope. Do I think I don't enjoy enough sensation? Nope. Do I cum too fast ( people like Maya insinuate we all take forever due to it) Yes.

I had a roommate once who had polio and a bad limp as a result. Know how much he complained about how unfair life was? None. Yet some people here go on like circumcision is some life altering condition. It ain't... unless you wanna make it so. If not having a foreskin seems like a big deal, compare it to a few other losses... like a loved one or your job or your health. That this thread has become so heated reflects badly on how rabid the anti-circumsision feel. Ironic that nobody has mentioned that these same guys who feel so strongly about the pain as a baby still risk getting STDs by getting BBBJ and getting a q-tip jammed up thier cock once they go for testing. Now THAT is a pain you won't soon forget.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
wumpscut says:

For all of the anti-circumcision people, hey you are entitled to your opinion, just as the pros are entitled to theirs. That said, Canada Man you seem fucking obsessed! And I have plenty of posts so spare me the "you just joined" bullshit. I find your going on a lot about womens cleanliness and why should they have any say and plus your equalizing female (pleasure destroying and social controlling) genital mutilation to male circumcision flat out stupid. People keep reminding you the clit has all the nerves and is essential to enjoyment of sex while a cut dick still enjoys lots of sensation. Yet you keep arguing how they should be considered the same. I saw a documentary on CBC about circumcision and one of the guys on it was obsessed with it.
Obsessed? I am not the one that is starting insulting pro-circumcising threads calling intact males dirty, filthy and dehumanizing them. male and genital mutilation are the SAME they both involved chopping off pieces of healthy genitals from both males and females. they are done for the SAME reasons and the SAME excuses are used to justify mutilating people's genitals and those why are against them are often insulted by the the FGM AND mgm advocates. If you cannot handle opposing views from human rights advocates THAT IS YOUR PROBLEM

I saw a documentary on CBC about circumcision and one of the guys on it was obsessed with it. He hung weights off his dick to force the foreskin to get it back. And he talked about suing his parents for abuse! I couldn't believe it! His parents who had lovingly raised him and fed him, clothed him and kept a roof over his head were bad people? I hope they cut off ties with the ungrateful prick so he can spend time with his weights for the holidays instead of his family.
any parent that abuse their children which includes mutilating thier genitals DESERVED to get sued the foreskin is there is for a reason the user "pornaddict" posted a long article in this thread which is page4-7 and any doctor who mutilates healthy children deserved to have his medical liscence taken away.

SUNDAY TIMES, Perth, Western Australia, 26 December 1999, page 2.

The cruel cut that ruined a man's life
by Bruce Butler

A PERTH man has won a $360,000 damages payout after a WA doctor admitted he botched a circumcision operation which left the man with a badly deformed penis. [CIRP note: This is roughly equivalent to US$235,000.]

Plus.... as has been mentioned before this cut thing is a non issue to us cut guys, do I remember having it? Nope. The pain? Nope. Do I think I don't enjoy enough sensation? Nope. Do I cum too fast ( people like Maya insinuate we all take forever due to it) Yes.
not remembering the pain is a not an excuse to cut UN-CONSENTING Children. If being cut is a non-issue why do you cut guys like yourself always justifying your cut status? why do you types always start pro-circ threads on web forums? why do you always insult intact men who defend their right to remain as nature designed them from millions of years of evolution?

I had a roommate once who had polio and a bad limp as a result. Know how much he complained about how unfair life was? None. Yet some people here go on like circumcision is some life altering condition. It ain't... unless you wanna make it so. If not having a foreskin seems like a big deal, compare it to a few other losses... like a loved one or your job or your health. That this thread has become so heated reflects badly on how rabid the anti-circumsision feel. Ironic that nobody has mentioned that these same guys who feel so strongly about the pain as a baby still risk getting STDs by getting BBBJ and getting a q-tip jammed up thier cock once they go for testing. Now THAT is a pain you won't soon forget.

cutting off unconsenting children's organs is a LIFE altering decision getting STD testing does not remove healthy tissue from a man's genitals and is less painful than a circumcision


Mar 14, 2010
do I remember having it? Nope. The pain? Nope.
I don't know what this point's supposed to prove. Young babies have not developed a part of the brain that transfers memory from short term to long term. You wouldn't remember having your leg cut off at the same age either.

most (but not all) who claim to remember events before this aren't remembering events - the events they "remember" are constructed (and were not placed in memory by the experience) .

some people here go on like circumcision is some life altering condition. It ain't...

unless you wanna make it so. If not having a foreskin seems like a big deal, compare it to a few other losses... like a loved one or your job or your health. That this thread has become so heated reflects badly on how rabid the anti-circumsision feel. Ironic that nobody has mentioned that these same guys who feel so strongly about the pain as a baby still risk getting STDs by getting BBBJ and getting a q-tip jammed up thier cock once they go for testing. Now THAT is a pain you won't soon forget.
I don't understand your point here .... You're claiming circumcised men CANNOT get STD's and uncut men will get them easily?


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
Seriously, Canadaman you feel its OK to sue parents is all I need to know. If you put 18 years of providing a loving home aside as not enough reason to not sue your parents for circumcising you that proves obsession to me. BTW this is my second post in almost 1100 on the subject so obviously you are mistaken plus I did not start this thread, I came in after 5 pages of "oh the humanity" like this was life or death drivel. Compare that to the # you have out of 1800 posts for comparison. As for your right to defend, of course you have it. Just keep it in proportion, if you take a kid who is circumsised but raised in a loving family and grows up to have a normal sex life and compare him to an uncircumsized boy who was raised in a abusive (physical and emotional) environment, which were the shittier parents? If you choose the circumcised kid, that tells me something about you. That you called circumcision life altering makes me realize how messed up your thinking is. Compare cut vs uncut how do they function different? Both pee, both can fuck so why is having a foreskin that essential?
Odie.... are you seriously comparing a leg amputation to a circumsision!!! Surely you can't be serious. That David Reimer story is a tragedy but no different than when a doctor sews up a patient with a tool still inside or surgically removes the wrong organ. Thats malpractice and doesn't apply to the vast majority of circumcisions. And for the comparison about losses (which you missed completely) my life WOULD BE NOT BE ONE bit different without or with a foreskin. My friends would be the same, my education , my job and probably my sex life, I can't say for sure as perhaps some women have a preference? We can banter back and forth but frankly its waste of time, you will never see the way I feel and I will never see yours.

