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To slap back or not slap back, i.e, the ?


Active member
Jul 19, 2003
Deep within the Forest
I was taught this at an early age....NEVER HIT (or slap) a girl. The same is true with a woman, suck it up and walk away. If she tries to slap you again, take her hands but do not retaliate....

Now I know a lot depends on the circumstances. In the video, she shouldn't have bitch slapped the dude, but his reaction should have been to look her in the eye and tell her: "Never do that again".

The rest of the vid is pretty lame, btw, don't waste your time watching past the first 15 seconds....


True Looser
Dec 30, 2004
Macator2003 said:
I was taught this at an early age....NEVER HIT (or slap) a girl.....
Agreed, I was taught the same, NEVER HIT a girl. Hopefully I'll never have to go thru that situation :D

Macator2003 said:
The rest of the vid is pretty lame, btw, don't waste your time watching past the first 15 seconds....
True.....the rest of vid is no action unless you understand Hindi, then its got some interesting vocabulary.

I'll add one thing here....everywhere else on internet I find most girls are saying HIT back. Guys are NO way.

I wonder what the SPs here think?


New member
Nov 16, 2001
I would control myself but I see nothing wrong with what he did.
It's not like he punched her in the face.
He did exactly the same thing she did and she touched him first.
Women do not have a free pass to go around hitting guys without repercussions.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
In the India video they speak english right after the slap exchange. Other guys intervene and you hear the guy beginning to cry because of the slap "How can she slap me" while one other guy kept saying "How can you slap her ?". They begin speaking their own language at about 50 seconds.
I laughed when the guy started crying.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Presuming I did not deserve the shot.... :D

I would tell her not to do that again. If she tried I would block her arm while again warning her not to do that. If she continued to persist in her attempts I imagine at some point I would get annoyed enough to hand her one back although that would largely depend on our relative sizes and abilities.

I was taught not to hit a "lady".... someone trying to slap me for no reason is not a lady.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Malibook said:
I would control myself but I see nothing wrong with what he did.
You're not controlling yourself if you slap her back.

There's no excuse to hit a women. You're not a man if you do.


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
Moraff said:
Presuming I did not deserve the shot.... :D

I would tell her not to do that again. If she tried I would block her arm while again warning her not to do that. If she continued to persist in her attempts I imagine at some point I would get annoyed enough to hand her one back although that would largely depend on our relative sizes and abilities.

I was taught not to hit a "lady".... someone trying to slap me for no reason is not a lady.

Good show.....

I think that if it isn't physically damaging, the 1st slap should be free as a courtesy.... BUT I should then be able to warn her that if she does it again she's getting one back & then follow through...

Its fair then because she will know that she knowingly brought it on herself & decided to to.

It is also good for ANY human being to understand they they are NOT Invulnerable & inviolable & that they should act accordingly.... Chris Rock put it best when he said theres nothing worse behaved than a woman who KNOWS she's not going to get hit....

I'd wager that ALL people would be the same.... Think of the mouthpieces in the bars who think they can get away with being total dicks because their buddies with the bouncers.... etc

I don't mean hit hard.... don't have to..... It's the CERTAINTY of a consequence that deters people... Not the severity... So long as there's a percieveable chance of escaping the consequences... many will risk it no matter what they are..... But if the consequence is both Known & Certain... they have to weigh if what theyre doing is really worth it...

Some women may decide getting another slap in is worth a cuffing..... at that point its Their decision....

However if I DID something to deserve the slap.... I would let it go totally & depending on what I had done maybe several more besides....


Eat the Weak
Jun 12, 2006
Keebler Elf said:
You're not controlling yourself if you slap her back.

There's no excuse to hit a women. You're not a man if you do.

Another White Knoght Errant.... charging to the rescue....

Who the fuck are YOU to determine if that makes someone a man or not?


