My best friend was slapped, hard, by his wife 3 weeks ago. They are having problems. Go figure. Her behavior has been irrational for a while. To simply protect himself and to get it on the record, my friend called the police. When the police arrived, she admitted the slap (assault). She also gave the cops a little attitude. They took all the information, suggested that it would be best for all concerned if she went to stay with her parents. The next day they decided to lay an assault charge. They informed the husband that they did not need his OK. It gets worse for little Miss Slap Happy. Cops phoned her at her parents and asked her to come in to the station to deal with the charge. She refused, informing that she wanted to discuss with her dad and get a lawyer. Guess it did not go over too well with the cops, as they sent a squad car to expedite matters!! She was taken away in handcuffs. Apparently, it did not help her cause when she questioned the parentage of the police officers and also confused their uniforms with those of the Gestapo.
She now has a court order to not go home or make any contact with her husband. This situation stays in effect until the court order is rescinded. She does not get on well with her parents, but is now stuck with having to live with them and their endless advice and input. Tragic. She might have the criminal charge set aside when it gets to court if she agrees to certain conditions. One of them would be an anger management course with a therapist. Apparently she is very angry about this as she feels that she does not have an anger problem.
Whist I love this egalitarian age in which we find ourselves, violence is not OK.