P.S. I wish you anti-cut crowd would explain exactly how this is so life altering FOR THEM. Has it cost you relationships, been ridiculed.... whatever. I played hockey, lived in residence with a shared shower in university yet my being cut and other guys not never even came up as a conversation. Was this always a big deal to you guys or not until you got older?


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I don't understand your point here .... You're claiming circumcised men CANNOT get STD's and uncut men will get them easily?
I don't know what exactly he was saying in his post, but there was an article in the Hamilton Spectator a week or so back concerning a recent study which indicates that it is much more likely that an uncircumsized male will contract an STD as compared to a circumsized male. I did not go and read the study so I cannot comment as to it's veracity (mainly because I don't care).


Active member
Aug 26, 2001
What I was saying is that we are debating a surgical procedure that causes pain to babies but as adults we do risky things with our penises whether cut or uncut like unsafe sex which could lead to a painful STD or at least cause the need to get tested to see if we are OK. That test involves getting a Q-tip like device which feels like sandpaper being jammed into your urethra.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
if you take a kid who is circumsised but raised in a loving family and grows up to have a normal sex life and compare him to an uncircumsized boy who was raised in a abusive (physical and emotional) environment, which were the shittier parents?
both parents are abusive and and mutilating a child`s genitals is also abusive

Both pee, both can fuck so why is having a foreskin that essential?

already posted in this thread by terb poster Pornaddict

What Are the Foreskin`s Functions?

The foreskin has numerous protective, sensory, and sexual functions.

Protection: Just as the eyelids protect the eyes, the foreskin protects the glans and keeps its surface soft, moist, and sensitive. It also maintains optimal warmth, pH balance, and cleanliness. The glans itself contains no sebaceous glands-glands that produce the sebum, or oil, that moisturizes our skin.11 The foreskin produces the sebum that maintains proper health of the surface of the glans.
Immunological Defense: The mucous membranes that line all body orifices are the body`s first line of immunological defense. Glands in the foreskin produce antibacterial and antiviral proteins such as lysozyme.12 Lysozyme is also found in tears and mother`s milk. Specialized epithelial Langerhans cells, an immune system component, abound in the foreskin`s outer surface.13 Plasma cells in the foreskin`s mucosal lining secrete immunoglobulins, antibodies that defend against infection.14
Erogenous Sensitivity: The foreskin is as sensitive as the fingertips or the lips of the mouth. It contains a richer variety and greater concentration of specialized nerve receptors than any other part of the penis.15 These specialized nerve endings can discern motion, subtle changes in temperature, and fine gradations of texture.16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23
Coverage During Erection: As it becomes erect, the penile shaft becomes thicker and longer. The double-layered foreskin provides the skin necessary to accommodate the expanded organ and to allow the penile skin to glide freely, smoothly, and pleasurably over the shaft and glans.
Self-Stimulating Sexual Functions: The foreskin`s double-layered sheath enables the penile shaft skin to glide back and forth over the penile shaft. The foreskin can normally be slipped all the way, or almost all the way, back to the base of the penis, and also slipped forward beyond the glans. This wide range of motion is the mechanism by which the penis and the orgasmic triggers in the foreskin, frenulum, and glans are stimulated.
Sexual Functions in Intercourse: One of the foreskin`s functions is to facilitate smooth, gentle movement between the mucosal surfaces of the two partners during intercourse. The foreskin enables the penis to slip in and out of the vagina nonabrasively inside its own slick sheath of self-lubricating, movable skin. The female is thus stimulated by moving pressure rather than by friction only, as when the male`s foreskin is missing.
The foreskin fosters intimacy between the two partners by enveloping the glans and maintaining it as an internal organ. The sexual experience is enhanced when the foreskin slips back to allow the male`s internal organ, the glans, to meet the female`s internal organ, the cervix-a moment of supreme intimacy and beauty.
The foreskin may have functions not yet recognized or understood. Scientists in Europe recently detected estrogen receptors in its basal epidermal cells.24 Researchers at the University of Manchester found that the human foreskin has apocrine glands.25 These specialized glands produce pheromones, nature`s chemical messengers. Further studies are needed to fully understand these features of the foreskin and the role they play.


New member
Apr 1, 2005
I don't know what exactly he was saying in his post, but there was an article in the Hamilton Spectator a week or so back concerning a recent study which indicates that it is much more likely that an uncircumsized male will contract an STD as compared to a circumsized male. I did not go and read the study so I cannot comment as to it's veracity (mainly because I don't care).
There is a problem with some of the STD studies and circumcision - particularly HIV.
The studies have not shown that circumcision provides protection against HIV - only that it makes it less likely over certain periods of time. So this means that it will take you longer(or allow you to have more sex) before you contract HIV. But of course, having condoms reduces the rate of infection to close to zero. So, in those countries where safe sex is being promoted, another alternative is provided which is very very unsafe - circumcision(when compared to condom use). Assuming you are circumsized would you have unprotected sex with SPs(assuming they would allow it) because you are 'protected' by circumcison. Of course not. End of medical issue for circumcision.
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