New member
Sep 15, 2001
Malibook said:
I would control myself but I see nothing wrong with what he did.
It's not like he punched her in the face.
He did exactly the same thing she did and she touched him first.
Women do not have a free pass to go around hitting guys without repercussions.
I agree with Malibook on this one. Except that context is very important. Depends on what provoked the woman. We can't see in the video what the guy did. He also slapped her back about twice as hard, which is taking advantage of his superior power. But overall, I free passes to go around hitting guys.

On the other hand, I prefer to avoid this kind of violence, whether with male or female. And I've been surprisingly successful so far.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
themexi said:
Another White Knoght Errant.... charging to the rescue....

Who the fuck are YOU to determine if that makes someone a man or not?
I'm someone who can control myself and not resort to cave man tactics to hit a woman. It's called walking away and being the bigger man. But quite obviously that concept eludes your simple mind.

You're pathetic with all your rationalizing of how it's okay for you to hit a woman. I'm sure you've had practice. :rolleyes:

But on the bright side, I'll be laughing at you when you get arrested.

p.s., if you're going to try and make the "white knight" allusion, at least do so in the proper context you fucking retard.

I'm laughing at you, not with you. lol!

Back Burner

In Protest! See Location!
Keebler Elf said:
I'm someone who can control myself and not resort to cave man tactics to hit a woman. It's called walking away and being the bigger man. But quite obviously that concept eludes your simple mind.

You're pathetic with all your rationalizing of how it's okay for you to hit a woman. I'm sure you've had practice. :rolleyes:

But on the bright side, I'll be laughing at you when you get arrested.

So women are allowed to "not" control themselves but men should?

Fuck that. You give it, you better expect to take it.


Hunting..what ??
Apr 21, 2006
Very Retired
Back Burner said:
So women are allowed to "not" control themselves but men should?

Fuck that. You give it, you better expect to take it.
i agree, just becasue i am female, it DOES NOT give me the right to hit a man (or anyone) for no reason.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Keebler Elf said:
There's no excuse to hit a women. You're not a man if you do.
Elf, you do not determine society etiquette.

themexi said:
Another White Knoght Errant.... charging to the rescue....

Who the fuck are YOU to determine if that makes someone a man or not?

Keebler Elf said:
You're pathetic with all your rationalizing of how it's okay for you to hit a woman. I'm sure you've had practice.

But on the bright side, I'll be laughing at you when you get arrested.
If you knew the law she would be the one arrested. She hit him first, he defended himself. As long as he keeps it within reason, meaning defending himself. I know this for a fact, police, charges, court.

Welcome to 2009 Elf.

As for how I would react ?
There was a time I would just turn the other cheek, now I am not so sure.
Depends on the situation.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
Ironhead said:
Elf, you do not determine society etiquette.
Incorrect.... individuals do determine what is socially acceptible. What is deemed moral and good by a society is whatever the majority of that society believes (or a really loud minority and and apathetic majority).

In our society one is good and moral if one opposes human sacrifice.

If you were back in the days of the Aztecs you would be a nutcase for having those same beliefs.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Ironhead said:
In the India video they speak english right after the slap exchange. Other guys intervene and you hear the guy beginning to cry because of the slap "How can she slap me" while one other guy kept saying "How can you slap her ?". They begin speaking their own language at about 50 seconds.
I laughed when the guy started crying.
So what do you feel would have been more appropriate? As several posters have written women shouldn't get a free shot. I'd also be interested in what Indian law is on this, and whether he had signed waivers that covered it.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Me ... Yes

Macator ... NO

Spacy ... NO

Mali ... YES

Moraff ... YES

Elf ... NO

TheMexi ... YES

Questor ... suggests yes, but not sure.

Vsailor ... NO

BB ... YES !

Amber ... YES, first and only female so far(as far as I can tell).

Aardvark ... did not answer.

As I type this out the last response is from Aardvark post #21 where he quotes me.

The count is ...
No would not slap back - four(4) votes.
Yes would slap back - six and a half(6.5) votes.

So society and the law are on my side.:)
Have a nice day.
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